Top 7 Android apps for GTU students

Last Updated on April 10, 2022 by

GTU students are tech savvy! Yes, they roam around with the latest smartphones in their hands, have smart laptops with them and are almost always connected to the internet! Why not use technology to boost productivity? I mean productivity associated with studies! This article is all about some essential Android apps, which will help GTU students to improve their productivity! Make use of these apps and see your productivity rise!


Useful Android apps for GTU students-

#1 One of the various available Dictionaries-

The Play Store is home to different types of dictionary apps! It has many online as well as offline apps icon on mobiledictionaries. GTU students’ main weakness is English language. So, having a dictionary installed in your phone is actually a smart idea. It will help one solve doubts and find meaning of new words easily!

#2 PDF reader-

PDF files play an important role in the life of a GTU Engineering student. To check them while on the move, having a PDF reader on phone is recommended!

There are number of readers to choose from, on the Play Store. Try to select a lightweight one!

#3 E Mail app-

E Mails too play an important role in the life of GTU students. Sending official and unofficial mails is a process that one can’t avoid.

Having an app that supports your official mail id is a must. Leading players like G Mail and Outlook have cool apps!

#4 GTU Mobile Application-

This app has been created by GTU keeping productivity in mind. The app acts as a collection of resources, which are useful to students hailing from all semesters.

The app has collection of papers, circulars, helpful resources etc in it. A must have app!

#5 GTU Papers Collection App-

This is not an official app by GTU, still, it is impressive and useful! Basically, it helps users find question papers from previous years.

The good thing is that papers of all subjects and years can be found easily using the app.

#6 WhatsApp-

I’m sure that almost all Android users have this app installed on their phones! This app is said to waste precious time of users.

But the same app can be used by students to send and receive files, solve doubts etc. It is all about how one uses an app!

#7 Do it tomorrow app-

This app helps its users to keep track of tasks. The best thing about this app is that it is easy to use and clutter free. Keep track of your tasks and goals using this app.


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