Last Updated on August 6, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar
Board examinations are important milestones in the life of an Indian student. His/her career and future life, to an extent, are decided by 10th and 12th standards’ Board exams. In this article, we will check out some tested and effective study tips and strategies, which will help students prepare for their board exams efficiently. After January (or around that time), 10th and 12th standard students will get their reading vacations started! So, for the students who are going to appear for these board exams, that time will be the ‘make-or- break’ period! If students manage time well and study strategically, they will be able to score very good marks. But if they don’t, they should forget about scoring high marks and settle for mediocre scores (or even low marks)! In short, if students follow the below mentioned board exam study tips religiously, they will be able to score high marks in board examination! They will also be able to prepare decently even when less time is left!

Here, I’m going to provide you some killer tips to study productively, without wasting much time. As mentioned before, these study tips are tried and tested! Putting these tips into practice will ensure that you will pass the board exams with flying colors! I mean it my friends!
Let me tell you how this article has been designed and written. I’ll tell you more about the details that it contains. The article has been divided into two sections. This division has been made on the basis of two sections of an academic year. The first half is from the start of the academic year till Diwali vacations. The second half is from December to the date of the Preliminary exams.
In the first section, you will be reading about study tips, which will let you manage studies, school sessions and tuition classes together in a composed and balanced way. In the second section, you will be reading about study tips, which will help you make the most of reading vacation. The aim of second section is to help your reading vacation more productive!
If you are a student, who is going to appear for 10th or 12th board exams, make it a point to read the entire article and make a study schedule accordingly. Here we go, I’m starting the list-
Board Exam Study Tips 2022 –
Here, we are generally going to divide our study time into two sections. The first section is the time from the start of the academic year till Diwali vacation. Please note that Board exam preparation will begin much earlier than when the school starts. Almost all Private tuition and coaching classes starts preparation right from vacation time, much before the actual school sessions starts. So, this vacation period can also be said to be a part of the first section of our study period.
The second section is the period from December, till the start of preliminary examination. Just before the preliminary examination, there will be reading vacation, which lasts for about 1.5 months (generally). It is this vacation that we must utilize properly, for revision and lots of mock tests.
Let us get started with the first section of study time and the tips that will come handy during this period-
• Period starting from beginning of 10th/12th standard classes till Diwali vacation
This is the first half. So, if you want to build on a strong foundation, you must make full use of this time. Usually, most board students take this time lightly. They feel that it is just the beginning and there would be enough time to cover up. But this attitude is gross! Here’s how you should study during this time-
1 Finish your study tasks on a daily basis

Yes, if at school, a lesson has been taught, finish preparing it the same day at home. Keep this as your prime policy. The same policy applies for tuition classes.
Don’t postpone tasks. Don’t let procrastination ruin your life! Make up your mind that you’ll finish a task on the very same day it is supposed to be done.
2 Revise stuff regularly

Just preparing lessons daily won’t be sufficient! Because, after a while, chances are that you might forget the lessons!
This is when revision comes handy! Yes, revising things thoroughly will etch it in your memory. Yes, it is like engraving a drawing on a rock! The more you revise, the better it is!
In case of subjects like physics and mathematics, make it a point to revise the formulas as much as you can. Because, if you have mastery over them, you can score well in board exams and competitive entrance exams too!
3 Take tests regularly

After studying and revising, it is time to do a honest assessment of your preparations! Yes, make sure that you solve practice test papers time and again.
Just school and tuition class exams are not enough! Try to grab as many question paper sets as you can and solve them. Try to be honest and go for an honest evaluation!
After evaluation, make sure that you take the corrective measures. That is, by correcting your errors and improving your performance.
4 Revise again

This part is very important and can’t be ignored. Once finished with the tests and evaluation of a subject/chapter, students tend to forget about it altogether!
Don’t commit this mistake folks! Revision can’t be ignored. It is something students should embrace with open hands! So, make it a point to revise again and again, even after tests and evaluation.
5 Avoid Burnout

What is a burnout? If you do an activity for an excess amount of time, naturally you’d get tired. This is called burnout.
Anything done in extremes can result in burnout. The same principle applies to studies as well! Too much studying and no means of relaxation can wreak havoc with your mental and nervous system.
I think board students should indulge in stress busting activities. For example- try to find time to indulge in your favorite hobby, play games like soccer, cricket etc, travel with family, enjoy and celebrate festivals, hang out with friends occasionally.
I’ve listed few options to bust stress. You may choose the method that suits you the best. During my school years and board exam days, I used to bust stress by playing with my friends.
6 Group studies with good friends

Whether group studies can be productive or not depends on the quality of the members of the group. The ‘group’ should consist of students, who are devoted to and serious about studies.
You should go for group studies with only those friends, who you think are good at studies. They should be your honest friends. Give them the freedom to analyze and rate your performance.
This way, you’ll come to know of your weak points easily. Further, with the help of your friends, you can work towards improving your weak areas.
Would you believe it? Many IAS rank holders have credited their success in exams to group studies and the combined efforts of a group! In most of the cases, the group members would help each other strengthen their weak points!
7 Get the concepts clear; don’t plainly memorize syllabus!

During this period of time, most important chapters are covered in subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics etc. Due to the overload of portions to study, students tend to look at the temporary solution- memorizing portions plainly or mugging it up! This is a bad idea. Chapters studied this way won’t stay in memory for long!
Students should always try to understand the concepts and get their fundamentals right. Especially in case of subjects like Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry, if you understand the concepts, things will be much easier to remember. Take for example balancing of equations in Chemistry. It can get really tough. But if you understand the fundamentals of balancing an equation, then there would be no need of remembering and learning equations (and balancing them) by heart! See how understanding fundamentals makes life easier!
In case of other subjects too, such as Maths and Physics, always pay attention to fundamentals. It will make things easier. Plus you’ll be able to do well at twisted and tough questions asked in examination in a much better way!
8 Form subject wise learning habits

The best way to deal with Mathematics subject is by writing and practicing problems. Just reading and skimming through solutions is not the best way to study Mathematics. But studying Social Science is better done by reading through chapters and jotting down important points. There is no need to write each and everything, when it comes to this subject.
My point is that there are different techniques available for dealing with different subjects. Students must approach each subject accordingly and go forward with the best study method- reading, writing, solving problems etc. Create such learning habits and you’ll see your productivity go up!
9 Eat healthy

Yes, eating a healthy, balanced diet is of utmost importance! Because, you are what you eat! If you eat rubbish, you become one! Eat balanced diet, full of green vegetables, fresh fruits, dairy products, fish, meat, eggs etc.
• Second half starting from December till preliminary examination
This is the time, when the festival season gets over and the winter sets in. Also, this is the time that 10th and 12th standard students should take a reality check. Try to evaluate your preparation so far. And please be honest while doing it.
For best results, while evaluating, take the help of good friends, teachers, parents etc. Based on the evaluation, it is time to plan your preparations over the next half of the season!
10 Time management is the key

This is the time, when you should take time management very seriously. Because, half of the time just flew past you! Now you just can’t afford to waste time. And the only solution is- time management!
11 Go for a ‘power- schedule’

