How to join IAF after Engineering (BE/B Tech)

Last Updated on August 7, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar

Welcome to yet another IAF (Indian Air Force) related article on Apnahangout! Earlier, I wrote articles describing how B Sc and B Com graduates/students may join IAF as Officers. In this article, I’m going to deal with Engineering (BE/B Tech) stream. Yes, Engineering students and graduates will be able to clear their doubts regarding building a rewarding career in the IAF! This article will cover details like- various posts available, eligibility criteria, educational qualifications, exams, important dates etc.

Thanks to the introduction of Private Engineering Institutes, the number of seats of this stream has seen a phenomenal rise across the country! For many students, this proved to be a boon since they could pursue the course of their choice. But at the same time, increased seats have also added to job market saturation. The dull economic situation isn’t helping the situation either!

Under such circumstances, many Engineering grads look for jobs in the Indian Armed Forces, of which IAF is a part. But due to lack of right information, they often remain unaware of the posts that they are eligible to apply for, the eligibility criteria, exam dates etc. I hope this article will provide them will all the important details that they would want!

Basically, in IAF, there are 3 Branches for which BE/B Tech students/graduates may apply for. They are-


#1 Flying Branch

#2 Ground Duty Branch

#3 Technical Branch


When it comes to these branches, posts open for Engineers are that of Commissioned Officers. The nature of the Commission varies, depending on the entry scheme- Permanent Commission or SSC (Short Service Commission).

Now, let us take each branch and check out details associated with them such as- Entry Schemes, Eligibility Criteria etc.


Flying branch is all about taking IAF’s Aircrafts to the sky! Selected candidates are trained to fly fighter jets, helicopters and transport aircraft belonging to the IAF. Training for this will be provided at the AFA (Air Force Academy). Let us check out the three entry modes available for BE/B Tech students and graduates-


IAF Fighter jet
Find Entry modes to get into the Flying Branch in this section

#1 CDSE (Combined Defence Services Examination) Entry

* Age limit- 20 to 24 years (at the time when the course starts)


* Marital status- Single


* Gender- Only for Men


* Educational Qualifications- Graduation in any Discipline of BE/B Tech from a recognized University. No minimum marks requirement present in this entry mode


* Final year/semester students may also apply, given that they will be able to provide Graduation Certificate on the date specified by the authorities


* Exam and dates- Interested candidates have to apply for the CDS exam held by UPSC (Union Public Service Commission). The exam is held two times a year. Advertisements are usually put up in June and October months. One may use sites- and for getting further details. Application process has been made online now!


* After selection, candidates will be given Permanent Commission


#2 NCC Special Entry-

NCC stands for National Cadet Corps. This special entry mode is for those NCC cadets, who possess the Air Wing Senior Division ‘C’ Certificate.


* Age limit- 20 to 24 years (at the time when the course starts)


* Marital Status- Single


* Gender- Men only


* Educational Qualifications- Graduation in any Discipline of BE/B Tech from a recognized University in India. Minimum marks requirement is 60% in this entry


* Final year/semester students may also apply, given that they don’t have arrears/backlogs at the time of SSB Interview and that they will be able to provide valid Graduation Certificate on the date specified by the authorities


* Candidates hoping to make use of this entry are supposed to possess Air Wing Senior Division ‘C’ certificate from the NCC


* Exam to appear- In this mode, candidates have to apply through NCC Air Squadron of theirs. Later, they have to appear for AFCAT test


* In case of selected candidates, Permanent Commission will be provided


#3 SSC (Short Service Commission) Entry

Some aspirants choose to serve in the IAF for a short duration only. SSC entry mode is meant for such folks! Under this entry, a selected candidate has to serve IAF for 14 years. This period is not extendable!


