Top 9 tips to clear NDA written exam

Last Updated on August 5, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar

We all want to build good and successful careers, don’t we? A career in Armed Forces of India is one such glorious, much respected and much sought after career in India. Especially the post of a ‘Commissioned Officer’ is being dreamt of by many Indian youngsters! But getting this dream job is not that easy. First of all, the sheer number of aspirants is too high! Add to that the limited number of seats across various Defence related Academies in India like- NDA (National Defence Academy), IMA (Indian Military Academy), NA (Naval Academy) and AFA (Air Force Academy), you have cut throat competition for seats as a result! Like any other premier academic seat in India, to get into the above mentioned ones and to become an Officer, a candidate has to clear competitive exams! Here, I will share some tips that’ll help you clear the written examination part associated with NDA and CDS (Combined Defence Services) entrance tests.

NDA test

What exactly is the written exam of NDA like?

First of all, let me tell you what the written exam is all about. To get selected to the training program, a candidate has to go through a two phase selection process.

The first phase is written examination and the second phase is an SSB (Services Selection Board) Interview. I’ve already written and shared an article about PABT tips and some useful tips to crack SSB Interview. So, I’ll be only dealing with the written examination part in this article. Also check – NDA exam.


Blueprint of the written examination

The written examination is MCQ (Multiple Choice Question) styled. Candidates have to use OMR sheets to record their answers. One has to select the right answer from a set of options given with each question.

The examination can be said to be consisting of broadly 3 main parts- Mathematics, English and General Knowledge. Let us see some important facts about these main sections-


Mathematics Section-

Includes topics that you’ve faced in 12th standard like- Algebra, Trigonometry, Probability, Permutations and Combinations, Analytical question, Percentage, Profit and Loss, Ratio and proportion etc.


English Section-

This section is all about testing your English language skills. Expect questions related to mistake spotting, synonyms, antonyms, article writing, grammar related questions, comprehension etc.


General Knowledge section-

Covers variety of topics ranging from science to current affairs! Some of the topics are- Indian history, World History and events, Physics, Chemistry, Biology etc.

Now that we have gone through the blueprint and the various different sections of the examination, let us focus on the tips and tricks that will help you score the maximum marks.


Useful NDA written exam tips to help you clear the examination


#1 Solving previous years’ question papers will help much

If you are really serious about passing the written exam and scoring well in it, consider solving as many question papers that you can lay your hands upon. The trend so far has been that the blueprint of the written examination has not changed significantly over all these years.

The figures in different years’ question papers may be different, but the style of the questions asked each year are the same! Upon solving previous years’ question papers, you’ll come across the ‘style of the questions’. Since the same styled questions are asked in the exam, you won’t have much trouble solving them! This is also a good way to get the necessary ‘exam practice’!


#2 Buy NDA written exam guides

I said before that solving question papers helps. But how would you learn stuff that you come across on the question papers that you don’t know? In such circumstances, guide books, tailor made for NDA aspirants, comes handy!

One of the best guide book is the one published by Arihant Publication house. It usually covers each and every topic associated with the written examination. Also, as an added bonus, it also contains question papers from previous years and the solutions to those papers too in it!


#3 Learn the shortcuts, when it comes to Mathematics

The mathematics part of the exam is a bit tricky. The questions asked in it are analytical and needs to be worked upon to find the solution. As long as you don’t know the shortcut method, it will for sure take much time and efforts to find the right answer. This often results in waste of time and marks!

Learning the shortcut methods using the guide book will help you save time. This will eventually help you attend all the questions asked in the paper.


#4 Time management is of key importance

It is all about managing the time that has been allotted in a good manner. Try mastering the shortcut methods and save time. Don’t waste time solving a question that you don’t have any idea about. Instead of that, move on to the next question. Always keep an eye on your wrist watch.


#5 Beware of negative marking

Like almost all the MCQ styled entrance tests, this examination also has the ‘negative marks’ system. As per this system, each wrong question attempted by the candidate will result in 0.25 marks being deducted from the grand total!

This means that 4 wrong answers can get 1 mark deducted from your score! Thus, keeping this negative marking system in mind, never go for wild guesses while answering the question paper.

