Top 9 tips to pass Engineering exams easily

Last Updated on August 5, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar

Engineering is one of the most sought after Professional course in India. Due to the increase in the number of Engineering Colleges and seats across different states of India, even average and below average students now have opportunity to pursue this course. At the same time, this has give rise to a problem- increase in number of failed students! Yes, many Engineering students tend to fail in exams, rack up backlogs and even get detained due to poor academic performance. What if I say that this problem can be solved? Yes, it can be done using some cool study and preparation tips. Here they are-

study tips for Engineering examinations

Tips to pass Engineering external examinations-

The first and the foremost thing to do is to start early. Start preparing for the exam early on. If possible, right from the start of the semester. Do read to know in detail-


#1 Start early, this will reduce burden and load

A good proportion of Engineering students tend to waste precious time, especially around the time when the semester has just begun. They find it okay to do so because they just got free of stress that came along with the previous set of papers that they appeared for, a while back.


Okay, it is okay to relax a bit and spend some time towards fun activities. But also make sure that you are not wasting too much time. Try to prepare right from the start of the semester. A good way to get started is by preparing the stuff that is being taught in the class on the very first day at home/hostel.


By doing so, you will be preparing small portion of study material each day. This will be less time consuming and will help you prepare the study material thoroughly.


Doing so regularly will be of much help. You see, if you continue this practice, this will become a habit. That is a good thing, let me tell you! Because, when examination arrives, you will have already completed the preparation of portion in a very good manner. You will have plenty of time to revise too. And believe me, revision is of much importance, if you want to score well in exams!


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#2 Focus on online study material, it’s awesome!

Still, most students rely too much on traditional Engineering books. It is okay to study from them. But at the same time, students should also try to learn from online resources.


An excellent place to get started is- YouTube. It has loads of videos showing step by step tutorials related to study material. Why I’m pointing out YouTube in particular, you might ask. It is because it is easy to understand and learn things that come in video format!


Also, we get to learn slightly more updated study material, unlike traditional printed books. One may even go on to ask doubts and get doubts cleared using such sites!


Is is also safe to say that even Facebook may help you with your studies and exam preparation. All you need to do is find appropriate groups- dedicated towards Engineering exam preparation and start being active over there.


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In this way, you may lay hands on study material, solution sets etc. You may also get your doubts solved. How well you prepare depends on how well you use social media and such online resources.


#3 Teach others, learn even more!

I used to do this thing a lot! And believe me, it really helped me prepare well for my examinations!


I made it a point to teach my roommates, who were weaker in studies. They depended on me to an extent. So, to make sure that I taught them well, I would go on and prepare lessons thoroughly, ready to face questions that they could possibly ask me!


The ‘teaching friends’ part put pressure on me. But it was a kind of ‘positive pressure’. It pushed me to prepare harder.


Also, by teaching them, I used to get more and more revision. Because, teaching others was like going through the stuff I had learned again and again- revision that is!


Before using this method, please make sure that you will be just to your friends. Don’t just go through this process for the sake of your own benefit. Your friends are dependent on you and you must ensure that you teach them well! Please go for this method only if you are confident that you will be able to teach others well.


#4 Know ‘sweet sections’ of the syllabus

This is the killer tactic that will help you score more marks in exams with less effort! Sweet section means portions of a subject that carry more marks. One may find such sweet sections using blueprints as well as referring previous years’ question papers.


Analyze each subject using this way and arrive upon the sweet sections. Make sure that you prepare them well at any cost. Prepare them in such a way that you’ll be able to solve those problems/answer those questions even after waking up from deep sleep!


Usually, most papers have a collection of questions that are usually derived from these ‘sweet sections’. So, preparing them well will help you get like 40% marks right away.


#5 Know ‘regular questions’ and prepare accordingly

Just like sweet section, most papers also have the ‘usual suspects’, which are some questions that are asked almost each time! Go through previous years’ question papers and find such questions that are notorious for being asked repeatedly in each semester’s paper.


Prepare those questions thoroughly. It’s another chance to grab easy marks in papers.


#6 Use reading vacation to its fullest (secret tip included)

The secret tip is- make use of your reading vacation in such a way that you may go and watch a movie before the examination day! It is a trick that my father taught me. According to this plan, finish study stuff well before the exam, go through your revision and all. Be so well prepared that you have nothing more to study and may well watch a movie before examination!


Well, it is not necessary to go out and watch a movie, but do prepare the way I mentioned above! Make full use of the reading vacation, blast through the ‘study sessions’, go through thorough revision sessions also!


One day before the exam, you must have time to relax, instead of indulging in last minute preparation! In short, time management is of much importance. Make sure that you make use of time well and finish off with your study material early on so that you have ample time to relax and revise.


#7 Stop procrastinating

If you successfully follow this step, you will be able to successfully implement all the other steps mentioned in the article! Stop postponing things! Stop giving yourself false promises of doing tasks the other day, instead of doing it now and here!


Procrastination can be overcome through self discipline and conscious efforts. It is all down to you, the way you tackle this issue.


#8 Work a bit on your handwriting

I’ve noticed that good handwriting may sometimes help get more marks in exams! Yes, personally, I have decent handwriting. And I’ve noticed that some examiners just tend to tick through, without reading answers in detail, if the handwriting in the paper is good!


This scenario may not always happen like I mentioned here. But still, you may try it out! Good diagrams and excellent handwriting will ensure that the examiner is impressed and will most likely not go through the answer in detail.


#9 Hangout with the studious folks

Hanging out with the studious friends has benefits of its own! They have plenty of useful resources like- notes, personal study materials, information about questions likely to be asked etc, which you may want to have access to!


You may have access to those resources too, if you manage to get into their friend group! Also, it is nice to be around such folks for they also may help you clear your doubts and even teach you!


Also read:

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These are the 9 golden tips that I could muster up. I’m sure that if you focus on these tips and prepare well, you’ll be able to pass out Engineering course with flying colours! No matter which University or State you belong to- MGU, CUSAT, JNU or Delhi University, these tips will be of help to you! If you liked this article, do share it with your friends!

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7 thoughts on “Top 9 tips to pass Engineering exams easily”

  1. I personally don’t think hanging out with studious folks will have any benefit. Make them hangout with you. I do not choose friends based on their grades.

  2. Good Morning Sir, my question is ,why an exam checker donot give good marks to a student who have attempted well with right answers? I am asking this question because I was given 30 Marks out of 60 in FCPIT exam which I had attempted well?

    • Mukesh Kumar, sometimes the examiner could be in bad temper or mood. Sometimes your handwriting may not be legible to them. Or sometimes, due to their carelessness too, such mistakes may happen.


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