Monster India: Tips for freshers

Last Updated on August 7, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar

As far as professional courses are concerned, in most states in India, the academic session is coming to an end. This means that new batches of graduates are going to emerge from various Engineering, Medical and other similar colleges and institutes. The last thing that these graduates would want is to sit at home unemployed. Many might have landed jobs through campus placements, some might be planning to pursue to study more and rest of them will be all set to hunt for jobs! Talking about jobs, landing a decent paying one is not child’s play these days. But thanks to some online job portals like Monster India, etc, graduates have more places to look for jobs rather than relying on print media and classifieds. Here, I’ll bring forward to your attention some tips that will come handy to you, while you use online portals like Monster India to hunt for jobs.

In India, the number of graduates has increased so much so that the competition in the job market has become cut throat! Just take a look at the sheer number of private institutes that have popped up recently. This phenomenon has given even average quality students to pursue and complete professional courses in India. I’m not saying that this is a bad trend. But yes, it certainly has made things difficult for students, looking from job’s point of view. The bright ones land the best jobs, leaving mediocre students struggling! It is them, who suffer. It is them, who have to search long and hard for a good job. And that’s when online portals come handy!

tips for freshers to use Monster India

Advantages of using online job portals like Monster India


#1 It is efficient

Gone are the days of relying solely on print media and classifieds to hunt for jobs! Efficiency is one of the key factors that has led to the success of job portals like Monster India. If you make use of that site the right way, then results are bound to follow.


#2 Easy to use

Yes, it is ridiculously easy to use it! The steps of registration are very simple. Once registration is complete, further steps are explained very well, in detail. My point is that getting started on Monster India is really easy. Not only that, you’ll be guided at each step until you start getting results!


#3 Head hunting firms frequent such portals

Blame it on the sheer popularity of these sites, even top recruiters prowl here, looking for talented graduates. It is a well known fact that most graduates in India take to online portals like Monster India to look for jobs after graduation. Just like them, recruiters also find this place handy! They find it really easy to filter ‘potential employees’ on the basis of their skills, marks, merit etc. So, if you want to get noticed by them, you must make sure that you make your presence felt on portals like Monster India!


#4 You get to know the latest trend in the field of recruitment

Not only are you making yourself noticed, but you also exposing yourself to latest trends in the job market and the competitive world of job hunting! This is a good way to get started!


Important tips for freshers for using Monster India

These tips are applicable to all job portals. In case of most of them, the way of working is similar. A graduate has to register first, fill in the necessary details and then has to wait for the portal to throw at him/her suitable job suggestions. Then he/she has to apply for jobs that appeal to him/her. This is how basically job portals like Monster India work. So, these tips that I’m about to share can be used for other job portals too!


#1 Be honest

When filling up academic qualifications, merit marks and other such scores, be honest. Don’t fill up made up marks and wrong stats. Many think that doing so will help them gain better attention and get better job suggestions. But in the long run, this will only prove harmful. Only provide correct details.


#2 Complete the profile

This is a crucial step. Many graduates often take this step lightly and leave their profiles half complete or partially completed. Remember, this leaves a negative impression on the mind of recruiters, who surf through your profile in a bid to know more about your skills and qualifications. A well filled, appealing profile can often make all the difference!


#3 Upload necessary certificates and , mark sheets

Uploading your academic certificates and mark sheets can also be beneficial. It adds to the trust factor. Potential employers will treat you as a ‘serious candidate’ when they see that you have attached necessary documents and academic certificates.


#4 Beware of manipulative emails from impostors

Earlier, I said that job portals like Monster India are frequented by employers. Also, I must say that some cheaters and scam doers also frequent such portals, in a bid to fool young graduates in need of a job.

Such impostors pose as legitimate companies, grab graduates’ contact details from such portals and send them emails, actually job interview letters. They ask the unsuspecting candidates to pile up a deposit money (refundable) before appearing for the interview.

I have already wrote an article about how impostors posed as officials of Hyundai Motors and sent out fake Interview call letters. Portals like Monster India and are doing their best to fight and keep these impostors at bay. But still, they do manage to send such fake emails to job seekers! I urge readers to be aware of such scams and stay away from them. If you come across any, do make it a point to report it to the portal’s authorities.


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#5 Stay away from backdoor job schemes

Just like the above mentioned miscreants, these folks also frequent job portals like Monster India in a bid to find unsuspecting job seekers. After obtaining contact detail of job seekers, they send messages and emails, promising to provide jobs in MNCs through back door schemes and contacts within the MNC. They promise a job in exchange of huge sums of money! Stay away from such impostors too!


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