Leave the questions that you are not quite sure about. To an extent, intelligent guessing can be used. But never attempt wild guessing. It may end up ruining your final score.


#6 Work on your space management skills

Wondering what space management is all about? Well, when it comes to mathematics, to solve questions, some or the other sort of rough work is involved. Such rough work requires blank space. You may do such stuff in your mind too, if you are exceptionally smart!

But almost all of us will need to do rough work on the blank spaces provided. But the problem is that the amount of blank space provided is not too much. It is quite limited, to be honest. So, in order to tackle this issue and to prevent ourselves from running out of blank space, we must practice space management.

Learn to do calculations and rough work in as limited space as possible. Also, do much of the task using mental arithmetic rather than written work.


#7 TV and NEWS Paper can be of help

As mentioned above, Current Affairs forms an integral part of this examination. To clear the exam and score well, this section must be well attended to!

The best way to do this task is by making use of Television and NEWS Papers. Make use of them to stay up to date on topics associated with Current Affairs as well as National and International NEWS. Guide books alone won’t help you master Current Affairs. That’s when TV and NEWS Papers comes handy!


#8 Extensive reading is the way to score in English section

If you are naturally strong in English since your school days, you won’t have much problem dealing with the English section of the examination. Otherwise, you’ll have to polish your skills.

The best way to do this is by reading. Reading English story books, novels, NEWS Papers etc will help you improve your language as well as build vocabulary at the same time. Believe me, it will also improve your grammar and writing skills to an extent.


#9 History of India: Don’t ignore it

It may well be boring to prepare history section. But at least don’t skip the part associated with the history of our country! Lots of questions are asked, which are related to Indian history. Skipping this section will prove to be a costly mistake! Prepare this section well.

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KVPY preparation

NTSE preparation

Taking care of the above aspects will make sure that you’ll pass the written part with flying colors! If necessary, you may also go for Coaching classes and programs. They’ll ensure that your learning process is complete and an accelerated one! And remember to practice. The more you practice, the better will be your speed and time management skills! Best of luck!

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179 thoughts on “Top 9 tips to clear NDA written exam”

  1. Sir, I am in class 10 and I am really weak in mathematics but I want to join army so for that I have to clear the exam.sir please tell me what I do plzz reply me sirrr plzz

  2. Hllo Sir I am N.D.A. Aspirant and all the Basics of Mathematics i have Cleared in 11th class now After Few Days I will be in 12th Class
    And Sir i Want to prepare for it in thus year and tell me Which author is Good for it and From then i Have to Solve the Questions of N.D.A because their is Quite Stress of Board exams in 12th Staandard
    and in 1 year with stress of Board Exams how can i Clear this Test
    Guide me

  3. Sir
    I am 12 pass in computer technical 64.40% in 12th mark how to nda join
    and other basic computer course complete
    ENGLISH 30

  4. Thank you very much for you information sir…….but sir please tell me that can the students clearing +2 from NIOS (NATIONAL OPEN SCHOOL) appear in in NDA…. Im good in all subjects but i have done my +2 from NIOS…… Will it create any problem in the selection procedure…….

    Again thank you sir in advance! ????

  5. sir there is a problem with me I wrote name on my arm by a machine.and its can’t remove.. one of my friend said that I can’t join nda because of this so suggest me plz

    • There are some parts where tattoo is allowed. Other than those parts, it is not allowed, unless the person belongs to certain tribes (in whose cases it is allowed to have tattoo).

  6. I shall clear entrance exam . How to face next program of the Defence Acadmey. I join the coaching of English to prepare exam.

  7. sir I am Niranjan Murthy .I am in 11th class I want to join NDA please suggest me good guide books for preparing to clear examinations. kindly i need your suggestion.

    • Arihant publications’ books and guides are good. These days, good material is available online for free. You may make use of such resources.

  8. Respected sir,
    i want to join indian air force after +2 , sir i am student of +1 class , so I want to give NDA exam in 10class i got 75.2% (HP DARAMSALA boad ncert pattern) in this year ,sir can i join indian air force in high rank after +2 , and please give me nda pervious years question paper and solution and send me perparetion books
    thankyou sir

  9. I passed class 12 and my dob is 1/1/99 . could i give exam of april 2017 because the next year on 1 jan i will be of 19 , so i want to know is sept 2016 is my last try or not , however i will try for this time my best .

