Engineering branch that offers freshers good starting salary

Last Updated on April 10, 2022 by

Time to face the big question- ‘Which Engineering branch is the most rewarding one (financially) for freshers?’. The answer to this question changes each year. But this year, the answer has been IC- Instrumentation and Control. And looking at the demand of IC Engineers in the market, I must say that this branch is set to retain this top spot in the coming year too! In this article, I’ll share with you some startling revelations regarding the ‘financially rewarding’ capability of some prominent Engineering branches. These pay scales are applicable to freshers only. I’ve conducted my research keeping them in mind.

Money bundles

IC Engineering is the comfortable winner this year!

With the help of my contacts across various colleges in Gujarat, I managed to talk to groups of students from across different Engineering branches from various Colleges in Gujarat. Based on their feedback, placement records of the Colleges and other informal chats, I found out that the average starting pay package of IC graduates comfortably beat the other prominent branches.

So comfortable did IC finished on the top that it left behind the core branches with a large gap separating them! IC students were found to get easily get Campus placements in MNCs (Multi National Companies).


Also read: GATE preparation tips

Best Engineering Branches


IC Graduates who couldn’t bag Campus Placement didn’t disappointed in the job market

While a healthy proportion of graduates of this branch of Engineering managed to bag jobs through the Campus Placement system, the others, who were left out, managed to find good jobs in private sectors through traditional Interviews.

The pay pack in their case was not compromised either. This made sure that the average freshers starting salary in case of IC was relatively much higher than the other branches.


Core branches disappointed

I’m not saying that they proved to be useless! Many students who pursued one among the Core Branches of Engineering managed to bag good jobs through Campus Placements and traditional job interviews.

But looking at the big picture, on the other hand, many graduates had to be content with low paying jobs. Many are still looking for job! This process has ensured that the average starting salary in case of courses like Mechanical, Electrical and Civil Engineering skewed downwards!

You may blame it on excessive saturation in the job market, for these branches of Engineering. In some cases, some Mechanical Engineering graduates were forced to take up jobs that paid them a meager 5,000 Rupees a month!

Apart from the above Core branches, other branches like IT, Computer Science and Electronics and Communications also didn’t showed much promise. There had been instances of sparks and promise here and there. But considering the ‘Average figure’, these branches performed worse than the Core branches! Seems like these branches haven’t quite recovered from the reeling effect of the recession that hit years ago!

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