Well ‘power-schedule’ is my creation. Basically, it is an improved version of the time table that you’ve been following so far. So far, you’ve also been devoting some time towards other activities like hobbies, playing etc. Now, it is time to reduce the ‘frequency’ of such activities!
Hey, I’m not asking you to stop these activities altogether! Just reduce the time you used to devote towards them previously. When you sit down to study, just focus on it. Cut out all other distractions. If you are sitting down for a 2 hour session, then the two hours should be devoted only towards focused studying, nothing else (exceptions- drinking water, going to toilet and other such tasks only). I know that this could be difficult for many of you to follow, especially with distractions in the form of mobile phones, TV etc. What I suggest under such circumstances is that you should start practicing power schedule stuff 3-4 weeks beforehand. This will help you form a habit of sitting down and study, avoiding all distractions. Note that after 3-4 weeks, your brain will accept this routing and form a habit!
12 Go for question paper centered/blueprint centered study pattern

I recommend this study pattern to those students, who have been doing nothing so far. Yes, I know that despite 10th and 12th standard board exams being very important, there are students who do nothing (study).
So, if you are one such student, who is all set to face the board exams, I urge you to implement this study pattern. This study pattern enables on to cover as much important parts of the syllabus as possible, in the shortest amount of time possible.
To implement this method, first you must buy the various solved/unsolved exam papers from various publications. This has to be followed by solving those papers.
Solving question papers will give you a clear idea of the type of questions that are asked in the examination. But don’t blindly rely on this method. Because blueprint of the question paper may change.
Still, this method is very effective in picking out the ‘most important’ questions. Pay more attention towards such questions. But please don’t think that doing so will guarantee you very good marks. This is just to ensure that you go through all the important topics! Once this is over, one should cover as much of the rest of the syllabus as possible!
13 Don’t let tension get the better of you!

With the 10th and 12th standard board exams looming large over their heads, students tend to get a bit tensed! Not only students, even teachers and parents fall prey to this!
Don’t let tension ruin your preparations guys! Overcome it! Try Pranayam and other breathing exercises. It will have a soothing effect on mind and help one relax.
14 Only go for productive group studies

