15th August (Independence Day) WhatsApp Status, Quotes & Messages

Last Updated on April 10, 2022 by

August 15th, Independence Day of India, is around the corner! This is an opportunity of joy and pride for Indians from all over the World! To be honest, I feel that it is during such days of importance that we feel ‘patriotic’ and feel that sense of ‘responsibility’ that we have towards out nation! Apart from such important days, that only time we feel ‘Patriotic’ is when there are Cricket matches between India and Pakistan going on! Here are some inspiring and meaningful WhatsApp messages that you can send to your friends on Independence day or days prior to 15th August.

Indian tri color flag
Keep the flag flying high!

Meaningful 15th August (Independence Day) WhatsApp Messages-

”What is the point of sending messages, uploading pictures of flags on Facebook on few days like 15th August and 26th January ? Instead of just feeling ‘Patriotic’ on these particular days, make sure that you stay so the whole year!”


Taj Mahal
The pride of India!


”This Independence day, instead of sending just messages on WhatsApp and Facebook, why not take to the road, clean up your society, roads, schools etc? Why be dependent on the Civic bodies that are inefficient? We should show them that we are independent! That we can make the difference! Let’s act and put them to shame!”


”Are we really Independent? Are we free to do what we want in the society? At first, it may seem so. But many folks, especially from poor and backward classes are often denied even the basic rights by invisible hands of Corruption! This Independence day, let’s unite and raise voice for those suppressed souls on WhatsApp, Facebook and in the real World!”


Golden Temple, Amritsar
Golden temple- A sign of India’s glory!


”We became Independent due to the sacrifices given by many courageous men, women and children from different parts of India. While we remember popular names like Mahatma Gandhi, Bhagat Singh etc, many names have been forgotten. But do they really deserve this? Don’t they deserve something better? Come, let’s remember those unknown people, who, in one way or the other, contributed to the freedom struggle!”

Also check out – Inspirational WhatsApp DP Collection

Inspirational WhatsApp Quotes


”Next time, when someone ask you about your native place, say that you are an ‘Indian’. It sure will inspire the person who asked that question and will for sure leave a mark on his mind.”


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