Group study tips for 10th & 12th Board exam preparation

Last Updated on August 5, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar

This article is all about Group study tips for Board (10th and 12th) students. These tips will be of help to students irrespective of their Boards and mediums- CBSE, ICSE and State Boards. Group study sessions can be used to cover good amount of portion in relatively less time. Also, for weak students, group study sessions provide an opportunity to clear their doubts and questions. If used the right way, group study can help one prepare well for 10th as well as 12th standard Board exams. In this article, you will get to read some of the most effective, tried as well as tested methods, which will improve the productivity and effectiveness of your group study sessions.

Before we go through group study tips, let us take a look at some of the main advantages of having/organizing group studies. It will be like an overview, where only the important and notable advantages are mentioned.

Advantages of having group study with friends

First of all, during a good group study session, students will be able to clear their doubts. Most of us hesitate to ask doubts to teachers. This may be due to different factors such as- fear, shyness, confusion etc. But most of us won’t hesitate in posing the same questions at our close friends! Thus, group study can be used as a venue to clear our doubts and questions.


It can be used to cover maximum portion in relatively less time. Every group has a student who is good at studies. Actually it is a must have, when it comes to a good group (this has been mentioned in the tips below). Now, if a group has got good students in it, the rest of the group can sit back and get topics and chapters explained to them. This will let others grasp things quickly and thus complete more portions in relatively less time! The bright students will also get their revision done, through this teaching and explaining!


Groups may involve in test sessions and evaluate each others’ papers! After all the learning, groups may indulge in small or detailed tests/examinations. This is to evaluate your knowledge and level of preparation. After completing the test, members of the group may check and evaluate each others’ papers.


Group studying has been found to be very effective and useful. Candidates who have cracked super-difficult exams like Civil Services, GATE, CAT etc have been known to make use of this method. At the end of the day, the quality and motivation levels of the group members will determine the outcome of preparation!


Group study tips for Board (10th and 12th) exam preparation

Here are the effective group study tips, which will be of use to Board students. Go through all of them and make use of these tips-


1 Find the perfect time to indulge in Group Study sessions

Group study sessions can be sometimes time consuming! Yes, things like gathering up, deciding chapters to cover etc can take time. During regular schooling period, it is difficult to organize good group study sessions. There is shortage of time, thanks to school and tuition classes. During such times, it is better to avoid group study.


The best time to organize it, according to me, is during reading vacation that standards 10th and 12th students get at the end of school year. By the time of reading vacation, most students will have completed going through the portions. So he/she would be well aware of their weaknesses. Thus, this is a good time to indulge in group studies and clear one’s doubts and tackle weak points!


2 Select only serious group members

We are talking about Board examinations! They are very important milestones in a student’s life! While preparing for it, we should be serious. Rope in only like minded and serious students. This will ensure that there won’t be much time waste. Time wasters should be avoided at all cost. Group study is all about productivity and efficiency. Time wasters will make sure that this aim is not achieved at the end! So avoid them and you’re good to go!


Also, when like minded people gather and work towards a common goal, much can be done and achieved!


3 Have some studious students in your group

Roping in studious and bright students into your group can be a tricky affair! Most bright students like to prepare on their own. But you may rope them in by showing your dedication towards studies. You may show and convince him/her that your group is keen to study and learn and that the bright student can get his/her revisions done by teaching and explaining things to your group.


The advantage of having studious students in group is that we can always learn from them. We can clear our doubts by taking their help. Also, their energy is infectious. They also provide us motivation!


4 Take breaks in between

After a long group study session, it is okay and beneficial to take a small break! Taking a break will refresh and recharge our mind! Eat up, relax and do something fun during the break. But make sure that the break doesn’t get extended beyond the allotted time (like 30 minutes, 20 minutes etc).


5 Arrange Group study sessions at appropriate location and time

Select the location wisely. Choose a quiet place, where usual disturbances like honking of horns, TV, people chitchatting etc are not present. Also, select time wisely. Early morning sessions will be great, since there won’t be any sort of disturbances. I agree that waking up early and gathering at one place will be a tough task for many students. But to achieve something, you must be ready to sacrifice something also! Find a good time to organize group study session and then stick to that timetable!


6 Seek parental supervision whenever necessary

Ask the grownups/parents of group members to supervise your group, whenever it is necessary. Especially during group tests, this tip will come handy. Having elderly folks to supervise will ensure that tests will be more effective.


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The above mentioned tips will surely increase the productivity of your group study sessions. Studying in a group is an effective method to prepare for your 10th and 12th Board exams. But if you remain careless, group study will result in loss rather than gain! Make use of these tips, organize productive and effective group study sessions and score high marks in your Board exams! All the best!

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