Official Indane gas cylinder booking phone number

Last Updated on April 9, 2022 by

We have made it a habit to come up with information that people from around India find very useful in their day to day lives! For example, we listed the missed call balance enquiry numbers of major Indian banks. Now that article is read by many folks, who make use of the information provided in it! In this article, we will be listing the phone number that Indians may use to book Indane Gas cylinders!

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Phone number to book Indane Gas Cylinder from home

Indane gas is a major player in the gas supply sector. Many Indian families use the gas cylinders supplied by Indane for cooking as well as other household activities! Earlier, booking a new gas cylinder, when the existing cylinder is about to exhaust, was a difficult process. One had to go to the regional Indane gas office and provide get the entry punched into the book that Indane provided.


But thanks to technological advancements, Indane too has moved forward. Now they have come up with phone call booking service! Now one may book a new gas cylinder just by placing a call!


The phone number to book Indane gas cylinder is- 9624365365. But to make use of this service, Indane customers should make sure that their phone number is registered with Indane. The service will be available only when calls are placed from a registered phone number!


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On placing the call, the automatic reception machine will speak out the options. To book new cylinder, you will be asked to press ‘1’ on the dial pad. Your customer id will also be announced when getting this process done!

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