Less saturated & high job opportunity Engineering Branches

Last Updated on July 24, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar

With each passing year, the number of students opting for Engineering courses are increasing! While this trend has some advantages, it also comes along with many bad effects! More and more 12th Science stream students are able to realize their dream of pursuing an Engineering course! At the same time, this has resulted in excessive increase in the number of Engineering graduates passing out each year from Colleges around India. In short, this trend has made the field of Engineering too saturated! So much is the level of saturation that it has become difficult for Engineering graduates to find a decent job after graduation! In this article, I’ve listed some good Engineering branches that are not too saturated. Thus, pursuing these branches will help one land a decent job relatively easily! Also, I’ve mentioned some ways in which one may tackle this issue of saturation in Engineering field.

Before we dive into the meat of the matter, let us focus our attention on some factors responsible for increase in saturation in the field of Engineering. Here we go-

Factors responsible for saturation of Engineering field

The main reason behind this trend is the excessive freedom given to the Private Sector to indulge in Education related matters by the Government. For example, in the past, there used to be few Private Institutes that offered Professional course programs like Engineering.


But thanks to the liberal policies of the Government and not too strict quality control policies, too many Private Organizations and Trusts have ventured into this field of ‘Engineering education’!


They started treating Education as a business. Soon, number of new Private Engineering Colleges began to pop up across various parts of India. This resulted in increased number of Engineering seats. So, unlike in the past, more 12th Science students now have the opportunity to pursue Engineering. This essentially has given rise to the increase in number of Engineering graduates passing out of Colleges each year and ultimately resulted in the saturation of this field!


Another factor responsible for this trend is the ‘value of the course’. You see, in the past, Engineering used to be a very valuable course. Engineering Colleges were very less in number in India in the past. Very few Engineering graduates passed out of College each year. Also, the Industrial sector of India was seeing a revolution. Engineers were in huge demand. They were pampered by Companies and compensated very well. So, Engineering was a course that held much value.


This has resulted in more and more students opting for this professional course. But, over time, this field has become so saturated that the value of this course has been reduced considerably!


Now, let us check out the list of Engineering branches that are relatively less saturated. Please note that these branches are less saturated when compared to the other heavily saturated Engineering branches!


List of not too saturated Engineering Branches


1 Instrumentation and Control Engineering


I’ve already written a detailed article about IC (Instrumentation and Control Engineering). When compared to other branches of Engineering, IC is a branch that is less saturated. First of all, there are relatively lesser number of Institutes offering this course. Then there are students who are not well aware of this branch of Engineering. They usually refrain from pursuing this course!


All this has resulted in IC Engineering being a relatively low saturated branch! IC and Automation professionals are in huge demand in almost all core Industries. And this demand is not adequately met, in terms of IC graduates coming out of Colleges each year! So, finding a decent job after IC Engineering won’t be too tough a task for graduates!


2 Chemical Engineering


Unlike IC branch, Chemical Engineering course is offered by large number of Institutes throughout India. But, when compared to other branches, relatively lesser number of students chooses this course. Mainly it is due to the fact that many students see this branch as a tough one.


Traditionally, Chemistry is seen as a tough subject. So, students tend to think that Chemical Engineering too will be a tough nut to crack. Also, students tend to be sceptical about the work place that they’ll have to face, while doing job after Chemical Engineering. These factors collectively makes sure that Chemical Engineering still remains a relatively high-saturation free branch!


3 Biotechnology


Biotechnology course might have existed a long time back! But, it was during the recent past that the course gained popularity and emerged as a ‘new age’ branch! Sure, Biotechnology is a good branch and offers good career prospects. But, relatively, it is a new entrant. So, it is still not saturated! A good alternative to this course is- B.Sc. Biotechnology.


Further, there are limited numbers of Institutes offering this professional course as of now! Biotechnology field is going through a phase of growth. I’ve already written an article about the career prospects and details associated with Biotechnology. It is sure thing that this branch will come up with loads of job opportunities in the near future!


