Make money on Facebook

Last Updated on July 27, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar

Do you want to make money using Facebook? Yes, I’m damn serious, make money using good old Facebook! We all spend hours on Facebook. So, if we could make money using Facebook, then that would be too awesome right? It will keep us entertained and earn us some cold hard cash. Afterall, who doesn’t like some extra cash? So, you want to know the ‘method’ to earn money on Facebook? Well, I’ll explain it to you. I will just describe the method, it is up to you whether you use it or not. And the method is working! I will provide proof too!

We all are aware of Facebook pages, aren’t we? Many brands have their Facebook pages. But there are many pages out there that are just for fun, sharing pics, adult pics etc (most of the times not their own stuff though!). These pages are liked by lakhs of people. So, these pages have pretty damn good reach! So, the first step is to create such a page. Create a Facebook page that shares funny cool stuff.

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make money on facebook
money matters!

Now, if you manage to lay your hands on some cool pics and share them on your newly created page, your page will gain likes. With the passage of time, your page will gain good amount of likes if you spend time nurturing it. You spend hours on Facebook, so why not manage a page? If you do so, your page will get quite famous and will garner much likes!

earn money on fb
money ball!


Once your page has lakhs of likes, you are poised to earn money! There are many websites and Facebook pages with less reach. They want publicity. So, they consult pages with big reach (like the page you just created!). This is where you should put forward for your price for sharing their page/website on your page. This is how many page admins earn money! The money transfer is usually done the traditional way- money transfer to the admin’s bank account. I’ve just described the method how many people earn money using Facebook, but I don’t ask the readers to necessarily do so.


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