Free Seats in GTU private Engineering Colleges in Gujarat 2023

Last Updated on July 31, 2023 by

Engineering admission process in Gujarat has almost come to an end. During all this time, I have been getting numerous questions regarding various stages of admission process from confused students and parents alike! Recently, I got a query related to the ‘free seat’ quota that GTU (Gujarat Technological University) Colleges in Gujarat promise students. In this brief article, I’ll share some vital details related to free seats. Lecture hall


What exactly are free seats?

Free seats are certain seats reserved by the Government across all the GTU Colleges across Gujarat state. These seats, even though they are reserved in Private Institutes, have minimal fees, like that of Government Engineering Colleges. These seats were reserved keeping financially struggling students in mind. So, if any such student wants to pursue Engineering at low cost, they may avail this feature. You may also check – Scholarships in India.  

How to avail the benefit of these seats?

To avail this facility provided by the Government, the student must provide valid documents and certificates showing that the yearly Income of his/her guardians/family is less than the boundary set by the officials. During the admission process, interested candidates should approach the nearest assigned help center and submit the necessary documents mentioned above. Upon getting the documents checked and verified, a student can be said to be eligible to avail the benefit of free seats reserved throughout Engineering Colleges in Gujarat.  

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It is all based on Merit!

The admission process is all merit based, I repeat. This means that I you are eligible for availing free seats, but your merit marks are low, than you can’t expect to get admission in free seats of good colleges. The seat you are allotted depends on your merit. You may also check – GUJCET exam. The higher your merit marks, the better College you’ll manage to bag a seat in (of course free seats!). In case of low marks, you’ll have to be content with relatively low quality Colleges.

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