4 Petroleum Engineering


To be honest, there are very few good quality Institutes present, which offers Petroleum Engineering in India at the moment. This limited number of Institutes, and thus limited number of seats, has made sure that only limited number of Petroleum Engineering graduates pass out of colleges each year!


On the other hand, Petroleum Industry is quite a demanding one! Qualified Petroleum Engineers are in huge demand these days!


5 Power Engineering

Power Plant

Power Engineering earlier used to be more of a sub-branch! The arrival of Power Engineering as a main branch took place in the recent past! So, like Biotechnology, this one is a new entrant and thus has been less saturated so far!


Also, less numbers of Institutes are offering this course at the moment.


6 Food Processing and Technology

Cheese making

Food Processing and Technology branch also has a similar story to tell! When it comes to this branch, there are relatively lesser number of Colleges offering this course and thus there are less number of seats available! Also, this branch gained popularity not too long ago.


Another thing is that 12th Science students don’t really appreciate this course. They are sceptic, when it comes to this course’s scope and the career prospects that it offers.


7 Automobile Engineering


This branch earlier used to be under the shadow of the traditional Mechanical Engineering branch. It was something that students used to pursue as a PG (Post Graduate) course after Mechanical Engineering course!


Now, Automobile Engineering is available in the form of an Undergraduate course and it is taken by relatively lesser number of student. Also, it is a specialized course and helps one get trained to take on responsibilities in the Automobile Industry!


8 Mining Engineering

Open pit mining

Many students won’t even be aware about the existence of such a branch of Engineering! Such is the lack of popularity that this course is getting to enjoy!


This lack of popularity is also joined by the lack of good number of Institutes offering this course. Both these factors together have ensured that this branch of Engineering enjoys a very low saturation level! You may also check – Mining engineering course.


9 Safety Technology and Engineering


This course is a new entrant and is also not very popular among students. The main reason behind this lack of popularity is the availability of Diploma as well as certificate Safety Technology courses. These courses are offered by low quality institutes. So, students have a notion that Safety Technology and Engineering is also a similar course.


This has resulted in this branch being low saturated. But, to be honest, Safety Technology and Engineering is a very good course, looking from career prospects’ point of view!


Those were some very good Engineering branches that are relatively less saturated. Now, let us see why the above mentioned branches are less saturated. You may also check – Fire and Safety technology courses in India.


Reasons why the above mentioned Engineering Branches are less saturated

It is quite evident from the list of branches that a set of factors are responsible for this trend. Those factors are- less number of takers for the course owing to lack of popularity of the course, the course being relatively new, less number of seats/less number of Colleges offering the course and the course being too tough.


Advantages of pursuing a less saturated branch

The main advantage is that since the field is not too saturated, there will be less trouble in landing a decent job. Also, there will be demand for graduates hailing from such non-saturated branches. So, scaling up the career ladder will also be relatively easy!


Ways to tackle the problem of saturation in Engineering field

It is not possible to select an Engineering branch from the above mentioned list in everyone’s case! One student might be passionate about IT (Information Technology) Engineering, so what should he/she do?


A good way to face saturation in any Engineering branch is by securing admission in a reputed college! You see, saturation is bad since it makes job hunting difficult. But, in case of reputed colleges, above average students may easily bag good jobs through Campus Placement!


Another good way to face this issue is by pursuing a good Post Graduate course after completion of Degree. Suppose you finished IT Engineering from a not so reputed College and are struggling to find a job, you may try to get admission in MBA program of any reputed Institute! The addition of this good PG Degree to your CV will definitely help you in landing a good job!

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2 thoughts on “Less saturated & high job opportunity Engineering Branches”

  1. Sir , i was study in 10th standard..my exam is ended and i am ask to you…
    11th science a group engineering in
    Which line(degree) in this faculty is the best??
    And job ,work?

    Sir please write answer……


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