Gujarat Education Board Needs Improvement

Last Updated on July 24, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar

Education is very important. Its quality can’t be compromised. But this is what the Gujarat Education Board has been doing so far. Actually, they are not teaching the things, which are actually required the most. Also, some ‘practices’ of the education board needs to be scraped off completely. In this article, we will see why the Education board needs improvement and in which key areas they should improve.

books and apple


Gujarat Education Board leaves out practical knowledge

Right from the lower classes to the upper ones, practical knowledge is always shown the back seat. Yes, this is the truth! In today’s world, practical knowledge is more important than just possessing theoretical knowledge. But it seems that Gujarat’s Education Board is still stuck in the past.


The entire syllabus has been designed in such a way that practical knowledge and such stuff is given least importance. If a student can mug things up efficiently, he/she could score good marks. But the very same student may later on falter, when he/she takes on the ‘real, competitive World’!


Education should be such that it prepares students to take on the world. And looking at Gujarat Board’s present strategies, I don’t think that they are providing students the right education. As of now, the routine for students is to- mug up books and vomit them out onto answer sheets during examinations!


Students should be given some sort of vocational training/practical stuff right from the beginning. But it is something that only the big/international schools give.


Many Government Schools are pathetic

I’ve happened to see this myself. Many times, the infrastructure and facilities are good. But, in those cases, the quality of the staff often disappointed! I’ve been to some Government Schools in villages around Bardoli, located in South Gujarat. I happened to visit them as part of a survey (conducted by the Government). I visited those schools and interacted with students and teachers both. You may also check – Medical colleges in Gujarat.


There, I saw that majority of the teachers didn’t cared about their students. They were having this ‘laid back’ and ‘carefree’ attitude. I’m not saying that all teachers possessed such behavior. But, a good majority of them were behaved like that.


English Language is ignored

This happens in the case of Gujarati medium students. You see, those chaps are taught English. But, the quality of the English that they are being taught is low. I mean the ‘level’ of English. It is the basic stuff they are being taught. By the time they complete 12th standard and join college, a good majority of them won’t even be able to construct a simple sentence in English!


I’ve seen this scene right before my eyes. While at college, my room-mates couldn’t even grasp what was being taught at college for the first 2 years! Such was their poor plight!


Now, the students can’t be blamed. They were taught less, that’s why they knew less English! Don’t you think that this scenario needs to be changed? Imagine Engineering grads who can’t even write a letter or application in English. Pathetic that would be!


Either, the standard of English being taught to Gujarati medium students must be improved or there should be a special ‘Pre College’ English workshop like stuff specially meant for Gujarati medium students. I mean, come on, that’s brilliant idea (pretty vital one).


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If you find any spelling error or grammatical mistake in this article, please pardon me. Because I literally hurried through this article, without much proof-reading. What do you think about the suggestions mentioned in the article? I think the students of Gujarat will benefit a lot if the Education Board implements those/similar practices.

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2 thoughts on “Gujarat Education Board Needs Improvement”

  1. Nice…. Your ideas for improvement of education are good, specially ‘pre college English workshop’. But that’s not enough. First of all, if you want that students would pay attention for english than you have to consider marks of english subject for merit so that students take it seriously same as other subjects.


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