Tips to book tatkal ticket fast on IRCTC

Last Updated on April 8, 2022 by

Booking tatkal ticket is not child’s play. When the time is that of the vacation season, things can get very difficult and tricky. The tatkal ticket is much sought after by people. It allows users to avail a confirmed ticket one day before the train commences its journey. The price of a tatkal ticket is higher than the regular one, but still, the prospect of many seats reserved for this quota and thus the increased chances of getting confirmed tickets attracts many people towards it! Here, I’ll teach you some methods so that you may be able to book tatkal tickets relatively faster and easily!

indian railways train

Along with the many advantage that tatkal scheme comes with, there are some serious drawbacks also. The major one is the excessive rush for obtaining tatkal tickets. If you go to the station during the vacation season, you will find long queue for this quota of ticket. The same is the case with online booking via IRCTC website. There is so much rush for booking tickets online during the vacation season that the servers run really slow, making it very difficult to book tickets.


Thankfully, I’ve got some tips that’ll help solve this problem to an extent. Let’s see them one by one-


Tips to book tatkal tickets online fast and easily


#1 Use 3G connection

I have observed that using 3G internet to access IRCTC website will make the process bit faster. Agreed that servers of IRCTC are slow, I admit that fact. But a fast internet connection from our side will improve things slightly. So, next time when you plan to book tatkal ticket, do opt for a small 3G pack to deal with it.


#2 Log in before 10 AM

The tatkal hours starts at 10 AM . Don’t wait and log into the site at the right time. Usually, at that time, the rush is too much and it will take long time for IRCTC servers to respond and log you in. Make it a point to log in earlier, say at 9:30 AM or even before that. This will ensure that you have a good chance to get to the booking page fast once the tatkal hours starts.


Once you log in, just like I said, just don’t remain idle. IRCTC is notorious for the timed cookies. If there is no activity from your side for a a certain time, a few minutes, the session cookie will expire and you will be asked to log in again!


This is not something you would want to happen. To keep the session alive, so that you can advance to the booking page after 10 AM, make sure that the cookie is kept active. For this, click on one or the other link available on the IRCTC site. Just keep things ticking, remember that.


#4 Keep all necessary information handy

Keep all the vital information like name of the passengers, age, id card type, id card number etc handy. You should try to feed in these information really fast! You may also use tools like Magic Autofill to get this task done very fast and save some valuable time!


Also read: IRCTC cancelled E-ticket refund time

Missed call banking numbers


These are some very basic tips that I have been making use of to book tatkal tickets fast. I’ve also got good results, thanks to these steps and methods. Next time, make sure that you too try them out!

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