Photography After Engineering

Last Updated on July 28, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar

Have you completed engineering education? Are you interested in the field of photography? Do you want to take up photography seriously and make it your profession? If yes, this article will be of help to you. In this article, I’ve provided details about photography courses, which you can pursue after completing engineering. Apart from that, I’ve also discussed some possibilities and opportunities available in front of engineering graduates.

The Question: Why Choose Photography?

Why do you want to take up photography seriously now? Why pursue it after completing engineering? Answers could be many. I know that many of you out there took up engineering coming under pressure (peer and parent’s pressure). In such cases, the true passion/interest of the student could be something else (photography, in cases of readers of this article).


Apart from that, some graduates are creative and have an inclination towards photography. After completing engineering education, they have ample amount of time in their hands! This, along with the glamour of photography, lures many engineering graduates towards this field. In some other cases, the gradaute could be just curious about the field of photography. He/she may just want to know the basics of this field and pursue it as a hobby (part time or recreational (activity).


Whatever the reason may be, it is a good thing to pursue the thing that you are really passionate about. But before considering making the switch (engineering to photography), you may want to take some aptitude tests and self assessment sessions. Such tests and sessions will help you find answer to the below mentioned question.


The Question: Should You?

If you are really passionate about the field of photography and want to turn it into a profession, you must seriously consider taking help of aptitude and self assessment tests. It would be better to know whether you ‘got what it takes’ to succeed in this field, before taking the plunge.


If you are just curious to know more about this field and acquire the basic skills, go ahead and pursue any of the photography courses mentioned below.


Okay, let me list down some possibilities available in front of engineering graduates.



If you are creative, passionate and have the basic technical know-how, you may start working part time under established photographers or studios. This will help you get crucial work experience and learn advanced techniques used by professional photographers.


You know, photography can’t be mastered just from books. Hands on experience and practical work are what will help you even better! Working part time under the professionals or learning on your own (with focus on practical work) will help you learn quickly. This will also help you assess your skills and aptitude.


Whether you want to pursue the above mentioned activity part time or on full time basis depends upon your schedule, access to resources and motivation. In cases of graduates who want to take it up as hobby, they may try part time courses or photography work.


If you feel like pursuing professional photography course, you have wide variety of choices available in front of you –



Technically, engineering graduates (or graduates from any other discipline) are eligible to pursue Degree, Diploma or Certificate level photography courses.


After completing Bachelor of Photography (or relevant graduation course), they may even pursue advanced courses like Master Degree courses, PG Diploma courses and PG Certificate courses related to the field of photography.


The advantage of pursuing such professional courses is that it helps one acquire advanced knowledge and skills related to the field of photography. Such courses also helps one specialize in disciplines within the field of photography, like- fashion photography, wildlife photography, automobile photography, landscape photography, corporate photography etc.


Some prominent courses are –

  • BA in Photography
  • BA in Visual Arts and Photography
  • B.Sc. in Photography and Cinematography
  • BFA in Photography
  • Diploma in Photography
  • Diploma in Photography and Cinematography
  • Diploma in Advertising and Commercial Photography
  • Diploma in Photojournalism
  • Certificate in Digital Photography
  • Certificate in Commercial Photography
  • Certificate in Photography and Image Editing


Note: Not all professional photography courses have been listed above. For an exhaustive list, check this article out- Photography courses after 12th. It will provide you with an exhaustive list of photography courses, basic details about the courses and career prospects associated with them.


When it comes to professional photography, theoretical knowledge won’t be enough to thrive and excel. You’ll have to learn through practical work, experimentation and observation.


Also read:

Best Engineering Branches

Best Careers in India

Courses after 12th

Engineering entrance exams in India (List)


For those who are interested in knowing about the basics of photography, certificate course will do the trick! If you want to pursue it as hobby, certificate course will be of help to you. Apart from pursuing certificate course, such enthusiasts may also make use of free photography tutorials and resources available online (blogs, forums and websites).

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3 thoughts on “Photography After Engineering”

  1. Thank you for providing this imp. information .This may help to students ,passionate about photography like myself to know the courses and career options ahead ..

  2. Hi myself Anita Chauhan I am student of B.Sc (Botany) completed two years and now third year is started …. My background field is B.Sc …so can I also do photography course because I want to make photography as my hobby…. I don’t know how to take photos but I want to do photography course…. So can you teach me how to take photos…. So Sir can I also join photography course…..


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