Indians can study low cost and fees Engineering abroad

Last Updated on August 13, 2023 by Diya

Engineering is a course that is pursued by a good majority of Indian science stream students. While many institutions in India offer this course, both Government and Private, the quality of the curriculum here needs much more improvement. The case is different when it comes to Universities and institutes abroad. Doing engineering abroad has many advantages. But most Indian parents think that doing engineering abroad will be much more costly, one which they can’t afford.

But here, I’ll be busting some myths about these expenses. I’ll show how with the right information and knowledge you can find low-cost studying destinations abroad, which don’t compromise on the quality of education.

But before we jump into those details, let me tell you some major advantages of studying engineering abroad. Here are the main compelling reasons-

low fees engineering

Advantages of doing Engineering abroad

#1 Quality of education

The main advantage is the curriculum. The course taught there is up to date. But sadly, that is not the case with most Indian institutes. Premier institutes like IITs, NITs, and a few Private Colleges offer quality education, but, most private ones offer mediocre quality when it comes to the quality of the faculty and curriculum. In the case of Universities abroad, the curriculum is the latest, thanks to stringent quality rules and regulations existing there.

#2 It helps give an edge in the competitive market

As you all know, the number of Engineering Colleges is increasing in India each year. With this increase, the number of graduates in this field is also increasing. This is slowly increasing ‘job saturation’ in the job market! To stand out in this competitive market, one must have standout skills and knowledge.

Sadly, in the case of most Indian colleges, the quality of education, as I said before, is mediocre. Skills and practical knowledge are not given much importance. So, in the global market, when it comes to Engineering related jobs, many Indian graduates are at a disadvantage! This can be avoided by graduating from a foreign University, preferably from an Institute in a developed country.

#3 Advantage of additional courses

When it comes to good Universities abroad, Engineering is not all about theoretical knowledge. Practical knowledge and skill set development are given much more importance. That is why several job-oriented, short-term industry-specific, and bridging courses are also taught there regularly throughout the academic year.

These courses will ultimately prove to be of great importance to the students since they will help hone their skills and practical knowledge of them. A major advantage that many Indian institutes don’t offer!

How and where to find low-cost Engineering destinations abroad?

The advantages of studying Engineering abroad are many. But the main fact preventing Indian students from doing so is expenses. Yes, I agree that the expenses are high, when it comes to studying abroad, especially in developed countries. But upon searching and looking closer, one will find many possibilities to pursue higher education at low costs abroad. Here, I will share some common ways to find low-cost Universities and how to minimize expenses.

#1 Look for scholarships

For meritorious students, there are good scholarships to pursue Engineering abroad. Many Universities in the UK, USA, Germany, and Canada offer scholarship programs. Availing them will help lift the burden of expenses to a great extent. Also, scholarships and financial aid provided by Indian Government for students can be availed.

#2 Paid Internships

Many Universities and Institutes abroad, in developed countries, offer Engineering courses that also come along with opportunities for paid internships. Internships can be done simultaneously with the course! Thus, to an extent, by making use of such paid internships, a student can manage to face expenses with ease.

#3 Student grants

Many Universities and Institutes abroad offer student grants. These grants are available for foreign students also, like students from India. The sad fact is that many students, who dream to study abroad, are not aware of these grants and seldom make use of them! Make it a point to look for student grants and make use of them to lighten the burden of expenses.

#4 Universities offering free courses, zero tuition fees

Does it sound too good to be true? But the truth is that many Universities and Colleges abroad take zero money as tuition fees! Public Funded Universities in Germany are the best examples. While they don’t provide accommodation and hostel services for free, these Universities levy zero tuition fees!

Similarly, there are co-operative institutes in Canada, which work on a similar principle. The fees levied there are low. Making use of such Universities for pursuing Engineering abroad makes sense for Indian aspirants. The cost of studying is low, the quality of education is good and there are other advantages like paid internships, job opportunities, skill set honing opportunities, etc.

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2 thoughts on “Indians can study low cost and fees Engineering abroad”

  1. Plz i wanna your response about colleges,that i had got good percentage in intermediate through Maths is 94% and i wanna study abroad like in Germany or New Zeeland in minimum $ and is best ,might anyone help me


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