Top 7 courses to do to get good jobs easily

Last Updated on August 7, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar

There are number of courses available for students right now. Here is a list of top courses to do after 12th science. But before selecting one, you must consider some facts like personal interest, job prospects after completing the course etc. The number of graduates is increasing each year. But due to recession and other economical factors, the number of good jobs is declining. So, it becomes necessary to choose a course that guarantees a good job after graduation.

If you have don’t know anything about courses that has good job prospects and opportunities, this list will help you. This article will help you find the right path. I have avoided some evergreen branches like Mechanical engineering, Electrical engineering etc. This is because most people are well aware of these courses. Please go through the complete list. After that, select the course that you are interested in. Share this list with your friends and help them.

Pursuing the following courses guarantees a good job after graduation :



#1 Petroleum Engineering

petroleum engineering course

It is a new field of Engineering. Since it is relatively new, the number of graduates is less. Further, petrol is a widely used commodity. Petroleum plays an important role in our day to day lives. The demand for petrol will not decrease in the near future.

All the above factors ensure that the demand of petroleum engineering graduates is always high. The job of a petroleum engineer involves exploration of petrol, processing it etc. This course guarantees a high paying job after graduation.

This course is 4 years long. You may also go for M Tech after completing B Tech. Visit the official site of Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University for more details regarding this course.


#2 Mechatronics Engineering/ MSc in Mechatronics

mechatronics course

Mechatronics is the combination of mechanics and electronics. Thus it is a combination of Mechanical and Electronics engineering. If you want to pursue this course, there are two options- Mechatronics Engineering or MSc in Mechatronics (after completing BSc).

Since this course is combination of two different fields, the job opportunities also increases considerably. Engineering course is 4 years long and doing MSc (after completing BSc) will take 5 years.


#3 Food Processing and Technology Engineering

food processing course
Wikimedia Commons

This course also has very less number of graduates who pass out each year. So, the job market is less saturated when it comes to food processing and technology engineering.

Food is one of our basic needs. We can’t survive without it. This field of engineering is all about processing food, packaging of food, transportation of food etc. After completing this course, students easily get hired by MNCs related to food and beverages. Graduates can also apply for government sector jobs. You may also check – Commerce and arts stream courses.


#4 App making courses

app developing courses

This is not a traditional course like engineering. Due to the success of android and iOS smart phones, app developers are in demand. App making courses are not lengthy like traditional ones. Such courses can be completed within a few months!

After completing this course, you can work for others or start your own small business. Due to high demand, you will never run out of work. It is also being estimated that revenues from apps will double in the next few months. This fact make this field more lucrative.


#5 Fire and Safety Technology Engineering

fire and safety
Wikimedia Commons

This course is related to safety measures and technologies to be used in various industries and manufacturing units. Governments across the globe have made it clear that all factories/manufacturing units must have a qualified security officer. This is to ensure that the safety standards are met and not compromised. Thus, the job opportunities associated with this field is good.

After graduating, students get easily placed in companies of Middle Eastern countries. The pay scale is also good.


#6 Bio-Medical Engineering

bio medical courses

It is the combination of Engineering and biology. This course is all about using engineering technologies in the field of health care.

There is a shortage of graduates when it comes to this field. Due to this, jobs are readily available for graduates. After graduation, you may also become a scientist and do further research. By choosing this profession, you are also helping out mankind!


#7 Gym Instructor courses

gym instructor

I recommend this course to people who have a passion for fitness and health. Many good institutes offer diploma courses related to it. Be sure to choose the best institute.

Nowadays people are getting more and more aware about health issues and the importance of exercise. As a result, more and more people are joining gyms. New gyms are being opened even in small towns!

Also read: Best computer courses to study to get a job fast

Best Engineering Branches to get a Government Job

After completing the course, you may get hired by big gyms or you may start your own fitness center! Thus you can maintain your health, others’ health and earn decent money at the same time!


The above mentioned courses guarantee you jobs as soon as you graduate. I will write more of such lists in future. If you are an Engineering graduate, find which are the best courses to do after engineering. Hope this list helps you. Please check out other lists on our blog.

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4 thoughts on “Top 7 courses to do to get good jobs easily”

  1. It is really very useful site you also want to mention the years to complete the course salary details and
    location of colleges


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