7 essential and important software for Windows PC

Last Updated on July 24, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar


computerSo you just bought a new PC/Lappy? Ok, you are about to visit some site and download those cool software, free games and wallpapers (presumably of an animated stripper!) right? Well, hold on. Go through this article and get yourself the below mentioned list of softwares and programs before you go watch animal porn or download free games!

All of these software are available for free!

#1 Get a good antivirus

7 essential and important software you must have on your Windows PC
Very important!

New and more harmful viruses are being made each hour. And all these viruses may find their way to your PC through those porn sites or free download sites etc. Installing an antivirus doesn’t guarantee 100% protection because new viruses are made each hour! But still, having a reliable anti-virus will give your system protection against existing viruses. Many anti-virus software are available for free online. Just do a little research on Google about the best one and download it from a trusted website!


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#2 Install spybot

Using spybot

Many times your system gets infected by adwares, spywares and malwares, thanks to all those free downloads and porn of yours! Spybot is a software that scans and removes such nasty programs from our computer. Spybot is free for private use. For business purposes, you are required to pay an amount for it.

#3 Skype


I use Skype to communicate with my friends and family. It is a useful piece of software. Instead of wasting money on making phone calls, use skype to connect with your family and friends!

#4 Good browsers like Chrome, Mozilla, Opera

DO ya still use old IE?

To be honest, Internet Explorer is out of the browser competition. Take my friend circle for example- I know 0 friends who use IE. Most of the folks use either Mozilla or Chrome. I’ve used both these browsers. Both are cool, easy to use and intuitive. Both are available for free!

#5 Ccleaner

Keeping it clean.

Again a very useful piece of software! A must have! It cleans temporary cache files, log files and it fixes registry issues too.

#6 Picasa

for picture editing

Picasa is sufficient for your average photo management and editing purposes. Its design is simple and intuitive. It is easy to use and work with.

#7 NeroCD

Nero will take care of all you CD/DVD burning and copying activities. You can transfer data from CD/DVD to your system or create a data CD with it. It is easy to understand and use.

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