3 useful study tips for class 10th and 12th students

Last Updated on August 7, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar

Board examinations are around the corner! Number of students, belonging to CBSE and regional boards, are all set to write their 10th and 12th board examinations. As usual, tension, anxiety and pressure is on an all time high, when it comes to these students. Many schools have wrapped up portions and have allotted study vacations to students. Now, for them, it is time to face preliminary tests. In this article, I’m about to give 3 golden tips, which will help students prepare for board exams in a better way. Now that little time is left before the ‘real examination’ begins, these two tips will come handy to students!

Girl reading
Study well!

I’ve already written useful blog posts related to these examinations. And those articles have been well received by the students, gaining much praise and appreciation from them! Here are the links to those articles-


Board examination study tips for 10th and 12th standard students


How to score well in Mathematics paper


Do check out the comment section of the first article. Many students have posed doubts over there. Despite providing tips, students are still confused. While many ask for assistance in the comment section, many also tend to mail me and pose questions in email!


Common problem among board students: too much to study, too little time left!


Yes, this is the main problem that worries them the most! They complain about the enormous amount of syllabus to prepare.

But, first of all, I would like to point out that this scenario arises only due to their carelessness only! Had they started preparing for board examinations quite early on then this situation would have never arrived!

But time is a precious commodity. It can’t be bought, just like students buy costly books and guides! Once gone, it is gone for good!

So, under such circumstances, what students must do is to focus on their goals and manage time efficiently! Here are three golden rules to prepare for board examinations when less time is left-


#1 Set up small goals each day; achieve them!

Set and hit!

When asked to prepare enormous syllabus, most students take a look at the sheer size of the course material and lose hope and come under depression. This can be avoided by breaking study material into smaller sections.

Yes, set up small goals each day- like preparing 1 chapter at a time. Also make it a point to work hard and achieve those goals. Repeat this process each day and you will observe the burden getting reduced each day!


#2 Eliminate procrastination

Sign board
Don’t procrastinate!

Procrastination is the biggest enemy of a student, if you ask me! Many students tend to set targets, only to give up, procrastinate and ultimately remain unprepared for board examinations!

Also read: GATE preparation tips

SSB Interview tips

KVPY tips

NTSE tips

NEP policy

Procrastination can be overcome through discipline. You need to set targets and work towards achieving them, by being devoted and disciplined!


#3 Time management tips

Time is precious!

As mentioned on other articles, time management is very important in a student’s life! When less time is left, manage the remaining amount of time efficiently.

Creating a well planned and much researched time-table is the best way to manage time well. You may also take help of your parents to help you set up a time-table and make you stick to it. But the motivation to stick to a time-table should come from within!

These are the 3 golden rules for board examination students. Also, do check out the other two articles I mentioned in this post, at the start. When combined, these tips will help you prepare well, even with less time left before the examination starts.


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4 thoughts on “3 useful study tips for class 10th and 12th students”

  1. Thank you for the tips….I have wasted my time by doing things which are unnecessary….now I have got a positive attitude….and reading this article has increased it to a new height… I’m sure that I will get a good score recognized by the state

  2. I agree with the above article that students waste time in the beginning and then suffer.Even I were doing the same but reading this motivational article I got motivated and i’ll make sure that I really follow these golden rules.


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