Good Engineering branches for getting job in Dubai and other Gulf Countries

Last Updated on August 7, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar

Many students in India, who are planning to get admission into Engineering colleges, want a job abroad. Some of them want to pursue higher education there, along with pursuing a job. While some others are just interested in getting a high paying jobs abroad. The choice of the destination abroad differs from student to student. Here, I’ll focus on Dubai, UAE and Gulf region. I’ll focus on some Engineering branches and other courses, which will help one get a good job there easily!

Dubai city

I’ve made this list based on my little researches and enquiries. I enquired about availability of jobs, rising job markets, existing good job markets, good paying jobs, saturation rate etc.


Just doing the mentioned courses won’t guarantee you a job abroad. One must have good grades and decent practical knowledge to land good jobs. At the end of the day, to make it big at the job place, skills are what matters!


I’m about to start the list of courses. Please read the entire list and choose a suitable branch after analyzing it thoroughly.


Top Engineering branches and courses to get job in Dubai, UAE and Gulf region


#1 Civil Engineering

One of the core branches of engineering, Civil graduates have a good chance of landing a good job in one of the many construction companies in the Arab nations. The pay scale is good. Scope of promotion, pay hikes and perks are good.


The conditions of work may get a little harsh, given that the work revolves around working outdoors in extreme climate. But the good pay scale and high life will compensate that drawback!


#2 Mechanical Engineering

This branch also has many opportunities for graduates in Dubai, UAE and other Arab countries. Due to the large number of heavy industries, Mechanical graduates can get job with relative ease.


Most type of industries want a Mechanical Engineer. It is this good demand that is responsible for such a good scenario. The condition of work differs from industry to industry. Generally, the pay scale is excellent.


#3 Electrical Engineering

Heavy industries also have another requirement- that of an electrical engineer! Not only heavy industries, but other work fields like construction also need a worker to manage and supervise the electrical systems.


This is why there is a demand for electrical engineers out there. In short, the core branches of engineering have a good chance to land a decent paying job in Arab countries.


#4 Instrumentation and Control Engineering

This branch doesn’t belong to the core branches. This one is all about automation and control systems. Many industries, specially automation, hydraulics and control system ones require IC engineers.


The number of quality IC engineering graduates is also relatively less. That’s why students who have graduated in this branch can manage to land a high paying job much easily than other branches of engineering.


#5 Petroleum Engineering

The riches and glory of many Arab nations is due to the fact that they have good oil resources. With each passing day, the need for improving the petroleum extracting process and techniques is increasing!


This is a field that requires some good old innovation and development. This is where Petroleum Engineering graduates are required!


Graduates in this branch may easily land a good paying job in places like Dubai and other Gulf countries.


#6 Chemical Engineering

Agreed that petroleum related industries require Petroleum engineering graduates. But at the same time, they also need qualified Chemical engineering graduates to work along with the petroleum branch guys.


At the end of the day, what they are dealing with is chemicals! So, a chemical graduate will sure manage to find a good job there!


These are some engineering branches that are much in demand in the Gulf countries. Other branches may also help you get jobs there. But the sheer demand of graduates belonging to these graduates is much higher than the other ones. That’s what is responsible for them being included in this list.

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8 thoughts on “Good Engineering branches for getting job in Dubai and other Gulf Countries”

  1. What is the average pay scale for civil engineer in dubai..? Which companies in dubai give chance to civil engineers..?

  2. i want to know that which course in civil engg after graduates would be more better for gulf countries and which has more pay scale there..


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