Become a Commercial Pilot at less cost and fees in India

Last Updated on August 7, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar

Becoming a Pilot is a dream that many kids nourish and nurture during their childhood days. But as they grow up, many of them tend to take up professions other than that of a Commercial Pilot. Usually, they tend to choose a profession related to Engineering or Management streams! Coming to the point, why do many folks drop the idea of building a career in the Aviation sector? Is it due to the fact that recession has hit this sector bad and that many Pilots have been forced to take salary cuts and many have been axed from their jobs? The answer is- No! Recession has hit other sectors really bad as well! Take for instance Engineering graduates- many of them are forced to take up call centre job, many are forced to do jobs at paltry salary! Looking at that scenario, the scene of Aviation Industry is a lot better! It is the high training cost involved that really scares aspirants away from a career in Aviation! In this article, I’ll reveal some ways in which one can become a Commercial Pilot, at a fraction of the original training fees and expenses!

Become Commercial pilot at low training fees and costs!

Commercial Pilot training is costly, when it comes to private Institutes!


Yes, it is a sad reality that deters many youngsters to drop the idea of becoming a Pilot completely! To become a Commercial Pilot in any Public or Private Airline network, one must possess a CPL (Commercial Pilot Licence).

This licence is not like good old driving licence! It is not easy to get a CPL! One has to enroll at a Flying School, which is recognized by the Government (DGCA), clock certain flying hours in an aircraft under the guidance of a certified instructor. Usually, it is 200 hours. This training program lasts a year or more. And the expenses vary from 25 Lakhs up to Crores of Rupees, depending on the quality of the Institute and the value of the training program offered.


Eligibility Criteria and medical requirements required to undergo CPL training-

The minimum educational qualification required to enroll for CPL training is 10+2 schooling. Candidate must have completed 10+2 Science stream schooling with 50% marks in Physics and Mathematics.

The eyesight in one eye has to be perfect. In the other eye, an imperfection of 6/9 is allowed (it must be a correctable imperfection though). Candidates must not have serious physical deformity and any history of mental disorders or illness.


Kind of training provided-

The training period is 1 year long in case of most institutes. Some Training Schools also have crash course kind of program, whose duration is comparatively less.

The training process can be classified into two parts-

#1 Flying Training

#2 Ground Training


Ground training is all about dealing with aspects of Aviation such as- Navigation, Air Traffic Systems and rules, working of Aircraft machines and systems, safety systems etc.

Flying training is all about mastering the ‘art’ of flying an aircraft! This is the part that proves costly in the training process!

As I said before, a candidate has to clock 200 hours of flight hours before he/she is provided with a CPL!

Now, let us talk about the cost-effective methods to become a Commercial Pilot in India. So far, I’ve been providing details related to CPL training. Now, let me introduce before you the low cost way to acquire a CPL and become a Commercial Pilot.


Ways to become Commercial Pilot at low cost/fees

This task can be accomplished by taking help of the IAF (Indian Air Force). Yes, all you need to do is get selected into the IAF, undergo Pilot training at IAF, become a Military pilot and later make the switch to Commercial Airlines sector!

Let me explain about this process in detail. In case of candidates who apply for a job of a Flying Officer in IAF, the selection process is made. In case of the selected candidates, they are provided Flight Training at the AFA (Air Force Academy)!

This training process is totally free of cost, since Government is incurring and meeting all the expenses associated with the training!

So, in case you get selected to the Flying branch, you may finish your Flight training free of cost. You will be trained to fly sophisticated Fighter jets/transport aircraft/choppers.

In short, you will learn to fly, paying zero fees! But the problem is that IAF pilots are not given CPL (Commercial Pilot Licence)! So, they are not eligible to fly Commercial Airplanes belonging to Public and Private Airline firms! Also, after IAF training, pilots are required to serve there for some period of time, before taking voluntary retirement.

But that is not a problem, since you may retire after serving in the IAF and make the switch to the Commercial Airlines sector! All you need to do is apply for a CPL, showing that you already possess a Military Flying Licence and experience under your belt.

Military pilots are given CPL after they take and clear few tests designed to test their skills. Undergoing these tests is not costly at all! These tests are meant to check whether the individual is fit to fly a Commercial Aircraft, which is a bit different from the Military ones. Military pilots are highly regarded by firms in Commercial Airlines sector for the rigorous training that they’ve undergone, their skills and their discipline. So, getting a CPL (by clearing the test) and landing a job won’t be much of a problem!

Now you must be wondering about how to join the IAF, that too in the Flying Branch, so that you may undergo Flight training without paying money at all! Worry not, the below links will be of much help to you.