During the reading vacations, many students feel enticed to go for group studies. But these so called group studies often tend to become less productive! This is something you just can’t afford, particularly with so less time left!
Only go for those group study sessions, which you feel will help you! Like going to a studious friend to clear your doubts.
Also read:
Courses to study after 12th Arts
Courses to study after 12th Commerce
Courses to study after 12th Science
That’s it friends, these are my effective and killer tips for board students. Following these board exam study tips religiously will guarantee you high marks. 12th and 10th standards are important milestones in a student’s life. So make sure that you put in surplus hard work and make yourself and your parents proud! At the same time, also take care of your health! Best of luck!
I am Vishnu Nambiar a career and educational blogger from India. I am also a full time educational consultant having more than 12 years of experience in the educational sector.
I share articles related to courses, colleges, careers, exam tips and more here.
Hi sir, can i score 80% up by preparing for 6 months? I’m in 12th right now and not much time is left before my board exam. Please suggest some tips.
Focus on time management. Make the most of time you’ve in your hands. Cover important chapters which carry maximum marks. At last, solve lots of mock and previous years’ papers.
Sir it is a splendid article and really going to help me a lot.this year I am going to give my board exams but a question is arising in my mind again again this year in ninth in sa-1 I was not so confident about my preparation but still I got 94% but in sa- 2 I felt that my preparation was better than my sa-1 preparation but still my exams didn’t go that well.I don’t know why it happened I don’t want this to happen in 10th…please help me what should I do hope u will reply soon
Ashita, my suggestion would be to stop pondering about the past and utilize the present.
Sir it is a splendid article and really going to help me a lot.this year I am going to give my board exams but a question is arising in my mind again again this year in ninth in sa-1 I was not so confident about my preparation but still I got 94% but in sa- 2 I felt that my preparation was better than my sa-1 preparation but still my exams didn’t go that well.I don’t know why it happened I don’t want this to happen in 10th…please help me what should I do
Sir after 4 days my exam will be held but today i get accident and i got little injury i am not feeling well and still much study left what i should do .i am facing most difficulties i want to score 90% in this board exam plz help me i am in great problem sir plz… something for my career
When I wanted to study many things distract me and I can’t focus plz help me out
Sunny, focus. Be disciplines. Cut out distractions that are worrying you.
Hello, Sir, I am studying in class 9th and i want to get cgpa 10 in class 10th, so please tell me the proper time table/schedule that i must follow as soon as i finish my 9th class, i need the time table badly, please help me, Sir.
Sir I am in great problem as you know that aftet one month we have board exam . I am studying in class ten as in sa1 I have got 7.8 cgpa but now in sa2 all are saying that I have to score 10cgpa in sa2. But sir how I am very afraid of this . I am regreting myself that I have wasted my precious three months but now I am realizing . now I have only a month plz help in this situation .I will be very much thankful to you . sir plz zzzzzzzzzz
Anchal, it is of no use to regret about the wasted time now. Focus on the present. Divide big portions into smaller sections and tackle them efficiently. Another good way to cover important portion is by going through previous years’ solved question papers.
Sir you haven’t replied my questions answer ….
I’m very afraid… Only 25 days remain for the 12th board exams. And I’m not at all satisfied with my preparation. I’m not confident… I’m felling That I’m foul going to fail. Sir please tell me what should I do?
Ajinkya, prepare list of topic that have more chances of getting asked in previous years’ question papers. Prepare those portions well. It will help you pass the board exam.
Sir I am very much regret of my own cgpa of 9class as 7.7 and in class10 in sa1 I had got 7.8 cgpa .now I am in danger that my tutors and parents are saying that I have to score 10 cgpa in final means above the 95% but for this I had not prepared well and I have wasted my precious time now I am realizing that I have only one month for coming sa2 last exam so tell me plz what I should do and give some killer tips plzzzzzzzzzzz …..sir
Anchal, to cover maximum topics in very less time, it is better to prepare from solved question papers as well as previous years’ and mock question papers. It will help you cover important topics. But it won’t help you score very high marks though. If you work really hard, you will get decent marks.
Sir help me I will be very much thankfull to you plz help me………………. 🙁
Sir plz help me I am achal Tirkey as I have got 7.8cgpa in sa1exam of 10 class I have wasted my time so only 1 month is left in my hand for coming sa2 exam . plz give some tips how to get 10 cgpa in class 10 help me.
Sir, i was not able to score to core gud marks in sa1. So, im scared thinking as if it will affect my markings eventhough i scor gud marks in sa2. my sa1 points are 8.4. will i be able to score 9+ marks in total after m board exam in anyway sir ? please leave a reply soon sir.
Abhi, forget about what happened. It can’t be undone. Focus on the nest exams and try to give them your best shot.
Sir please guide i had already covered my portion but how should i revise and i had got 78only in my preliums
Ramesh, in which subjects and sections did you score less marks? Focus on your weaknesses and improve them.
Sir My name is Malik.And I m very scared of the exams now bcoz lots of time is wasted bcoz of some practicals and eamcet preparation and I haven’t started anything to study and there’s just one month left to my board exams not even one month its much less what to do sir suggest me something please sir
MK, I’d suggest you to cover important and heavy marks topics first, based on previous years’ Board Exam Question papers.
sir i had already finished my protion but then also i had score less marks in prelims 78only specialy in hindi marathi what should i do can you give any study plan which can really help me.plzz reply fast sir
I dont like biology…how can i like biology????
Sandy, you have to make conscious efforts. Make learning process more enjoyable. Try to understand the concepts, create images in mind while learning.
I like science stream so much,but i dont like history subject and it is the subject which i hate…plzzz help me…
Akash, I’ve written an article about how to tackle History subject effectively for Board examination. Please do read that. You’ll be able to find that article in the ‘related posts’ section.
Thanks for ur useful tips…..but i have less confidence.plzz help me
Veena, preparation, to an extent, will boost your confidence. If you are well prepared for exam, you won’t be nervous, since you know answers to most questions. So, keeping that in mind, relax and start preparing well using the tips mentioned in the article.
sir how to avoid distractions like mobile phones etc.
Abhi, best way is to improve self control and have discipline. Otherwise take help of parents. Ask them to supervise you. Give phone to them and ask them to keep it away from you while you are studying.
Sir I have problems with English exams .Can you suggest me how to learn English please.
Abhi, I’ve written a post about study tips for Board exam English subject examination. You will be able to find it in the ‘related posts’ section of this article.
Sir….thanks for all the tips….but the problem which I have is I don’t get enough time to practise according to my own timetable… From 6 am to 8 pm I am being in school which makes me stuck between too timetables….I am unable adapt to school timetable as it makes me so stressed…please suggest soon..thankyou
Veena, make good use of off days. Especially target reading vacations that you will get.
Sir I have ruined my half time. Now how can I manage to get good marks in 10th board. Please sir. I m a poor.
Rahul, use the rest of the time well. Make use of above mentioned tips. You’ll get decent marks in Board exam.
i’m a student of 10th…if i study one topic i easily forget within a day…please suggest me to get out of this problem. also provide me some tips for studying chemistry.
thank u..please help me as soon as possible
Archana, revise and revise! In case of each subject, form regular revision sessions and follow that routine consistently. Also organize self tests and evaluations. Try visualizing the things you study. It will stay in mind for longer! Also prepare notes about important things and topics. Keep this note near you and revise it thoroughly.
help me again!!!!!
any tip to complete per subject study in just 12 to 14 days……..!!!!!!
Selena, 14 days is too less time, when it comes to Board Exam preparation. Talking about tips, the best way is to focus on mock papers and important subjects. Solve as many question papers and note down important sections, which carry high marks. Prepare them well.
but sir,i dont have tution
nd how to study of biology
Selena, if necessary, go for tuition. About studying Biology, try to understand basic concepts, memorize stuff whenever necessary. And revise until you have mastered important topics. You may also jot down important points while reading and make notes. Later, you may revise those points from notes.
thanks for advice……sugest me timetable to study regular
Timetable making depend on your lifestyle and habits, Selena. You are the best person to make your own timetable.
help me for physics nd chemistry……lot of portion i dont undrstand what to study
