M.Sc. Horticulture: Eligibility, career scope & course details

Last Updated on August 10, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar

In this article, we will have an in-depth analysis of M.Sc. Horticulture course. It is a Master’s program that will help students specialize in sub-branches and disciplines within the field of Horticulture. In this article, you will be able to find information such as- basic course details, important subjects present, eligibility criteria, scope, and job opportunities.

Students who have a Bachelor’s Degree in Agriculture/Horticulture related courses, who want to pursue a PG course that focuses on Plant Cultivation, Research, and Genetics may pursue this M.Sc. program. Based on one’s interests, one may specialize in any discipline that falls under the field of Horticulture.

Let us focus on the basic course details and course duration now.

M.Sc. Horticulture: Basic course details

It is a 2 years long Post Graduate Level program. The 2 years duration is divided into 4 semesters, with each semester lasting a period of 6 months. During each semester, students will have to face separate sets of theoretical subjects as well as practical lab sessions associated with those subjects.

M.Sc.Horticulture program focuses on topics such as plant breeding, seed technology, plant cultivation, Plant Physiology, and Biochemistry. It is all about using concepts of Physical Science, Biology, and Technology to improve plant cultivation and productivity in terms of yield, just like B.Sc. Horticulture program. The only difference is that the M.Sc. program is much more detailed as well as research-oriented.

To get a better idea about the course structure, let us take a look at some of the important subjects present in M.Sc. Horticulture program. A number of topics present in this program are already present and being taught in the B.Sc. Horticulture program. But the study material is more advanced, in the case of the M.Sc. program.

M.Sc. Horticulture syllabus and important subjects

Only the important subjects have been listed. This has been done with the aim of giving the readers a basic idea about the course structure.

  • Plant Biochemistry.
  • Plant Microbiology.
  • Biotechnology.
  • Plant Physiology.
  • Molecular Biology.
  • Plant Genetics.
  • Plant Breeding.
  • Seed Technology.
  • Agricultural Meteorology.
  • Agronomy.
  • Soil Science and Engineering.
  • Agricultural Chemistry.
  • Fertilizer Technology.
  • Entomology.
  • Plant Pathology.
  • Agricultural Economics.
  • Agricultural Extension.
  • Post Harvest Technology.
  • Floriculture.
  • Plantation Management and Landscape Architecture.
  • Medicinal and Aromatic Plants.

Those were some of the important subjects present in M.Sc. Horticulture course. Along with theory classes, most of the above-mentioned subjects also have practical sessions associated with them. The course structure is a bit similar to M.Sc. Agriculture program.

Hands-on field training and Industrial visits also form an integral part of this M.Sc. program.

Eligibility Criteria

Since this is a PG course, possessing Bachelor’s Degree is necessary to pursue this course. To pursue this course, one must have Bachelor’s Degree such as B.Sc. Horticulture, B.Sc. Agriculture, Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Information Technology, etc. General Science graduates are also eligible to pursue this program, but then they’ll have to go through 2 additional semesters to master some important subjects.

Career scope and Job opportunities

Job opportunities are available in Government as well as Private sector. Talking about Government sector jobs, Officer level posts are available for M.Sc. Horticulture Graduates in State-wise Agriculture Departments, State-wise Forestry Departments, Fertilizer production units, Government Colleges (as Lecturers or Lab Technicians) as well as Boards like Spice/Coir/Rubber boards, etc.

Coming to the Private Sector, job opportunities are available in areas such as Private Plantations, Agricultural Machinery and Equipment manufacturing firms, Fertilizer production firms, Agricultural Products marketing firms, Ornamental plants and flowers businesses, Food Production and Technology Industry, Landscape Design and Interior Design firms, Private Colleges (as Lecturers or Lab Technicians) etc.

Taking up an advanced Ph.D. course will help one build a career in the lucrative Research and development sector associated with this field. One may also set up own Flower business, a consultancy firm, or even a landscape design and architecture agency. These are some excellent ways to remain self-employed!

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