  10. Sir my last question is that how to prepare for ssb interview because my friends is say dat ssb is very difficult stage to clear The NDA sir im waiting for your answer……sir I am really love Indian army
    Jai hind sir

  11. Sir my aim is NDA and i love indian army and i am not so well in english and there are only four months are left for exam preperaton so sir what can i do to improve the english
    Jai hind sir

  12. sir I want to join indian army and I’m also a NCC cadet,,,and I want to know which subject should be take in BSc for applying IMA exam

  13. Sir
    iam Gokul p sajeev (18)
    basically iam weak in studies . my +2 result is on the way its on first week of may 2016
    but i love to touch the skies .april 17 is my NDA examination .,well, NDA exam will be hard for me
    beacuse of lack of my studies .MY aim is to join IAF .everyone is keep on saying i will not get this beacuse iam very weak in studies .so will i sir the student like me can join IAF in future or can pass NDA examination …..
    Hopeing for your reply..

    • Gokul, with determination and hard work, no target is beyond one’s reach! With the right planning, strategy and consistent efforts, you may crack the examination. You may take help of a coaching class, if necessary.

  14. Sir , I am hopeful of cracking this exam . This is my second attempt , I have given my 12th class exams and expecting around 94% ..I am sure of doing at least 60 questions in maths and 30-35 questions in english but the history section is weak and biology section is second to none ..Will I still be able to clear the exam ??
    Also, will my marks in the written stage combine with the SSB stage or is there a separation ?

    • Akhil, work on history and improve it. In the final merit list, marks scored in written test will also be taken into consideration.

  15. Sir i’m the student of class 12 and im from a poor family sir i have scored less mark in english sub so it can effect my nda merrit ? Sir plz give me some tips.

    • Akarsh, Independence movement, Armed Forces history etc are important. 10th, 11th and 12th level mathematics is important.

  16. Respected Sir,I have done my 11th class and I only know the syllabus of 11th class so, will it be easy for me to clear NDA upcoming exam on 17th april and how many questions will be there in matHs exam from 11th class and how much I should do to clear the EXAM.

  17. sir , as mentioned of using an shortcuts to save our time what are the books prescribed to learn them jst bcoz its my last turn and i dont want to get fail this time

  18. Sir
    for nda examination only few days are remaining.sir can you give some tips to crack the examination .how can i prepare within few days

  19. sir my name is Himanshu sharma and i have a last chance for nda exam is 17 april 2016 . sir please give me a advice for crack nda written in 10 days. sir i prepared for this exam last year.

  20. hi Sir m navin sen from himachal army is my lyf wnt to crk NDA but my mathematics is not well what I can doo now.. tell m sir plzzz

  21. what kind of mental and physical preparations(including physical fitness) are needed to crack NDA entrance exam.i am a 11th completed NDA aspirant.

  22. Hi sir am harish..i am very eager to join nda.i have applyed for nda 1 2016 exam.its my last exam bcoz my age limit left only for these exam..its 20days only left for exam..sir plz help me how to study for exam for both maths ne GA .specially a maths part.nd give me a helpful schedule for these 20 days.plz send my email.

    • Harish, you may solve mock papers. This will give you an idea about the type of mathematics questions asked in the exam. Try going through solved question papers. Try to master shortcuts involved in solving problems.

  23. sir i am hira and i want to become an army officer in indian army and how i will become sir please give me some tips

  24. Sir,I’m from a poor family background but I desperately want to join IAF through NDA but is it important to join coaching?
    sir help me out as I am very passionate to join IAF and willing to give all my strength I have.

    • Ashwani, coaching helps you get familiar with various stages of the test. However, if you work hard, you have a good chance of clearing the exam and the SSB Interview that follows it.

  25. sir,
    i am student of 11th class, but i had took biology as my subject! But if i’ll take my subject maths in 12th, is there any problem with it?