Selena, you may make use of tuition class or indulge in group study sessions. Using these methods, you may understand topics that you are unable to do right now.
give me time table to complete my studies for 12 board exam
sugest me some tips to over come this heavy studies to get gud marks….help me fast their is just little time
lot of portion i dont understand what to study
Sir I always get less marks in English…
Prachi, read more and more. Read English Magazines and Newspapers. It will help improve your English language.
help me as fast as u can plz…….
suggest me timetable or some tips to manage my studies….!!!!
i ll apear 12 th board in 2016……
i want help,,,,up to diwali i had done all timepas but now i am tensed that how to study now plz sugest me how to complete my studies in these little time…….
Sir I am a 10th Standard student. I love drawing and I am getting distracted by it. When I start studying I feel I want to draw. Also I want to do my career in that field. Now almost 3 months are remaining for boards and I have got only 50% in my annual exam conducted in school. So can you tell me how shall not get distracted by drawing and how shall I study for last 3 months??? Also can you please reply me a bit faster because our Preliminary Exam are going start on 4th Dec. so please please please please help me.
Saee, what you have to understand is that you must make some sacrifices to achieve something. Quit drawing for some time, focus on board examination and use the above mentioned tips.
Sir, I am student of class 10th board I need your help. How to complete my all subject in 2 montho for board exam pleasezzzzzzzz help me sir
Hussain, the above mentioned tips are enough. Just follow them religiously.
Sir iam of 10 std I am disturbed by a girl Before I was a merit student now I was very poor in my studies..How to gain back my meritness..?
Tharun, just eliminate that distraction.
sir I got 28 % in units and 30 in half yearly I am really tensed about my board plzz plzz help me out sir I want to score more only 3 moths left ……
Thnx sir, your tips are very useful.but I am facing a problem ,whenever I sit to study I get distracted by many things like TV and cell phone and I just waste my time on those stuffs.could you help me with this matter?
Devjyoti, take help of your family. Ask them to cut TV connection for some time. Ask them to keep your mobile with them while you’re studying.
sir im very poor at maths so pls suggest some tips to
Keerthi, Mathematics is all about written practice.
sir, i liked the above given tips but after oming from the tuitions i really dont get time to of my who is always the topper of my class also has the tuition where i go.but she does well but i dont do well.i get a lot of to get rid of this problem?
Nagashree, the key is to manage time well. You’ll have to sacrifice some sleep, if you wanna score high in any examination.
Sir i hav read all of ur posts …n i m vry much satishfied wid ur ans …actually m doing dis is my last yr.some how i m nt satishfied wid dis i m confused what 2 do in d further steps,nw suggest me d remedies.
sir give me some tips to get good marks sir when i lesson after two or three days i forgot them why this happening ?
sir how can i get good marks in 10 class board examination
And sir please give me some tips to reduce my sleep
Sir thanks for the tips but the one problem I have is that after studying I feel very sleepy and I tend to lag behind my time table and also I waste much of my time in practicing numericals is there an alternative for this writing practice as my 11th board 1st semester gujarat board exams are approaching…. Please help me sir
sir ,when I writing exam I forget the answers why?
Pooja, it could be due to sleep deprivation and lack of rest.
firstly thanks 2 u sir 4 giving these wnderful tips..sir m not having my full concenration on studies.when i study my mind get divert here n there…so what should i do sir?
What causes such diversions? Is it your mobile phone? Is is TV? Find out the cause and then make conscious efforts to eliminate such distractions, Shivani. You may also try meditation and improve your concentration level.
Hi! Sir . I liked the way you exprees the importance of board exams in each and every student. Next year I will prepare for my SSC board exams , and I will sure follow all these important tips. THANKYOU VERY MUCH ! And have a good day.
Thank u sir.
Thank u 4 ur advice sir,bt sir still i hv a problem..actually i wnt 2 clear my all concepts specially 4 my English(h) Subject n i m facing difficuties in dis. Sir give me sm tips to…….
sir i din start yet what shuld i do to score high marks im studying in state board syllabus sir hlp me
Akky, focus on sections carrying maximum marks.
Hlw Sir i read ur post and dis is vry i hv a problem sir and i need ur help,i m a literature student n dis is my final year of graduation n i wnt 2 achieve atlist 65% in my sir d primary problem lies in d fact dat i m also a tutor and vry busy in dis so i didnt find time 4 my personal just suggest me d r
emedies 2 get rid of it..
Shanti, exams are more important. Is there any way to take a short break from your tutoring role? If not completely, why not limit your tutoring job to a certain extent so that you may focus on studies more.
sir ur words r really meaningful ……but i have a problem i love accounts but due to this i dnt practice maths at all and i m laging behind in maths what should i do..??? plz rply sir
Please sir, I am student of class 10th.I am very weak in mathematics please give me some tips
M not doing proper self study because my school +coaching ….and when I reach at home after coaching then I feel lazyness also that’s why m not doing self study..!!
How could I prepare myself for 12th boards and medical entrance..!!plzzzzzzzzzz
Anisha, you should get laziness out of your life. Try to cover the stuff that is taught in class on the very same day. Doing such small task daily will help you eliminate laziness and also reduce load in the long run.
Sir……!!. According to your tips I’ll try again and again to focus at one things..but literally literally m failed….!!
I want to study and I like to study more and more but m failed sir..!! I have less time for 12th boards and also I want to perform best but how???
Plzzzzzzzz sir…give me again suitable sggstn..plzzzz
A very inspiring and relieving article sir…my question to you was that right now I am revising class 11th for competitive, would 3 months enough for me to study for board exams …
Thank you
Gaurav, can’t arrive at a conclusion easily, when it comes to the question you asked. A lot depends on your aptitude and grasping power, memory etc.
I had score only 78 percentage in first unit test and want to score 90 above in boards what should i fallow
Ramesh, follow the above mentioned study tips religiously. They are enough to help you score high marks in 10th as well as 12th Board Examinations.
Thanx for ur tips sir. But… I am actually a failure. Coz I have failed 9th std and want to score atleast above 60% in 10th and when I study I get easily distracted…what should I do?
Sharvari, the above mentioned study tips are more that enough, I think, to excel in Board Examinations.
Hello i am totally confused in the case of my 12 second semester exam for gujarat board which not more then 20 days far from today and due to some personal reasons i was unable to revise my daily work and occasionally could not attend my classes and now on taking all material in my hands does not look easy as i can only remember the formulas of about one chapter out of about seven chapters and as i think my basics must be cleared as i got 87% in 10th and 76% in 11th so i think there must be a door still open for me in your mind , the only way for me to get good scores in this exams.
Rushi, focus on heavy marks carrying sections and questions. You may also make use of previous years’ question papers.
Sir, your article is very encouraging but I unfortunately found it now and realized how much time I have wasted I really want a good percentage at least 80% would be enough but I would be grateful if you could help me make a time table for passing in every subject at least just pass my weaknesses are math and physics.
please reply Sir, I would be extremely grateful.
sir,it is super ………
sir,iam a plus two student.iam read your tips.iam not started to do this.but i willdo this.
sir i am in 10th std .5 months in hand .i have wasted my time till now .what shall i do to score above 90per .
Hello sir I hope u will understand my tension sir my problem is that my 12 board exams are in next 35 days and I m not prepared for the exams so sir please help me how much time I focus on my study plz tell me sir only 35 days are left and I m so scared and stressed I m going to fail plz help me
Shubham, why have you not been preparing all this while? Okay, without wasting much time, pick out very important topics from each subject, which has a high probability of being asked. Like, the portions carrying heavy marks. Prepare them well and thoroughly at first.
Hello sir I hope u will understand my tension sir my problem is that my 12 board exams are in next 35 days and I m not prepared for the exams so sir please help me how much time I focus on my study plz tell me sir only 35 days are left ………………
Sir the time table is very good but I have a problem I go out to play for a long time give me a suggestion
Monika, to achieve something, you gotta sacrifice things too. To get good marks, you will have to limit playing time. Try limiting playing time bit by bit, with each passing day. Soon, you won’t crave for it.
Thnx for the article .
But i get to the studies i always get dissattraced so what can i do?
Thebportion of the school and thd tution is parallel. And they conduct test every what i can do for this problem
