Tips to Prepare an Ideal Study Room For Your Child

Last Updated on January 6, 2021 by

Hi readers! Do you want to know how an ideal study room (for students) should be like? If yes, this post will be of help to you. Here, I’ve listed down some tips and tricks to help you prepare a good study room for your child!

Study Room

Both students and parents will benefit from this post. Parents may use this post to obtain ideas, which will help them design an ideal study room for their children. Students read this post, obtain necessary details, and make their own study room better than before!


Study room plays an integral role in a student’s life. It is the place where he/she will spend a decent amount of time each day studying. Naturally, the room must be neatly arranged and devoid of distractions.


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Come, let us check out how an ideal study room should be like. A good study room must have the following characteristics –


1 Simple and neat arrangement

An ideal study room should have a neat and clean layout. Study table, chairs, shelves, bed – these things should be arranged in a clutter-free manner. Once the student sit down to study, he/she must have easy access to books, stationery and study materials. Table, chairs and shelves must be arranged in such a way that it promotes uninterrupted study sessions!


2 No distractions

An ideal study room should not have any source of distraction in it. Things like TV, music systems, mobile phones etc may distract students. These things may stop them from getting fully involved in studies. It makes sense to cut out these sources of distraction from your child’s study room. Yes, you may place a computer system in there. But make sure that your child uses it for educational purpose only (or during the allotted free time).


3 Quite and calm

An ideal study room should be quite and calm. A calm surrounding helps students to immerse themselves in productive learning sessions. Try to allocate your child a room that is away from the hustle and bustle of the road. Parents must also ensure that noise emanating from TV system/radio shouldn’t affect the study room.


4 Well-lighted and ventilated

A good study room must be well ventilated. It should have openings for light and fresh air to enter the room. A student usually spends a decent amount of time in the room. Air circulation in the room must be good, so that he/she may sit there comfortably for a long period of time. Natural lighting helps enhance our mood! Make sure that the room gets ample amount of sunlight during the day time!


5 Separate rooms for siblings?

Yes, it is better to provide siblings with separate study rooms than asking them to share the same room. But if you don’t have the necessary resource (additional rooms), you may prepare separate study-areas for them in the same room!


You may arrange two study-tables, separate from each other, in the same room. You may allocate one table to each child! In short, if you have the necessary resources (additional rooms at disposal), it makes sense to prepare different study rooms for your children. But it is also possible to arrange separate study tables in the same room for your children.


6 Is supervision necessary?

Up to a certain age, parents may sit down with their child and help him/her with their studies. After a certain age, parental supervision (while studying) is not necessary. Yes, you may occasionally drop in on their room and check if they need water, refreshments or other things.


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7 Don’t have provision for a study room?

In that case, you may arrange a little study area for your child in a preferable part of the house. Just ensure that the study area is free from sources of distraction. For example – it doesn’t makes sense to have study area right next to the television set! Or you may simply turn off the TV/radio while your child is studying.

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