* Age limit- 20 to 24 years (at the time when the course starts). Upper age limit is relaxed in case of CPL (Commercial Pilot Licence) holders. For them, upper age limit is 26 years


* Marital status- Single


* Gender- Both Men and Women may apply


* Educational Qualifications- Graduation in any Discipline of BE/B Tech from a recognized University. Minimum marks requirement is 60%


* Final year/semester students may also apply, given that they don’t have arrears/backlogs at the time of SSB Interview and that they will be able to provide Graduation Certificate on the date specified by the authorities


* Exam to appear- it will be AFCAT exam. Advertisements will be issued in months of June and December


* In case of selected candidates, they will be given Short Service Commission


That was all about the Flying Branch. Now, in a similar way, let us find out the details about the Ground Duty Branches-


IAF is not just about the Flying Branch. To work well as a unit, it also needs crew and staff on the Ground as well! Ground Duty Branches makes sure that IAF works well as a unit. Let us check out the two Ground Duty Branches for which Engineering students and graduates are eligible to apply for-

Aircraft after landing
Find more details about the Ground Duty Branches in this section


#1 Administration Branch-


* Age limit- 20 to 26 years (at the time when the course starts)


* Marital status- candidates below the age of 25 must be single


*Gender- Men (Eligible for Permanent Commission and SSC), Women (Eligible for SSC only)


* Educational Qualifications- Graduation Degree in any BE/B Tech Branch with minimum 60% aggregate marks


* Exam details- AFCAT exam


# Logistics Branch-


* Age limit- 20 to 26 years (at the time when the course starts)


* Marital status- candidates below the age of 25 must be single


* Gender- Men (Eligible for both SSC and Permanent Commission), Women (SSC only)


* Educational Qualifications- Graduation Degree in any BE/B Tech Branch with minimum 60% aggregate marks


* Exam details- AFCAT exam


Those were two Ground Duty Branches in the IAF, meant for Engineering Graduates to apply for. Even Post Graduates (M Tech grads) may apply. For them, the minimum marks requirement is 50%.

Now, let us check out the last branch- the Technical Branch.


When it comes to the Technical Branch, it is all about taking care of, managing and maintaining the machineries and equipment of the IAF. Here are two entry modes for Engineering students and graduates to get into the Technical Branch-


Also read: How to become an Officer in Technical Branch of IAF

Join IAF after 12th

Aviation courses


Check out entry modes to get into the Technical Branch

#1 UES (University Entry Scheme)


* Age limit- 20 to 26 years (at the time when the course starts)


* Marital status- candidates below the age of 25 must be single


* Gender- Men only


* Educational Qualifications- Candidates must be studying in the Pre Final year of BE/B Tech program. There should not be any arrears/backlog at the time of SSB Interview. 60% minimum aggregate marks is also a requirement in this entry


* Find more details about the Engineering Branch required here


* In case of selected candidates, they will be given Permanent Commission


* Exam- AFCAT exam. Advertisement appears in December month


#2 Aeronautical Engineering Course-


* Age limit- 20 to 26 years (at the time when the course starts)


* Marital status- candidates below the age of 25 must be single


* Gender- Men (Eligible for both Permanent commission and SSC), Women (SSC only)


* Educational Qualifications- Graduation Degree in specified Branch of BE/B Tech. 60% minimum aggregate marks is required. Final year students may also apply, when it comes to this entry


* Find details about Engineering Branch requirement here


* Exam- AFCAT exam, advertisement put out in months of June and December


* Physical and Medical Standards

In case of Ground Duty Branches, Technical Branch and Flying Branch, a set of basic Physical Standards exists, which a candidate must meet. In addition to these Physical Standards, Flying Branch applicants also have to satisfy additional Medical Standards too! Here  are details about Physical and Medical standards-


Physical Standards (Basic)-

To join IAF, candidates, irrespective of the entry mode and educational qualifications, must satisfy a basic set of Physical standards. The list is quite long. But the main things that are checked are-


  • Weight and Height ratio
  • Good Physical and Mental health
  • Good hearing
  • Well developed chests (expansion should be at least 5cm after full inspiration)
  • Healthy Bones and Joints


For the entire list of Physical Standards’ criteria set by IAF, check out the charts provided below. You may click on the images to get an enlarged view. You may find the full set of Physical standards on the image. You may even save it for future use-


IAF Physical standards chart 1
First set of IAF’s Physical Standards. Click on this image to read! Click on image to enlarge!
IAF Physical standards chart 2
Second set of IAF’s Physical Standards. Click on image to enlarge it and read it!