  26. 2 years ago in my right hand was a little carcked by fail down form cycle. But i’m now alright. I have no pain. M… I say that can it creat problem in medical test?

  27. Sir, Am Karan And I Am In 10th Class. I Want To Know About The Time Lag Between NDA Written Exam And 12th Class Finals. Pls Sir Do Reply.

  28. Sir
    I am in 9th class
    My dream and my Passion is to be a MARCO . So please tell me the way from which I can achieve my goal. It is really important for me to know the way. Please sir. Please

    • Sayar, you may join Indian Army as Officer after 12th using the NDA entry. Once there, you may rise through ranks, go for other tests and reach the post that you have been dreaming about.

  29. What is the criteria to pass out nda written? I heard that one has to clear mathematics paper of nda written above 80% marks!!! Then only his english language paper is checked

    • Akash, join IAF. After serving for necessary time, you may leave IAF and become a Commercial Pilot after clearing necessary tests.

    • Rohit, you may. Just follow the above mentioned tips. The key to success is consistency. You will have to be consistent with your efforts.

  30. Sir , I m a student of arts from army school, will I able to give the NDA exam taking an art stream …or it is compalsary to have a science stream .

  31. I have appeared in the exam third time but still I didn’t clear the exam. I have 2 more attempts but I am depressed. Don’t know what to do.

    • Abhishek, focus on the present. Don’t let depression get the better of you. Have confidence and prepare well for NDA written test.

  32. Sir….
    If a person got 50% aggregate in class 12 .would there is any chance that he can qualify for NDA .if he clears written exam ? Is marks are also seen in NDA

  33. Hello, my name is navdeep singh and i am from faridkot ,punjab. I am still in +1 standard but I want to start my preparation for nda exam right now. Please help me out with your valuable sugesstions.

    • Navdeep, make use of the above mentioned tips. Polish Communication skills. Build confidence. If necessary, take help of coaching class.

    • Rohit, as I said before, most books offer same knowledge. It is how well you prepare that matters. Still, if you want to get started, you may read books by Arihant Publications.

  34. Sir.
    I will be in class 12the next year .would I will be eligible for NDA if I passed the written examination in april 2016?

  35. Sir,I am in class 11 and I am unable to manage time for exercise due to school and private tuitons. Can you please help me out in time management as i have to study late night so i can’t wake up in the morning..

  36. Sir i want to crack NDA exam But i have eye number in one eye,so can I appear for Medical standards???
    My eye number is -0.15
    Sir can i eligible for Medical Criteria of NDA???

  37. Hi its gaurav chaudhary,
    Sir i was a good student till i was in 10th std and scored 10 cgpa from cbse board . But after that what happend to me i dn undrstnd i started smoking drinking n i havnt give my maths exam too of 12 .
    I have cleared all the sub except maths and i want to join airforce & crack nda exam too .
    What should i do sir im in very tention and depressed now a days plz help me

    • Gaurav, to join NDA, clearing 12th fully is necessary. Please don’t lose heart and appear for re-examination and clear the subject. Even if you don’t make it to the NDA, you may try for IAF even after Graduation, thanks to examinations like CDS and AFCAT! So don’t lose hope and bring your life back to track! 🙂

  38. sir, according to my perspective it not necessary that a child should go for a Coaching in some desired institute in order to clear SSB as no body gives a child and his dreams guarantee that he will definitely clear and even from all the best ounces are picked out. though your page is helpful and would like to share that dream is not just NDA but it lies as vice marshal for this country hope if ur serving to see
    you in future if you could help personally trough mail I’ll be highly obliged Jai Hind Sir

  39. sir it was my dream to join indian army in an officer rank. i m taking coaching from 11th standard to clear nda. but sir my maths is not good…what should i do!!!

    • Aditya, you may read English magazines, NEWS Papers etc. You may also make use of free online English learning programs and modules. Start speaking in English. This will speed up your learning process.

  40. Sir, Am I eligible for Army Wing for NDA from Arts Stream ? now I am studying 11standard. if eligible how to prepare for maths and science?
    Plz kindly reply.

    • Napoleon, sorry, Arts stream students can’t make use of NDA entry. However, you may take up a Graduation course, complete it and then appear for CDS examination. This way, you will be able to join Indian Army as a Commissioned Officer.