IAF Fighter jet

Here are links to articles that will help you join the IAF’s Flying Branch, depending on your educational qualification-


How to join IAF’s Flying Branch after 12th Science


How to join IAF’s Flying Branch after graduation


How to join IAF’s Flying Branch after Engineering


How girls may join IAF’s Flying Branch


How to become Commercial Pilot after 12th


Aviation courses in India


Air Hostess courses in India


Another smart way to lower your Commercial Pilot flight training expense is to watch out for scholarships. Scholarships are offered by training schools and vary greatly from one another. You’ll have to enquire at various Institutes to get the best deal! But why care about this method when you got the above method in your hands?

I guess the above articles are more than enough to guide you. So, what are you waiting for? Don’t let high expenses and training costs deter you from becoming a Commercial Pilot! Make use of the above discussed method, make the switch, clear the test and get yourself a CPL!

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26 thoughts on “Become a Commercial Pilot at less cost and fees in India”

  1. If we join air force we get training free of cost and then we want to become a commercial pilot so how much money we have to pay to become a commercial pilot and how many years we have to do job in india air force?

  2. How long does it take after 10+2,to complete the training and becoming a military pilot and then to retire and get a commercial job?

  3. this is a good ideas like to complete our big goal with the help of IAF or scholarship a not good background persons can complete they dream to become pilot.

  4. Hello, my name is Hemant. Thanks a lot for unveiling this way of becoming a commercial pilot. I always wanted to fly a plane but dropped the idea as I belong to financially mediocre family but now you gave me a new hope. Right now I’m pursuing mechanical engineering but I’m in year drop now after my second year also I don’t wanna continue it as I don’t like it and I’m bad at it too. So my question is, If giving some exams and getting into IAF can lead me to my dream then I can even convince my family easily for allowing me to quit this engineering. What would you suggest on this!?
    Your reply will help a lot. Thanks again.

    • Hemant, to join IAF as a Pilot, you must complete Graduation first. I think you are above 19 years of age. So you can’t use NDA entry. Now you will have to be a graduate to become a flying officer in IAF.

  5. It is not fair that IAF is only open to the males. Even of we girls choose the scholarships method, and I checked it out, the cost reduction will range still from 1,00,000 (By Tata) and 4,00,000. This is only a fraction of the cost. For middle class families, like mine, it will be impossible to pay about 16 lakhs more for a CPL course. Sorry for sounding whiny, but I just want to punch those air force guys for such a eligibility criteria. Ugh.

    • Shreya, actually females are eligible to join IAF and become Pilots. So far, in the IAF, role of female pilots has been restricted to that of Transport pilot. But recently, Defence Ministry has also take the decision to train females and make them fighter pilots!

  6. Grt stuff indeed…but brother getting into IAF is aslo very tough ….u have qualify entrance followed by 5 day ssb then medical….then merit list..then if after aii these u get selected then only u will be given training……..isn’t it…?? But i like u post…atleast it is worth giving lakhs…keep posting…thanks again for enlighting us.

  7. Sir if I plan to make a switch from IAF to commercial pilot ,then I have to do it through SSC only right ? Also can I make a switch after completing the course at NDA ?

    • Pratyush, SSC entry would be more convenient. You’ll have to serve for the supposed period in IAF and make switch after retirement.

  8. I am an average student i want to become a pilot i am a middle class family i want to know scholarships for CPL&best college also fees structure

  9. How can i becum a commercial pilot in less cost instead entering into Indian air force…some other options apart which you have been mentioned

    • Priya, you may make use of Scholarships. I’m not knowledgeable about institutes providing them. You’ll have to enquire about the availability of Scholarships at individual institutes.

  10. If I get into the airforce academy through NDA,can I opt for a SSC?and I read somewhere that airforce transport pilots are more in demand in commercial aviation compared to fighter pilots.Is this true?

    • No, through NDA, it is Permanent Commission. It is only available for Male candidates. Technically speaking, when we compare a Fighter Jet and Transport Aircraft of IAF, the Transport more traits of a Commercial Aircraft. But that won’t make much of a difference if you have skills and a wealth of Flying experience under your belt.

  11. plz help me……..what is the cost of commercial pilot training and plz give me the information of the institutes in pune in less cost.and after completion of this course how much salary can i get.

  12. hi, i am interested in a career in aviation and apart from the air force option would like to look for a different route and would like to join a flying school abroad. The fees is an issue and the current job scenario may also be in the way. I seek some information about this and would like to know more about scholarships and other cost effective ways in this sector. Please email me regarding this. A good and informative article by the way.
    Thanks And Regards,


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