Medical Standards (In case of Flying Branch)

In case of Flying Branch recruitment, additional set of Medical standards are also present, which a candidate has to satisfy. Some important tests and things checked as part of this Medical test are-

  • Anthropometric Measurements
  • Spinal Conditions
  • Vision (Eyesight requirements)
  • Occular Muscle Balance


I’ve compiled detailed charts that deals with all the above mentioned Medical standards and tests. You may click on the images, enlarge them and read details with ease! You may even save these images for future use!


IAF Medical standards- Anthropometric measurements and some diseases chart
IAF Medical standards chart (Anthropometric Measurements). Click on the image to enlarge it and read!


IAF Medical standards- spinal conditions
IAF Medical Standards chart (Spinal Conditions). Click on the image to enlarge and read it!


IAF Medical Standards- Vision
IAF Medical standards chart (Eyesight requirements). Click on the image to enlarge and read it!


IAF Medical Standards- Occular Muscle Balance
IAF Medical Standards chart (Occular Muscle Balance). Click on the image to enlarge and read it!


Engineering students and Graduates who are interested in Flying Branch must give importance to this additional set of Medical Standards too. Before they are subjected to medical tests, Flying Branch aspirants must also go through PABT (Pilot Aptitude Battery Test) and clear it!

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110 thoughts on “How to join IAF after Engineering (BE/B Tech)”

  1. Hello Sir,

    I am Vandana, a BE graduate with 57% aggregate in Computer Science background.. I am willing to appear for class improvement exam to get >=60. Would I be considered eligible then??
    Please let me know.

  2. Hello sir,
    I am sahil I am studying mechanical engineering 6th sem. I am interested in joining iaf… Could u please give me a suggestion what are the requirements for joining technical or ground sector jobs???

  3. Respected Sir,
    My self bhumi limbachiya.currently i am studying engineering in information technology branch in 4th sem.
    i want to join IAF but i have no idea about the process and no enough knowledge about it. Please sir explain me What is process after BE to join IAF?

  4. Sir i want to join IAF but i have no idea about it can u please guide me about it…. Im currently doing my 3rd year engineering….., if u say now ill prepare it frm now..

  5. Respected Sir,
    My Cast : GEN
    DoB : 21/02/1996
    Class 10(2012): 60.28% WB board
    Class 12(Commerce): 50% WB board(2014)
    Diploma entrance test,Odisha(2014) : 1415 rank
    Diploma passed out in the year of 2017(Automobile engineering): 63.68%
    JELET (2017): 2670 GMR & 20 Trade rank
    Now a B.Tech lateral entry student 2017-2020…Techno India Banipur(AICTE,WBUT & Under Techno India Group)
    Branch : Mechanical engineering.
    Am i eligible for IAF technical branch after AFCAT & EKT?

  6. Sir/mam
    I have completed diploma in electronics & telecom engineering.and now i am perusing degree in same branch..i am a girl…should i need to give both ssb and afcat examination..or is it under basis of gate..if not gate..i want to do ms.after that can i join IAF or after degree is only the soln?

  7. Hello sir, I am Sankalp,i am completed my IT stream and I want to join IAF but I see three fields : flying,ground & technical ,in these fields more preferences give to mechanical and electronics students then what have to do in this coz I have no knowledge of machines and their instruments. So sir, please explain my problem I am confused about this

  8. Sir I m persuing btech from Electrical branch I’m I third yr I have got 91%marks in btech Nd I have got 84% Nd 79% in high school Nd intermediate respectively
    Sir I want to join the Indian airforce so plz help me Nd what should I do sir???
    Plz rply me soon

  9. Sir I am completed 2puc science 70% I am studying mechanical engineering in 2 year at which stream can I apply sir please tell me sir

  10. Hi I’m Riya ruikar im in 12th doin PCM
    How do i join the air force academy for technical branch.. What is the procedure to enter after 12th

  11. Sir,I had spinal cord surgery in my childhood and I am not able to move my neck exactly 180 degree ,still can I be eligible for flying branch?

