M.Voc. Renewable Energy

Last Updated on August 10, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar

Hi readers! Are you passionate about sustainable development and renewable energy? Do you want to pursue a good PG course related to the renewable energy sector? Do you want to build a decent career in this sector? If yes, this post will be of help to you. Here, we will have an in-depth analysis of the M.Voc. Renewable Energy course.

Here is a quick overview of the M.Voc. Renewable Energy course –

Name of the course M.Voc. Renewable Energy
Type of course Master of Vocation
Field Renewable energy technology
Duration 2 years
Eligibility Completed relevant B.Voc. or Bachelor’s Degree course


M.Voc. stands for Master of Vocation. It is a vocational training program. It is a PG-level course. As the name suggests, this course deals with the renewable energy sector and its allied areas.

Renewable energy is great for the environment. It is ideal for sustainable development. Eventually, we will run out of non-renewable sources of energy (such as natural gas). And excessive use of non-renewable sources of energy has caused great harm to the environment (in the form of pollution and global warming).

At present, we are looking at renewable sources of energy as alternatives to traditional forms of energy. We are developing technology, which will help us harness the power of renewable sources of energy.

In other words, this sector is full of exciting opportunities and challenges. This sector is all set to generate ample amount of job opportunities in the future.

What is M.Voc. Renewable Energy course all about? What is it like to pursue this course? Will I get a good job after completing this course? What is the course content like?

M.Voc. Renewable Energy: Basic Details

M.Voc. stands for Master of Vocation. It is a Master’s Degree course. Looking from an academic level’s point of view, it is a PG-level course. PG stands for postgraduate level.

The training program is two years long. Candidates who have completed relevant Bachelor’s Degree courses or B.Voc. courses are eligible to apply for M.Voc. Renewable Energy admission.

M.Voc. is a vocational training program. What is a vocational training program, some of you may ask.

Vocational training programs are skill development programs. In other words, they are skill development training programs.

Skill development is not possible without practical training. Due to this reason, M.Voc. curriculum has been blessed with generous amounts of lab and practical training sessions.

M.Voc. is an advanced version of the B.Voc. course. M.Voc., like B.Voc. course, revolves around a particular domain/industry/sector. This particular course deals with the renewable energy sector. What is this sector all about, you may ask. Here is everything you need to know about this domain –

In simple terms, renewable energy is energy that is collected from renewable sources, which are naturally replenished on a human timescale. Here are some sources of renewable energy – sunlight, tides, waves, wind, and geothermal heat.

M.Voc. Renewable Energy program deals with the following main topics –

  • Sources of renewable energy.
  • Relevant equipment.
  • Science.
  • Electronics.
  • Electrical Systems.
  • Chemistry.

After completing this program, you will become knowledgeable about areas such as – sources of renewable energy, relevant equipment, energy storage, transmission, installing relevant equipment, servicing relevant equipment, etc.

Come, let us take a closer look at the course details. In the next section, you will find the following details – duration, eligibility criteria, colleges, admission process, fees, syllabus, and career prospects.


Here are some of the core subjects present in M.Voc. Renewable Energy curriculum –

  • Physics.
  • Chemistry.
  • Sources of renewable energy.
  • Wind energy systems.
  • Solar energy systems.
  • Green Technology.
  • Green energy systems.
  • Bio mass systems.
  • Entrepreneurship.


Here are some of the popular colleges offering M.Voc. Renewable Energy courses in India –

  • University of Pune.
  • DEI.
  • The University of Lucknow.
  • Andhra Loyola College.
  • Tezpur University.
  • St. Albert’s College, Kochi.
  • MGCGV, Chitrakoot.

Admission process

Here is everything you need to know about M.Voc. Renewable Energy admission process –

Admission Process may vary from one institute to another. Some institutes are known to conduct merit-based admission processes. Some other institutes are known to conduct a direct admission process.


Here is everything you need to know about M.Voc. Renewable Energy fees structure –

Tuition fees depend upon the following factors – type of college (Government or self-financing), scholarship status of the student, rating of the college, etc. On average, tuition fees could be anywhere between 50-80K INR per year.

Career prospects

Renewable energy professionals are usually hired by –

  • Solar Energy Firms.
  • Wind Energy Technology Firms.
  • Tidal Energy Technology Firms.
  • Equipment Manufacturing Firms.
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