Kartik, a good time table will solve most of your problems. Talking about Distractions, it is up to you to get better of them! What distracts you by the way? Is it your mobile phone? Or is it TV?
thank u for the brilliant tips sir, but i am very confused. of course everyone wants to score above 90-95% (even me), but being a bit more into reality, i am not that confident about scoring above 90%.
yeah my family tells me to make a study plan in a structured way,and a lot more, but my main problems are-
1) lack of concentration
2) lack of persistence
3) motivation being a one time event but not for a long period.
4) feeling boredom again and again.
your reply will be highly appreciated. 🙂
Yash, you need to form habit. If you follow a time table like a ritual for like 3 weeks, it will become more like a habit. You will be able to study for long hours without distraction. It will become a habit! You will have to put up efforts during the initial phase. There will be inertia, but you gotta put in the initial effort using all your physical and mental resources. Take a few steps and then you will be amazed at how well you get used to the grind and make it a habit!
sir, i want to improve in English for 10th SSC exam, but how?
Kalyani, it can be improved by reading. Read extensively. Also try to speak in English. It will speed up the learning process.
sir will 9th class marks will add in class 10th for the total CGPA to get stream if yes please help how to get science as you know I am in middle of my exams
sir I am very tensed I am in middle of my board exam of first half my science paper is on 18th and I want science stream my maths that I have done today was not very I don t think I can get good marks what should I do to get good marks now my 9th CGPA was 6.6 please help how to get good marks now
Thank uh sir..i ws very tensd after reading i got the strength to problem is i am preparing for competetive,exams, and nw i m nt able to man
age my studies for,boards and ,exams
Thnku for sggstn sir..BT I can’t focus in meditation also
Anisha, if you try well enough, you will manage to focus better.
Thnku so much sir for gvng me sggstn..!! But sir..I really don’t know which element is distraction for me..even I m trying to concentrate in meditation also but I can’t..why this would happens with me only?? I m able for doing anything but I can’t focus in one thing..sir…:-((((
Sir..!! I want to concentrate but I can’t..!! Biology is my favorite subject that’s why I choose this subject but in this also I m not getting good marks..! Plzz give me a suitable suggestions to give my best performance in my every subject
Anisha, the best way to concentrate and focus is by eliminating distractions. Which things distract you while studying? Remove those things out of the equation and you will be able to focus much better! Also do bit of meditation. It will help improve your concentration power.
Sir…!! I m studying in 12th std..!! I want to study with full efforts but I can’t concentrate in my study..!
I give my best in every exams but I can’t achieve good marks in any subject..I always got again again poor marks it possible to do best in 12th boards.? I have only 6months for 12th exams ..I m so tensed and confused..!! I want to concentrate but I can’t
Sir, Plzzzzzzzzzz reply
Plzzzzzzzzzz reply
plzzzzzzzzz reply soon i need ur help seriously to get inspired and sothat i can concentrate in my studies i want to top in bio, physics, and chemistry
i am also very very confused about my 12th class exams i am completely inconfident and feeling very insecure about my exams plzzzzzz help me in making my time table how much time i have to study to get about 95% marks in 1st sem plzz help me
sir,im really confused that what to study and what to not….when i study physics my mind diverts to another subjects like biology or anthing else so plz try to resolve my problems sir
Thanx I m sure that ur killer methods wud surely help me. Thanks
Sir,what can be the best way to solve papers by seeing book or by learning.especially when there is not much time in hand
Ram Kishan, divide portion, understand the concepts and revise.
sir,im reading in cl 12 with arts stream. Can u suggest me some of the best scope for ARTS STREAM
Sir,, plz tell me that how can I study upto 6 to 8 hrs daily…
First of all a big thanks for your suggestions sir. Sir, I am doing 12th Commerce from distance and I was not that serious about the studies till now. Please tell me the perfect time management and way to remember what I had studied.
Sir, I am doing 12th Commerce from distance and I was not that serious about the studies till now. Please tell me the perfect time management and way to remember what I had studied.
Sir u didnt reply me i really need hlp
sir, I am in class 12th ,commerce, my marks in accts are good. but in eco and business studies are not good because, when I am answering. the question is not what the question is asking. I write down whole thing.and sir,plz help me out my exam are 14th sept ownwards. and tell me how to make notes.
sir if i started sincerely studying from months of august can i get good marks in hsc
Yes you can, Sahil!
Sir i am vanya m in bio grp in 12 class my xams r going to start in sept more thn half course had been done n my nothngs prepare i wnt ur hlp time is less n i hav to stdy a lot plz suggest me a gud timetable coz i wnt more thn 80% marks in half yearly in previous xams i had nearly got 60% marks n nw i want ur hlp to scoregood marks in physcs chem n bio n in other subjct tht is comp n eng i get above 80 bt due to phy chem n bio my % age decreases plz help me out sir
My xams r in sept mid none of chaptrs r prpare subjcts r bio.phys chem mainly sir plz othrwse m gonna get v bad marks i want ti get atleast 75% marks tmetable.whch i shld follow n so tht i may gt gud marks i really wnt hardwrk n ill dfinetly do it bt.i need ur hlp sir
Sir i am nt a gud student in class bt yet nt worse also m going to hav xams from 7 sept and i hav taken bio in 12 nd nthng is prepare nd my concepts are too nt clear
coz i had nt attnded school fr 2 to 3 mnths plz suggest me some timetable nd wat to study when my subjcts are bio phtscs chem ip n englsh so plz sir hlp me out i wnt to score more thn 85 % marks in halfyearly xams
Sir the problem faced by me is that I am experiencing a lot of pressure from my tuition and parents
Sir, my aim i want to become a doctor , my hard work is not enough Now a days our school conduct a test I scored maximum marks but i want to become a doctor How improve my cut-off marks Please help me sir Please give a perfect idea
Ganesh, focus on weak areas, work on improving them. Also, focus on State as well as National Level Entrance tests.
It was Nice
thanks a lot for all of your suggestion ….. your tips motivated me a lot but sir i alwys usd to gt distrctd frm my studies..i alwys loose cncrntration while studyng alwys helplesss i usd to make my timetbl daily i guess bt fail to follw tht actlly it s dmn dffclt please tll me smthng in order to be always focused in my studies so tht i cn scre 100 prcnt marks as i hv expctd
Hello sir,
My exams will start from september(maybe 8 sept.)
But i have not completed my whole syllabi yet….
2 chapters left in science(excluding bio bcs i do bio at d last as i m not gud in it , i know i should work hard in bio but i can’t … My sir only teaches phyics and chmistry not bio)
1chapter left in maths
2chapters left in english
And many many chapters maybe around 7-8 ch left in sst
Hindi i ll do before exams only bcs i have understood mainly all the chapters and find it to b bit easy
Pls guide me
Sir I really really want to get good marks P.S–I have to devote some time to exercise as well bcs i m obese
Sir pls give me some guidelines so dat i can do n score better
sir plsssssss
Sir i really look forward to get help from you
Pls email me if possible
sir i am not good in Math and there is nobody around me who can help me in studies so how can i prepare on my own?
sir, am a 10th std student and really nervous about my results as i got low marks in fa1 i thought of regaining my grade points by scoring gud marks in the next xam but everyone except my family is discouraging me telling dat i wont be able 2 regain my grade points even if i score gud marks in d next xam and am not abled 2 study properly thinking of dis der are 5 more xams ahead and eveyone are saying dat der is no use of studying hard for the next xam as u will lose ur grade points as ur fai marks r really low am waiting 4 ur reply sir pls help me out
Sir, thx for this article… I am repeating 12th for better marks ; got 70.2% this time and going to opt on October 2015 again … I want to give most of my time for Boards now as after October JEE is next one.
I want tips on Chemistry : Organic and Inorganic… These portions are hard for me as it needs to be memorized.
My Maths is almost over for Boards and working on physics ….
I am also worried about English which I got 65/100 …
So, I would be thankful for ur suggestions…
sir my 1st term means summative assessment has got just 49 days to come sir m relly nervous bcz my SA1 of 9th was not so effective so i am quite afraid and plz,
how do i study at this crucial period of time sir plz help me out………………..
Very well written, amazing tips and I am sure its going to help a lot of kids to score good marks. Thank a lot and please keep posting all the good work. Thanks
sir. am a 10th std student and my fa1 marks r a bit low i thought dat i will be able 2 overcome dis by scoring gud marks in d next xam but everyone else r saying dat i will lose my grade points wat should i do sir? please give me a reply
Abhiz, don’t let others discourage you! Focus more on the next exam and score well in it! All the best!
sir ,am a 10th std student and my fa1 marks r a bit low i thought dat i could overcome dis by scoring gud marks in d next xam but everyone says dai i cant score gud marks as i will lose my grade points wat should i do sir?