  12. Sir , i want to go for CDSE/AFCAT(i am in Engg)
    which 1 academy is best for coaching
    Plzz sir, i am confusing
    Give me a right track

  13. mam/sir i did my in computer science nd engineering .i like tongoin in IAF. i have checked out every thing in article.which one is better for me .and advertisements were we havw to check.

  14. Sir…that all r good informations from u…but I’m confused that which college i have to join??
    Please suggest me for it !

    • Anup, Arihant publications’ books are good. You may also make use of free online resources available at various portals.

  15. Sir….i have passed 12th this year and i want to do air force jobs after engineering. Which branch is more essential for airforce ?

  16. Hello sir
    I am pursuing my BE aeronautical engineering and I am interested in joining IAF but my height is only 148cm am I eligible to join the technical branch ?

  17. 01.Can I be able to apply for all the three of the mentioned branches above? If I get rejected at flying branch, will I be still able go attend for the rest two of the branches?
    02. How much the selected candidate gets paid during his training period?

  18. Respected Sir,
    My self Nirmal Kumar. I’m currently doing my pre-final year in electrical and electronics engineering with an aggregate score of 70%.
    Can I apply for the post of ground duty? and is it necessary that I must write EKT Examination?

  19. sir , I am doing engineering (electronics communication) aggregate is 57% and 12th pu (maths:45, physics:71) so,,, can i apply the IAF

  20. Sir . myself I am Praveen. I am studying btech final in electrical. How can I appear for flying branch as a pilot . can u suggest the examination may I appear . . and is there any chance to got pilot job in airwing after intermediate

  21. sir
    myself sapna. i’m in 2nd year of electronics and telecommunication.i wanted to join indian air force,
    is there any kind of internship required in air force ? I want to be in flying branch nd also have minute power of (-0.7) in both eyes. will i be able to get it.

    • Sapna, you may try the AFCAT entry and join the IAF. Initial training will be provided by them, before you are given posting.

  22. sir..I pursuing my from ECE branch..
    I want to know what are the physical and mental requirements for ground duty…??

  23. Sir, I am currently doing my +12 (CBSE), I would like to join IAF even after my 12th if possible. And if not, what engineering group do I need to take to get into technical branch of IAF ? I would be really happy if I can take computer science engineering and still join the technical branch of IAF and also, I have minute power in my eye ( left eye -0.25), will I be rejected the chance of getting into IAF because of this ?

  24. Sir I want to know what is the difference between technical branch and ground duty Branch? I am in 2nd year electronics and telecommunication enggineer.which exam should I give for technical branch and ground duty branch?

  25. Sir, I took 5 years to complete my engineering. I am mechanical engineering graduate with 60% aggregate. am I eligible for flying branch??

  26. Sir now i am studing B.E first year student civil engineering.I have got 95.5% in 10th and 86.5% in 12th…what are the procedure to apply IAF…

  27. Sir,I am third year student from Mechanical dept. I have got 77% in 10th and 64% in
    12th.My aggregate till 5th sem is about 56%. Now i am appearing for 6th sem. Am now i applicable to join IAF. If not what are the ways to join IAF for flying branch.

  28. Sasriakal sir,I am a student of btech3rd yr mech.,my degree is ongoing with 89%& want2
    join IAF in tech. branch,can i apply for AFCAT .

  29. I am doing my engg final year in the stream of Electronics and communication . but i would like to join IAF. Please help me to know about the admission process and eligibility criteria. please

  30. Hellow sir,
    I am doing diploma in IT engineering.. And I will do BE also in IT engineering.. And I want to join AIF.. And mine DOB is 1996 .. What is the age limit for this branch??
    And which exam I have to give for AIF??

  31. Sir I completed my btech in Mechanical Engineering scoring 68% marks.
    Can i apply for flying branch ?
    if yes then How
    EKT exam is also cumpulsory for me or not ?

  32. Sir I have completed my bachelor degree in mechanical engineering with 73% and I have most interesting to join iaf can I eligible for flying staff please reply me.

