10th Board (CBSE & State) Social Science exam study tips

Last Updated on August 5, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar

When it comes to 10th standard Board examination, most students will agree that Social Science is one of the most boring subjects that they ever had to face. This fact is true when it comes to State Boards as well as CBSE. Preparing the subject of Social Science can become very boring thanks to long chapters, mostly theoretical portion, uninteresting topics etc. But using the study tips provided here, 10th standard students (CBSE as well as State Board) may turn Social Science subject preparation into a fun and more productive affair. Using the tips provided here, Social Science subject can be dealt with in a much better way. As a result, students can expect their marks in this subject to soar up. Yes, by following these tips, you will be able to score high marks in Social Science subject in your class 10th Board examination! Read the entire article and get to know these study tips, which will make your life easier-

10th Board Social Science subject study tips for CBSE as well as State Board students



State Boards
State Boards


Before we deal with the study tips, let’s just go through an overview of the course material. I won’t be dealing with it in detail. It is just an overview. The Social Science subject can roughly be said to be made up of the following topics-

  • Indian History
  • Geography
  • Politics
  • Economics


There are different ways of dealing with the above mentioned topics. Let us go through the study tips now. Here we go-


Social Science subject study tips to score high marks-


1 Start early, reduce load and prepare well

The key to do well in Social Science paper is by starting preparation pretty early. Social Science syllabus is vast. Preparing it late will simply increase load on students and make them depressed. This won’t help them in preparing this subject well.


The best way to start preparation is by starting it early and dealing with small sections of portion. This will help a student master that topic and won’t increase load on him/her.


Time is required for preparing this subject well. Thus, starting preparation early is a logical thing to do!


2 Go through the chapters and highlight important topics

This is the 10th Board Examination that we are talking about. You just can’t rely on questions asked at the end of chapters. When it comes to Board examination, questions could be asked from any section of the chapter.


Under such conditions, it is better to go through the entire chapter. I agree that not all sections in a chapter would be useful. So, if you feel like a section is important, highlight it using a marker or pencil. You may then read it again and again and memorize it.


You may then go through this highlighted section again, during your revision session!


3 Visualize stuff to memorize them better

Preparing topics such a History and Economics could turn out to be very boring indeed! And both these sections are vast, containing many theoretical stuff to memorize.


An easy and effective way to memorize such portions are by visualizing them. Read through the portion like you are reading a story. While reading, don’t forget to visualize those events in your mind. Doing so will help you memorize it easily. Also, visualized stuff will be retained in memory for longer period. The story and images that you associated with the portion will help you recollect answers easily during board examination!


4 Jot down dates, names and numbers; memorize them well

History topic will contain lots of important dates. By important dates, I mean dates when wars were fought, treaties were signed, important dates related to the Indian Independence Movement, Birth and Death dates of important Personalities etc.


Along with dates, names of people will also be present in abundance, when it comes to History. Names of Freedom Fighters, Rulers etc will be present in large numbers.


The best way to deal with such dates, numbers and names is by jotting them down and making notes about them. Go through the chapter, keep a notebook and pencil near you. As soon as you come across important dates, names and numbers, jot them down along with important details.


Later, you may go through such notes and master these names, dates as well as numbers!


5 Map marking- practice it

When it comes to Geography topic, marking stuff on maps is a surprise question that may be asked in 10th Board Examination. Map marking can’t be mastered just by looking and going through maps! You will have to plot yourself the asked locations on map and practice it!


6 Revision sessions are important

Social Science is not a subject that you can study and then leave it out for a long time. Usually, if you ignore this subject after preparation for long, you will tend to forget the studied stuff. The solution to this problem is- revision. Conduct and follow regular revision sessions. This will strengthen your preparation!


Revise highlighted important sections, important dates, names of persons etc.


7 Use test sessions to test your knowledge

Organize weekly tests and test how well you’ve prepared chapters. Also, go for tests covering larger portions. This will help you gauge your level of preparation as well as give you some writing practice.


8 Solve mock papers and previous years’ question papers

This can be done towards the end, preferably during the reading vacations. Going through full length question papers will help you identify your areas of strength and weaknesses. It is a good way to measure how well you’ve prepared for Social Science subject Board examination. Question papers also often reveal important questions and sections, which carry high amount of marks.


Also read: 10th and 12th Board exam study tips for CBSE and State Board students

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It will also give one writing practice and help one manage time well. Attempting such papers will help one get a general idea about time consumption and time taken to attempt various sections of the paper. This will help aid students manage time in better way during the real 10th Board examination!


Using the above mentioned study tips, 10th Board (CBSE as well as State Board) students will be able to prepare Social Science subject in a much better way. Please note that you will have to be consistent with your efforts. Only then will you be able to see noticeable increase in your productivity and score high marks in Board examination.

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