  41. Sir,
    I applied for nda exam September 2015.a few days left for the exam.but my English skill and general studies skill is not good.I completed my 10+2 with 86.2%. How can I prepare my for the last few days.

    • Subham, you may make use of GK and Current affairs books. Regarding improving English, it will take some time. But you may accelerate that process by readin voraciously and speaking in English with others.

  42. sir,
    I’m 18 now and I applied for NDA in September2015. In case i’ll not pass in that, how more times I have chance to apply for NDA.

  43. sir
    can i attend NDA exam….now i am 16 and in 10th standard……….and also can u email me some model question of written exam

  44. Sir I have fracture in my left hand will it make any trouble to pass NDA test I want join Indian Air Force its my passion will you please help me to clear NDA test

    • Sukhpal, there won’t be problem in appearing for written exam. In written exam, all you got to do is attend objective questions. SSB Interview is usually held 3 months after the written exam takes place. If you clear the written part, you will be called to take part in SSB Interview. In case of the Interview, I’d say that the fracture could play a negative role. But I guess that during the 3 (or more) months gap between the written test and Interview, that fracture will heal up.

  45. sir,i am student of the 11th class and i want to i am selected in n.d.a. And i need to some n.d.a written qualifacion tips to pass in n.d.a .sir pls mail my twitter account.

  46. Hello
    This is Shivani and I want to know that marks of 12 and also the marks of our graduation will be counting???
    Or they are important for ssb exams??

  47. hii sir, how much marks are required to pass ssb inter view and how i can prepare exam…. sir plz reply……….

  48. Sir I am presently in class 12 non medical . can I appear for NDA to be held in September 2015. Also tell can we choose all wings of army while filling form.

    • Pulkit, you may appear. You will have to arrange sections of Armed Forces according to your priority. For example- IAF in 1st place, Navy in 2nd and Indian Army in 3rd place.

  49. Sir, i am 18+. And i had only one chance to apply for NDA. I had already give two time NDA exam, but i didn’t Pass in it. And one thing me Army ke bina nahi jee sakta.. Plzz help me

    • Himanshu, give it your best shot. Use the tips mentioned above. Still if you fail to clear it, you may go for Graduation program and appear for CDS exam after it and join Indian Army!

  50. I am student of commerce and I want to know about the salary of CDS and to prepare for CDS exam coaching classes is available or not

  51. i completed a 12th from cbse board nd i gave a nda exam for 2 times bt i not clear so plz all my frnd suggest me what can i do for clearing a nda exam my dream is selected in nda

  52. sir ,
    my name is ashishyadav I want to join nda .
    bt sir my week point is only english because english play a very important role in nda not only in written exam but also in ssb .
    so how we improve or english. and one more thing sir please tell me how we set our time management.
    please reply me and give valuable suggesion.
    thankyou sir..

  53. Actually I am in 12 th std now.and suddenly my interest went over NDA . but it’s just 3-4 months remaining for exam. What shall I do now.

    • Harshvardhan, plan well and prepare. Without planning, it will be difficult to crack the exam. If necessary, take help of coaching classes.

  54. SIR I am in class 10th and I want to be NDA and when i am in 9th class i could not full complete my syllabus of math then what i do

  55. sir , I’m a 11 class student my dream is achieving NDA n I’m short heighted 5.4 feet so can achieve my dream or not …

  56. sir,
    I am interested in joining the NDA but I was a commerce student that too without maths. So how should I prepare myself for clearing the written exam?

    • Prashant, in that case, you are eligible to appear for NDA examination. You may go for graduation course and then appear for CDS (Combined Defence Services) examination. Using that entry mode, you may join Indian Army/IAF/Navy as a Commissioned Officer.

  57. i have appeared for 10+2 exam from isc board bt i m from commerce stream. is their any other way to join IMA for commerce students. and what so ever ways are available plz notify me about that……

  58. I have only prepared maths of classXI only and just few months are left for my nda exam,will it be possible for me to clear the exam

  59. If i scored very less marks in the maths paper and scored well in the general studies paper ,will i be able to clear the written exam


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