Real Estate Advisory course: Become Real Estate Broker/Agent

Last Updated on July 28, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar

A career in Real Estate sector is a lucrative one. This sector is not slowing down, thanks to the rising real estate prices as well as rising demand. In India, there are many real estate advisories and brokers, who are earning well through commissions that they get from different deals. But, curiously, there are no professional courses related to real estate advisory business in India. While in other parts of the World, there are dedicated professional courses for the same! Recently, I came to know about a Certification course related to this sector being offered in India. So I thought about listing it on this blog and analyze this course. Here it goes-


Present status of Real Estate advisory training in India-

At present, there are no real professional courses related to this field in India. The course I’m about to mention has just been introduced. So, those who are already present in this sector have been here without any ‘formal’ training. All they have is ‘experience’ and know-how that they have acquired by working for years in this field.

For pursuing jobs like that of a real estate broker, one doesn’t need any formal education or MBA degree! As of now, ‘experience’ has been the teacher for many!


Scope associated with this sector and opportunities-

As I mentioned above, real estate sector is booming, thanks to demand. People these days are looking for places where they could invest their hard earned money. They usually look for commodities whose values have chances of only shooting up, not going down. Earlier, gold used to be that ideal commodity. But, these days, real estate has been observed to be the new favorite commodity among people! Its value has less chances of getting depreciated. And it proves to be a good commodity to invest in.


Now, people won’t blindly invest their hard earned money on any piece of property! Before investing, they’ll like to check out facts related to it like its current market value, projected market value, legal aspects etc. For such information, the common practice these days is to rely on traditional brokers or real estate agencies. Now, as I pointed out above, to become a broker or for operating such agencies, no particular educational qualification is required.


Now imagine you undergoing such a course, acquiring the necessary skill set and putting it to use to help people! Yes, it will surely help you stand apart from the crowd and deliver quality service. You may also check – Banking courses in India.


So yes, this sector has got lots of scope and this course in particular will help you get an ‘edge’.


What is this course all about?

The Chartered Real Estate certification course is first of its kind in India. This is a course that has been brought to India by Outlook Money and IFAN Finserv. This Real Estate Certification course is affiliated by ‘American Academy of Financial Management- India’.


So far, real estate advisories have been relying upon experience and instincts to perform in real estate sector. But this course will provide the same necessary knowledge required to thrive in this field. Some of the topics covered in this course are-

  • Introduction to Real Estate Sector, for complete novices.
  • Knowledge about the legal aspects associated with Real Estate Sector.
  • Value evaluation and analysis of assets.
  • Practical aspects related to this sector.


Well, those were some main topics covered in the course. There is more to it than just the above mentioned points!


Educational Qualifications required to pursue this course-

Fresh Graduates from any discipline may join this course. Existing real estate brokers or professionals may also undergo this course, for it will certainly help in adding more skills to their skill set! Working people may also join this course.

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1 thought on “Real Estate Advisory course: Become Real Estate Broker/Agent”

  1. Sir please help me what are the best cources other than engeenering after class 12 with science stream and subjects:PCM and computer also


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