Thnks sir but i have a problem i used to make time tables but can’t stand at them seriously so help me how can i spend my time in studies effectively..
sir ,i am a class 12th commerce student i usually forget the answers which i have done a day before…this problem arises almost all the time before my class tests i am worried how can i score good in exams n all because of this foregtting habbit.
Shiva, continuous revision will help you get over this issue of forgetfulness!
I have vry less time only 4 months 2o apper 12th exam for science. …I dont knwn anything ..means nothing…
plzz help mee sir …I am in big trouble. ..
It’s an pathfinder to success.. Please keep in touch &send me some tips.
Thankq very much sir. I will try the same and I feel it will definitely work for me, but iam afraid of facing the competitive exam sir. what to do? How to overcome this fear?
Thankq very much. It will work iam very confident about it.
sir thanku for ur generous tips.. but i have a problem. I love to study all of my subjects (except physics) but lately i have been having problems. its like i worry all the rime and i am not able to follow my timetable properly. and my interest has taken a nose dive in studies and now i run at the thought of self study. I don’t know hat to do , i am so confused plz can u help me?
Ramanshi, eliminate that fear and boredom. Make it a habit of studying and reading.
But sir really time table is the best way score best in exams…. if yes than how can I make it…
Hello sir,
I am the student of the 12th std . Sir I want to score more than 90% percent and also in PMT also but there is a one problem the syllabus is too vast and I don’t ever mude to study and my consiontration is so weak but I must want to score higher persent.
Could you help me?
Prashik, break the vast Syllabus into smaller sections and focus on important sections that carry more marks.
Hello sir,
I am the student of the 12th std. I want to score more than 90% and also in PMT I want to score as much as high. But there is a problem my contration is week and I dont have enough confidence coul you help me.
Hello sir,
Now I am the student of 12th std And I want to score as much as big score in 12th above 90% but syllus is to vast how should I do that, and also I want to quillify in PMT also but the problem is ho could I do that ? By seeing this vast syllus I don’t ever mude for the study…. Could you help me?
Thank You..
Hello sir,
Now I am the student of 12th std And I want to score as much as big score in 12th above 90% but syllus is to vast how should I do that, and also I want to quillify in PMT also but the problem is ho could I do that ?
Respect Sir/Madam
I am not have a time to std.
What to do?
Thanks alout.
Moin, do you work?
I am not have a time to std. What i am doing? Respect Sir/Mam
Thanks alout.
I m weak in physic.
Sir.. I really agreed with your article … im in stb 10th and I have to score 100.PERCENT in broads but my concentratin power is soo week and for that I had make my but timetable but .. I followed it .. only 1or2 days… and then I stoped my studies then I had again make my timetable and again that thing will happen. … so sir what will do… and how can make a time table….
Nikita, be consistent, it is not just a matter of days! Follow the time table for 3 weeks and it will form a habit!
i am afraid of psa
Sir I have scored 86% in 10 th board examinations.Now i am studying 12 th std now I got only 60% pls help me to score more than 80%
sir, I am in 12th and i desperately wanna score 98% as my goal is SRCC but i really dont know how to prepare for my exams..i actually need a good time table which is practical…plzz help me out with this..
Im really scared of my physics, chem n maths books as the portions are very heavy and lengthier.In fact,all the concepts are extremely new…Now the question raising in my mind is whether i would pass in the examination or not…im really worried n scared and so i cnat concentrate in my studies…..
So will u plz tell me a way to get out of this problem..
Sowmya, I understand your condition. But the fact is that if you remain scared the same way, you won’t be able to proceed any further. You will remain stagnant! Convince your mind that it is better to face the subjects than do nothing at all. If it is the big size of the syllabus that is worrying you, try to break it into smaller sections and deal with them separately.
Sir, I am unable to concentrate on my studies my mind diverts to other things while studing.And unable to manage time please help me…please..please .!!
Deepanshu, cut out distractions from your life. Prepare a time table. While you sit down to study, make sure that there are no distractions like mobile, TV etc around you.
Just tell me to prepaare proper time table
Sir I jst wanted to know i get stressed very easily psychologically I prefer to listening songs not romantic but which motivates me to study but jst tell me what else shall I do to overcome this stress and i have much tension to cope this syllabus of 12 commerce
Sahil, try some light physical activities like- Yoga, little games, walking etc to bust stress.
sir i want per. above 95 as all tease when i got 70 per. bt at home there is so disturbance that i cant study and some my uncles they dont me to study as they think teir child stood come first nt me so i want to show them i can so hiw should i study i can get above 95 some hardworking steps i m in 10
your article was quite helpful sir………………..but my problem is
whenever i open my book to study, i feel tempted to play mobile or watch tv……….because the books bore me…………..and whenever i start playing, i couldn’t stop myself……………..i know i want to study but my temptations get the better of me..please help me to control my temptations
Sam, its procrastination, buddy. You have too many distractions. Try to avoid those distractions. When you sit down to study, make sure that the room is free from distractions of any sort.
Thanks, very good article!
I want to know a method to kill nervousness.Though I am confident but when it comes to exams, a pulse of nervousness runs through my whole body.
Shivang, if you are prepared well, there is no need to get nervous.
Hello Sir, My name is Smith Pereira last year i was in 9th std and i had gotten good response and tips from you this year i will be appearing for my board Exams
Any tips to improve concentration in studies????
Focus on the basics Smith. You told that you did well in 9th. So just carry on the same winning practice. Maybe you could just raise that intensity a bit! All the best buddy!
im weak in maths i always study hard in maths and prepare all material but at the time of exam i just blank out plzz help mee
Bikram, do you write and practice? And what about revision?
You make my day man thnx for your worthy advises
due 2 malaria i was admit in the hospital for about 2 month . Because of this ii have not complited my portion . I have only few months left now for my HSC board exam . Will u tell me how 2 study faster
Adarsh, prepare sections of portion that hold more importance than the others. Also, prepare well those sections that carry more marks.
one problem is faced by me is the time management please tell me about this how can i manage time for all subjects
Arshdeep, a time table will help you out. Make a good time table and stick to it.
thanks for your advertisement sir. I like this most and understand how to get better marks.. please always tell me ways for the better studies on my email.
I’m really very grateful for these tips. One thing I don’t get is how to concentrate. During scheduled study hours, I find myself thinking about things I’ll never think of otherwise. This usually slaughters my mood to study. Please suggest a solution to this.
i am studying in std 12 i have done very well in my SSLC now i have many plans in mind how to study but not able to mange my timings wat should i do and also key points for effective studies is a must need for me now can you help……:(
thank u a lot for 9 standard
thnk u sir /ma’am to motivate me to study lyk this that’s really helpful
Sir pls help I am weak at language It decrease my percentage from 90 to 83…….. However hard I try to master it I tend to get bored of the subject and listen to music and waste my time….. Also when I take break it’s hard for me to get back to study again.
Utsav, try to avoid such distractions. That would be the best way to solve this problem.
Sir.. Thanx for giving us The way to Get Excellent Marks….But whenever i Go for studies…i feel Sleepy… I also take short breaks…but still I’m feels Sleepy…. What i Do..? I’m Sleeping only 7 Hours…that is Enough..?
SIR,I am very grateful to you for these great tips .I am a 10th standard guy i have a lot of knowledge but i always fail to express them in exams .And just because of this I am unable to Score even 80% what I should?
Sir i am very lazy these days i want to complete Half of my syllabus in 40 days how many hours should i study everyday? Please help me!
Paras, can’t say exact amount. But I guess 8-12 hours a day, with dedication and precise planning.
I am very grateful to you Sir for this superb tips ,i am a 10th standard guy ,i have a lot of knowledge but it is difficult for me to express them in the exams and just because of this i am unable to score even 80% what should i do?
Sir how to prepare my own time table for studying and revising and how much time should I study a day (I am class 10 )
Vamsi, out of 24 hours, devote time towards sleep, other activities etc. Consider the rest of the time and allot time to each subject carefully.
what should I do to concentrate on my studies ? As you have mentioned we should take short breaks in between . but whenever i do ( after learning 1 question answer perhaps ) i tend to pick up my phone . and spend some time on the chat rooms and that some time gradually grow into an hour or two . And finally I m left wasting my time.
Any Tips for concentration please ….there are tooooo many desiring things around me like TV internet, games , etc
