Make money selling Facebook pages and apps using

Last Updated on April 9, 2022 by

Facebook without any doubt is the most popular social networking site as of now. Facebook pages have been used by people to make money for some time now. Some common forms of Facebook page monetization are- paid promotion of links, sharing shortened links (the ones leading to ads), affiliate link sharing, page flipping and selling etc. Ouctions- a Facebook fan page and app selling service is all set to make the process of Facebook fan page/app selling hassle free and transparent.




From the Official Facebook page of the service, it can be seen that will become fully functional around in 2016. The site will allow Facebook page owners to sell their page by putting it up for auction. This will help them get maximum value for their page, depending upon its quality. Thus, it is safe to conclude that the service will make things easier for page owners.


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Buyers also will find this service quite handy. The pages that the site puts up for auction will be manually verified for safety purposes. This will ensure that only good quality pages and apps make it to the auction table!


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From the above two paragraphs, it is quite clear the will make things easy for both sellers as well as buyers! Let us wait and watch how things will unfurl, in future.


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