Applying for job while having Engineering ATKTs pending

Last Updated on August 7, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar

Most MNCs and local factories are interested in knowing about the academic performance of a student, before they hire him. By hiring him, they are making an investment. Their priority number one is- ROI. That is Return on the Investment that they are going to make. When it comes to GTU students and ATKT rules, many doubts prevails. Many students, who have ATKTs pending to be solved, aren’t sure about whether they should apply for a job or not. Let me clear some facts about this topic in this article.

pending ATKTs

First of all, most employers won’t give a damn to the ATKTs that you racked up in the first few semesters. They understand how many students struggle to adapt to the pace of Engineering, and how they muster up numerous backlogs.

Employers mainly look at the last four semesters, for evaluating the academic performance of an Engineering graduate. They also give priority to extra-curricular activities of the student.

So, if you have good scores throughout the last 4 semesters, and had quite some backlogs in the first few semesters, there is nothing to worry much. Most MNCs are okay with it.

But if last four semesters of yours have also been riddled with backlogs, it won’t impress employers at all. In such cases, they usually delve deeper and try to test the academic knowledge of the candidate, by asking him/her technical questions.

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But it is very much possible to apply for jobs, even if you have ATKTs pending. And you may also bag the job, that depends on how well you perform at the interview. Many companies hire such candidates and later allow them time to clear the pending backlogs.

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