and alll that tension I have
I am a daughter of a merit holder who expect the same for me
and many ppl in my locality do so
and am a bit bright in studies to … but not that much
I got 73.83 percent in my 9th examination . According to you how much percent will I approx. get in 10th
and theres a pressure on me to get 90 ….do you think I have that much potential . and if so and Tips for time management and making a time table
And THANK YOU a lot for these fabulous Tips you have given …they will help me very much
and if you read this …my questions are pretty long I know thnkzz for that tooo…
DO answer plzz ….want some tips badly. 🙂
Mahek, I suggest that you stay disciplined. It will help you focus more. Form habits. Habits are powerful. Try to get rid of mobile for 2 weeks. You may take help of your parents too, like telling them to keep you away from these distractions. Do this for 2 weeks and it will become a habit. You won’t feel the longing towards TV and mobile like the way you are doing now. I agree that this is not an easy task. But it ain’t impossible either. All you gotta do is to be more disciplined.
Regarding your approx marks, I can’t make a suggestion. If you prepare well, you could score really high too! Everybody has potential. The real question is- are you putting in the right effort? Put in the efforts and I’m sure you’ll pass with flying colors.
sir i scored 57% in 11th now i want to score 99% in boards. parents always discourging me. they always say you will not pass in 12th i want to shut their mouths
it is possible?
Sachin, it is possible to score good marks. All you need to have is a plan, discipline and will to put in maximum effort!
thank you very much!!!
sir,your article was really useful, but when i try relax by watching tv or play games i get stuck to it and my plan for studies gets spoiled . i really wanna score extremely good marks but i get distracted when i study and go to some sort of dreamy world , and start concentrating on that . really that’s what spoils my marks so how can i overcome these problems and excel towards good marks…
Thnx 4 ur advise,I got 95.8% in board.:)i feel really happy.
hope your fire tips help me soon.thanks 4 this….
sir i hav completed my class 10 in cbse..i hav gt 8.2 cgpa….now as we r not having commerce in cbse schools here i hav an option to study science in cbse or shift to state boards….as i am in cbse from class 1 i am confused if i can change my board in class 11…pple r saying in state board u shuld memorise,,,and i cant memorise much….i am not at all confident in science ..what to do sir..pls help me..
And how to get good marks in psa?
thnku for the tips, but i fell am too weak and 9th result was also too bad. i want to do it this time and i have more pressure from my family…can plz help me in this ???? i want to score 10 cgpa… family have very high expection on me. but am not like what they think and i want to be so plz can u plzz help me in this…
And one more thing.i prepare to plan fr a day but it dosnot happen like that…i mean i cant follow it ….hence ill have to postpone….so plzz help me in this too
Ganavi, you are procrastinating. By forming habit of doing things the same day, you could beat it.
I try my best in board xam
how to get good marks in PSA
sir, i am class tenth ndi want to score gud marks in class 10th examination.
i which way i will read so i get good marks
sir, I’m 10th standerd write now how prepare to get topper….
Ravi, just make use of the above mentioend tips. And be consistent with your efforts! All the best!
sir, I’m 9th standard and sooner 10th.sir want
get topper in tenth standard how should I prepare…..
sir am not able to concentrate for long time so please tell me how can I increase my concentration
Nitesh, try meditation, yoga etc. And concentration can be boosted only by putting in conscious efforts!
I am full if thoughts which freeze my concentration so what can I do about it?
sir,your article was really useful, but when i try relax by watching tv or play games i get stuck to it and my plan for studies gets spoiled . i really wanna score extremely good marks but i get distracted when i study and go to some sort of dreamy world , and start concentrating on that . really that’s what spoils my marks so who can i overcome these problems and excel towards good marks…
i am very worried for my PSA exams:(:(:(:(
Sir, but whenever I play computer games or watch TV, I forget my study and just before exams, I burnout. And now in 10th, I don’t want to repeat this.
Saurabh, try to be disciplined.
It is very usefull to me
it give me a idea how to read .
iam a 11 th student. iam scoring high marks on 12 by reading this.i will follow this tips & it is suberb
Jeeva, hope that you score high marks in your 12th board examinations!
That is nice. Sir, i want to do this. But i have a problem. Whenever i made .such timetables, i always forget it after a weak. What should i do? And also, after vacation, at school time, i get just little time for selfstudy. Now, i have to face s.s.c. board exam. Sir, please give me some advices.
i like a lot i get ha so much improvement from now a days only finally i will get a better result by this tips sure
thq sir
plz give me some idea for maths
Subha, when it comes to Mathematics, only practice will help you out. Try to understand things rather than mug them up!
sir can you explain what is time table why it gives us many times success but only some students help us
How do I score good marks in science??? The topics are extremely vast and difficult to learn!!!!
Guddu, form small sections and deal with them efficiently.
very usefull thq so much…..but iam too distractive towards studing,,,iam getting into dreams if or when iam studing help me plz…
Subha, try to focus, Do Yoga to improve focus and discipline.
hmmmm thanx …..:)
but when i watch tv or surf on the internet ,i just get hooked on to it and waste a lot of time……any suggestions???
please suggest me some stress busting activities 🙂
Smith, indulge in some sort of games. Games help one relax. Watching TV in moderate amount is also okay.
my problems are Marathi and English -in those subjects I,m not able to score good marks
wow that was really a great article –
i have my 10th exams next year
Sir, i hv been luking 4wrd fr ur help since pst so many dayz !! Can u plz reply me through mail?? .. I hv mentioned d email id above
Could anyone recommend some good overall guide for commerce stream class 12th
Sir, i have to study extra book for 10th exam or not and how much time is nessarary for study.
pleseeeeeeee.TELL ME
Thanks for the article so much.I have a problem.What if your eyes pain or feel itchy when studying for the exams?
Silva, you may do some relaxation exercises, wash face using cold water, shut your eyes for a while and relax, look at greenery etc.
Sir, please do reply i really want to get back on the track.
Im now in 12th standard . Ur article is really good its motivating . but i have been through relationship problems . And im not able to get back with my studies
but yes sir ! Ur article was really very inspiring !! But sorry i may nt be able to work nd cope up according to it !! Pls serve me ur special guidance !! Sorry sir to actually botber u with bunch of mails/posts!! 😀
Thank you !! With the hope dat u will reply me soon!!
Hello ARUN sir , tomorrow is my frst day of class 10 , In class 9th i got 9.3 cgpa nd dis time i really want to get above 9.5 or maybe 10 .. my school follows CBSE pattern (CCE) .. Pls guide me personally on how should i manage my time , workout(because i m obsese nd need to control my weight too) etc . Can u kindly send an email to me on the above email ID. I will highly appreciate. I also get tutions which are actually bit costly – 1for maths and science and the other for sst nd english !! But i am very lazy too to study whole day .. I spent nd waste a lot of wandering, watching tv , chatting on whatsapp , playing etc
Pls sir help nd guide me . It will really help me to pave way for a better future !!
Thank you so so so much for your kind support
awesommmeeeee!!!! that was really very interesting and i really got soooo motivated thanks a lot
Sir im motivated by this article very much….just tell me sir should i give more time to maths than english or should i give all subjects equal time ?
Anchit, that depends on the factor that in which subject you want to improve the most. If you are weak in Mathematics, devote more time towards its preparation!
now I am in class 10th I mean starting of class 10 so,I want to know that what should I do from starting so that I can get good marks in board …
Sir now I am going to finish 9th STD and going. to 10std How can I prepare for board exams from first
Sir I read ur suggestion ,and it’s absolutely great but my problem is I can’t concentrate on my subjects mainly social science , I face main problem in maths it has been my favrt subject but I can’t know where I am facing the problem me sir.
really very inspiring tips for us.
Sir I m in 9th and soon will be in 10th I m bit nervous about it and I know I will be stressed
soon because of my busy schedule and will not get free time.Sir please tell me the way in which I can relax and be fresh again to study.
Abhishek, you may play video games, watch a bit of TV, take a walk outdoors, do Yoga etc to relax and bust stress!
These steps are very common to be followed
I had maths exam,
I had almost prepared for it I mean started preparing almost 2 3 months ago,and I got 59 out of 90!!! I don’t know where I am laking
hello sir….
1) Sir i have just studied important questions for board exams GSEB(gujarat board) and now i am having doubt that in exam this is enough or not……….
from 12 of march my exams will be started.
2) also guide me that what should i learn the day before particular exam.
3) and lastly i face too much poblem in mcqs(multiple choice questions). how to study for it.
