Best courses to study to get Petroleum Refinery jobs easily

Last Updated on August 6, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar

A job post of an officer in a refinery/Petroleum related Industry is a lucrative one. While most of the other Industries are prone to Economic slumps to a great extent, Petroleum refining Industry is relatively less prone. And the Officer posts, like that of Engineers, Technicians, Officers etc are well rewarding ones, financially! Thus, when it comes to this industry, the remuneration is good and job safety is also present. These two factors makes this job quite an ‘in demand’ one! But it is not too easy to land such jobs in a refinery also. But one may improve one’s chances by pursuing certain courses, which focus on this industry. I’ll be listing down those courses in this article.

Why is a job in the Petroleum refining sector a highly desirable one?

Like I mentioned above, two crucial conditions- job security and good remuneration, are satisfied pretty easily. The present conditions associated with this industry are also promising. Though this industry is associated with a non renewable resource- crude oil, it still got good future, thanks to emerging Research and Development activities in this field.


Also read: Highest salary jobs in India


Courses that will help one get job easily in Petroleum refining sector

Please note that the below mentioned courses won’t ‘guarantee’ you a job in the said industry! But I’m sure that you will certainly get an ‘edge’. These courses will drastically improve your chances of getting a job. At the end of the day, getting a job depends on your merit, how you face the tests and interview, whether you satisfy the eligibility criteria set by the company etc.


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#1 Petroleum Engineering

This, according to me, is the best course for you, if you want to make it to the oil refining sector. The role of a Petroleum engineer holds more importance than any other role, in this sector.


If you are an undergraduate, you may go for BE/B Tech course (Petroleum Engineering). The duration of this course is 4 years.


If you are a Graduate in Engineering, you may go for M tech courses related to Petroleum refining sector. The duration of this course is 2 years.


One may also add icing to the cake by pursuing MBA after finishing any/both of the above Degrees. This will make you skilled both in the technical as well as management aspects of the industry.


#2 Core Branches of Engineering

Core branches never run out of gas, well, to an extent! There is a reason why these branches are called ‘Evergreen’ branches! Core branches of Engineering are- Electrical, Mechanical and Civil Engineering.


Also read: Best Engineering Branches


Graduates in these branches of Engineering are required in one way or the other by almost all types of industries! Basically, you may say that Core branches constitute the ‘base’ of most industries.


The same thing holds true in the case of Petroleum Engineering. This sector requires Electrical, Mechanical and Civil Engineers in large numbers to manage their functioning and production.


Petroleum refining sector consists of large number of Electrical systems, Machines and also requires Construction of special structures and installations. All this means that Engineers belonging to the core branches are in demand, when it comes to this sector.


#3 Chemical Engineering

At the end of the day, when it comes to Crude oil refining, one is dealing with lots of chemicals! In petroleum refining, there are almost 42 products that are separated from crude oil. All these products are different types of chemicals.


Also read: Chemical Engineering details


In short, for ensuring efficient functioning and production process, refineries need well qualified Chemical Engineers! And yeah, they are well valued and their posts holds significance too!


#4 Piping Engineering/Technical course

Have you ever been to a refinery? If yes, you must have noticed the huge and complex network of pipes that run throughout the entire plant.


To be honest, pipes are an integral part of a refinery. In a refinery, transporting fluid from one place to another for various processes is a task of utmost importance. For this task, pipes are used.


These days, piping is treated as a branch of specialization. Courses are being offered to provide training in piping technology. Such courses deals with pipe layout, materials used etc.


Usually, these courses are tailor made for Mechanical and Chemical Engineering graduates or Diploma holders. The duration of such course ranges from 6 months- 1 year. Though, more detailed courses are also available. Usually, a diploma or certificate course from a reputed institute will do the trick!


#5 IC (Instrumentation and Control) Engineering

These days, refinery plants are automated, to a large extent. The processes are automated to ensure smooth functioning and better safety standards within the plant.


Also read:

B.Tech. IC Engineering

M.Tech. IC Engineering


And when it comes to automation processes, IC Engineers and technicians come handy!


These are some best courses that will improve your chances of landing a job in a refinery. There many other management related courses too, but in this article, I’ve mentioned only the technical courses.

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