  33. i am a 2 pu student i want 2 do aeronautical enginering…… but if i do aeronautical can i join IAF as an flying officer under ssc?

  34. Sir, I am a 2nd year student from electrical dept.
    Can i join IAF flying dept.. If ya then how

    Or is it necessary to be a graduate students to apply cds or not
    Cause I am 2nd year student
    Plz help me….!!

    • Ashish, yes, only Graduates or students appearing in final year can use CDSE entry. You may also use AFCAT entry. But the Commission in that case for Flying Officers will be SSC (Short Service Commission).

  35. Sir, I have 80% in Secondary, more than 75% in Btech(Mechanical) BUT due to severe illness I have 57% in HS.
    Will that HS percentage hamper during SSB interview if I’m able to crack the written test of AFCAT?
    Plz suggest me what to do…..

  36. respected
    I am doing by BE in electrical branch. I have scored merely 63%marks in 12th.
    Sir, does 12th class %age matters in selection procedure. Even after getting recommended is it possible that i will get merit in.

    • Sushant, you have chance of getting selected if you get recommended. Getting featured in merit depends on your overall performance (written and SSB). Also, scores of others will also decide whether you’ll make it to the list or not!

    • Sreejith, you may start preparing for CDS written examination and SSB Interview. There are coaching classes available or you may make use of online study material.

  37. sir i had completed my b.e aeronautical engineering,i wanna join IAF,may i know which sort of questions will appear on the AFCAT examination.can you give me some hints

  38. Sir I want to Join Indian Air force, it is my childhood aim ..
    I have passed in branch of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in year 2015 with 71.31%, My DOB 31-12-1992,
    Which job I can eligible and how to apply…?

  39. Sir I m a btech (it) final year student . I have -1 number for both eyes . I m not interested in flying branch . I m a girl pls suggest what to apply for and when .

  40. Sir i’ll doing my B.Tech in Computer engg. Is that an eligible course to join IAF. And also i’ve glasses with power -3 on both eyes, will that be a problem.
    Ps. Not interested in flying branch but interested in technical and ground work

  41. I am doing my engg. but i would like to join IAF. Please help me to know about the admission process and eligibility criteria. please

    • Shubham, you may join IAF after Engineering or while in final year of Engineering program. Just appear for CDS/AFCAT examination.

  42. I am 3rd year student of BE AERONAUTICAL Department. I want to join Indian Airforce . Officer rank .but i have no height only 153 cm. Jus givn an idea what is suitable for me.

  43. Sir I m a student of civil engineering . I want to join IAF but my branch is not eligible for IAF. So how I can apply or join IAF. Please sir suggest me.

  44. Dear
    I am in 3 year of b.e.After one year
    I am completed my degree.I am interested in air,sir please guardline me.what can I do.And sir,one problem my age is don’t exam of please help me….

  45. It’s very helpful for those looking for a quick guidelines .Thank you, and I am studying BE mechanical in 2nd year I am really interested in joining IAF .I am having shortsighted eye problem -0.5 am I eligible for physical test. .Please reply.

  46. sir I have got 60% in 10th and 53.4% agregate in 12th and in PCM(51%),i have complted my third year in mechanical engineering above 70%,after completing my 4th year in want to join IAF,sir what would be the best opition u can sugest to try in IAF

  47. sir I have got 60% in 10th and 53.4% agregate in 12th and in PCM(51%),i have complted my third year in mechanical engineering above 70%,sir what would be the best opition u can sugest to try in IAF

  48. Sir..I completed my degree course (B.TECH) in electrical engg.with 65%aggregate besides this ihave c cert.of naval wing ncc in B grading can I applicable to join (IAF) as an officer in technical branch? or can I applicable to fill form of ncc special entry in (IAF)…PLZ reply me soon…..

  49. sir i completed my btech in stream of eee in 2014. i don’t know how to join &when applications are released .my age is 21.i have so much interest in joining IAF but don’t know how?

  50. i want join IAF it is my childhood aim i am pre finalyear civil engineering student in karnataka please help me.

    • Nirupa, you may appear for CDS exam. Just set IAF as your prime priority. Else you may also go for AFCAT examination too!


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