4) and did u know that this year papers will be hard or easy because last year papers wew very hard.
please reply as fast as u can bcz my exams r starting from the day after tomorow
Thank you sir/mam. It helps me a lot. I was confused that how can I read more better. But it helped me very much.
hey bro i need help for board exam when i study i feel like seleping what to do andmy heart say no for learning?
Hi sir
nice tips really helpful…. but can u tell me how to manage my time properly for all the subjects
Sir I was well prepared for both of my papers – hindi and english 1 but they did not go as per my expectations . I got tensed and could not complete my hindi paper on time and the composition was not up-to the mark that I am able to usually write.
I don’t know what is happening.Please help me It seems as if all my preparation is of no use
sir, i have only ten days for my school-based exam but still ive only prepared 50% how to get atleast 80% in my math board exam
Sir i dont know wt happened to me…day by day my concenteration is decreasing what to do sir.
Kanchana, try meditation, yoga etc. That will help improve concentration.
sir..I got inspiration from ur article..
but i get tensed.
how to get rid of it?
Suga, try meditation. Also indulge in some stress busting activities.
sir after first term my heart dont want to study because i get less marks in exams
Mohit, it is all up to you! You take control of the situation bro. You got less marks so far. Now you should say to yourself that you have what it takes to improve your marks! Improve confidence, bro. And you will see your marks get increase!
its like they cant study when i co to their house
sir plzz help me ….!!!to get out from my abscent kinded ness and startlearning all are planing to score good marking i think i am simply wastingmy timee
Rihaz, why not get on with group study sessions. Only with good, studious guys though!
i am not tensed of board i dont suddenly not getting mood to study ….!! i dont know what happened to me ? what todo i f i waste my days like this i wont score good marks i know all are studying ..
i am not able to cover my portion daily…..
pls help me i am just a average student.
i got low marks in 10th..
so i am not sure getting good marks in 12th
so pls help me….
Sr. thanx for this important tips
Sir, i am really good at all the subjects leaving maths as i dont get above 25 in maths but my aim is to get 90% in boards what shall i do ! ssc student.
Suraj, maybe group study sessions could be of help to you, when it comes to Mathematics.
Sir I am an average scoring student who gets 47% or 48% in 10th std every exam.but in boards I am thinking to get 80% can I get it , only 10 days left for board exam and i have not prepared anything can u plz advice me that what ishould read which is most important.iwant to get 80%.plz tell me some important chapters
sir , my pre-board marks were not that good .so my question is do they take your preboard marks into consideration for stream selection or your board marks? also sir, whenever I make a time table it always fails due to some or the other reason . can you suggest some tips ?
Nice for my exam
sir i am a class 12th student i have board exam near and i have dot study for physic and i was thinking that i will fail in this subject please give some tips for preperation
Parash, first of all don’t panic. It is of no use now! Try to break the syllabus and finish heavy marks carrying sections well, first.
Hi Arun,
I have also compiled a list of 9 tips to help students score good marks in CBSE exams. Have a look.
That’s a good article, Avdhesh Sir! 🙂
sir,i have a weakness that when anyone of my friends keep me as a tearget i.e if they wannaa cross me i wil be getting low marks and my frnds often do this thing n try to cross… sooooo dis appointd wit this……
plzzzz give me solution for this sirrr pllzzz
I’m not able to make a proper time table for my boards , getting distracted a lot :”(.please help me make a good time table , really scared :”((
i’m preparing well…but hell scared for the viva that i’l b giving 2 days later..
would be grateful if you suggest some tips…
thnks this will reallyhelp me
Well ,sir im totally prepared for the exam and still got some 13 odd days. could anything else i can do to have something more close to a 100% result.
How can I score the best if I am a weak student in 12th standard as only 2 and half months are left for board
Bhumika, focus on sections that carry heavy weight (in terms of marks).
What sort of daily routine should I follow before 2months for securing best marks in 12th board ?Plz suggest me m really in trouble
Thank you sir i’ll try by best:)could you tell me a easy way for plotting maps.often, i lose marks in this part only.
sir , I want to know how I get good marks in pcm
Thank you sir for posting these tips.its taking a lot of time to memorize the portions.could you tell me a easy way to memorize sir?
Anisha, why not try visualizing? It helps remember things fast and well!
sir it is shubham i want to secure good marks in10 plz suggest me some tips
Shubham, I guess the above tips are more than enough.
sir i can study contiounsly for many hours but my problem is that whenever my concentrate break …i can’t study for many hours….it become very difficult for me to again refresh my mind for study…..
Shally, why not make a time table and sick to it. Allot time towards study and break.
i’ll try my best.. thanks 🙂
All the best, Sara!
thank you sir for this article. the mentioned tips are really helpful. I’m an average student scoring around 80% marks. Can a throughout study for 1 and half months guarantee me above 90% marks?
Sara, anything is possible! All it takes is the will, that burning desire, to make things happen. Manage time well and I’m sure you can make it happen!
i easily get distracted while studies and what should i do for my board exam
Gagan, what are the things that distracts you? Look buddy, it takes conscious effort and discipline to overcome such distractions. Why not try mediation and boost your concentration?
Thank you sir for this wonderful article. Found this article a little late. Now there are only 2 more months for my exam. So my question is “will i get good marks if i study thoroughly during this time?”.
Jefin, glad to know that you liked the article. I’m sure that you will be able to score well in exam, if you make good use of the remaining time. All the best!
Sir i am totally scared of exams i want to get nice marks but I am stuck in 88% only
Tabrez, fear is something you need to get rid of! This can be done by improving confidence. Confidence can be built through practice! Your present marks aren’t bad either. Just push on and try to perform better each day. All the best!
thanx sir…but ihav a problem…my bro always discourages me….how to motivate myself sir…….please help me…i am getting totally confused
Abhi, buddy, you just ignore negative influences. Just focus on your goals. As long as you believe in yourself, everything will be alright! If problem persists, discuss about your brother’s attitude with your parents.
lets the race begin
lets the RACE begin….
Wht if u fail in the prelim exams…???..just asking..
sir … i have very less time for the 12 board examination and i was disturbed due gtting sick..
how will i get good marks in the examination. coz my course is not propery revised
Pallavi, try to prepare sections that carry heavy marks. Have a look at question paper blueprints and pattern. Solve previous year’s papers. Hope that helps.
thanx sir
thanks 4 the tips sir…sir is group studies good to be done during the exam???
Aditya, I prefer to have group study sessions done before exam time, preferably during reading vacation itself. However, you must make sure that the group consists of serious folks only! The group must have intellectuals who can clear your doubts. If the group is bad, study sessions will turn into a time wasting affair!
thnks for d tips…but i hav a fear…my frend does not put that much effort that i put he scores more than me….next year we r going to face our board exams at that time i am sure he would put his full effort …then can”t i score better marks than him??? i seek ur advice please
Sai, I suggest you to stop comparing your performance with that of others. Try to beat your own self, not others. Try to do better tomorrow, than what you did today!
i really liked the tips but i think you(website)
must give a proper study timetable as an example.Also how many hours to study and at which time like in morning or night
Thnks for this it is very nice . Due to this many one can improve their life and they can bring brightness in their life …
Welcome Rohit!
thanks for the superb tips but I have a problem….when i go for a break and watch television i get attracted towards it spoil my time table…so that for me timetables are becoming useless every time…please help me.
Mary, to achieve something, we need to make sacrifices. Why not leave TV out of your life for some time. You’ll get used to being without it.
Sir my problem is that I am very nervous about boards.please help me.
Fiza Siraj, nervousness is something that we all face. One way to beat this nervousness is by indulging in stress busting activities.
Sir the problem faced by me is different that i soon get bored up plz help me
Nipam, in that case, take short breaks. Try to get rejuvenated and then again resume studying.
Thanx..sir for this post but the one problem i am facing is to manage time between different subjects..i m totally confused so can u plz…help me regarding this
Surbhi, time management is crucial. It comes only if you are disciplined and dedicated. I suggest you to create a well made time table.
Thank u
Its very good to read. I have started studying after reading this.
I got motivated because i dont know how to study
Thanks a lot.
Please be in a contact with me in email.
thanks 4 this
Who r the ginias
Me want meet him thanku sir/mam