2 cool advantages of selecting B Sc Course

Last Updated on August 6, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar

In this article, I will mention some added advantages that B Sc courses offers. These days, thanks to the increased number of Engineering seats made available by new private Engineering Colleges, more and more students are ditching B Sc and opting for Engineering course. But what they are forgetting is that B Sc courses are also awesome, holding much potential. Let me mention 2 great advantages of pursuing B Sc-

B Sc

2 cool advantages offered by B Sc programs-

1 Scholarships

The first advantage is that attractive scholarships are being offered to bright students, who opt for B Sc course. Yes, due to decreasing popularity of B Sc courses, State Governments have been introducing number of scholarships to entice bright students and make them pursue B Sc courses instead of going for Engineering.


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Some of these scholarships covers the entire studying expenses that comes a student’s way. And under some scholarship schemes, expenses associated with M Sc course is also covered.


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Please note that the above mentioned scholarships are only offered to top ranking students.


2 Good job opportunities in Research and Development field

Okay, so why state Government is offering such attractive scholarships to top ranking students who pursue B Sc course? It is because of the fact that they want to develop the R&D (Research and Development) sector in India.


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You see, there is a shortage of qualified R&D professionals that India is facing right now. And to be honest, it seems like no one is interested in becoming a Scientist! Students are keen to become Engineers and Doctors!


So, to make students take B Sc as well as M Sc courses and to make them build a career in R&D field, the Government is offering attractive scholarships.


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A career in R&D sector is not a bad proposal! Actually, it is a very rewarding job! Particularly with the Government taking interest and providing assistance, career in R&D sector will be very rewarding!

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2 thoughts on “2 cool advantages of selecting B Sc Course”

  1. Very very useful article… actually it is very true what they have said…don’t know why all students with or without ranks are behind engineering and medical like flocks…it is not making any sense after-all…. where in we get equal respect, job opportunities, and even salary. THANK YOU for your useful advise


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