M.Voc. Medical Lab Technology

Last Updated on August 10, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar

Hi readers! Do you want to build a decent career in the allied healthcare sector? If yes, this post will be of help to you. Here, we will deal with a PG-level course related to the allied healthcare sector. Here, we will have an in-depth analysis of the M.Voc. Medical Laboratory Technology course.

This course is also known by short names such as – M.Voc. MLT or M.Voc. Medical Lab Technology. This course caters to the needs of the allied healthcare sector.

Here is a quick overview of the M.Voc. Medical Laboratory Technology course –

Name of the course M.Voc. Medical Lab Technology
Type of course Master of Vocation
Field Medical laboratory technology
Duration 2 years
Eligibility Completed relevant B.Voc. or Bachelor’s Degree course


M.Voc. is a Master’s Degree course. It stands for Master of Vocation. It is a PG-level course. PG stands for postgraduate level.

If you want to build a decent career in the allied healthcare sector, this program will be of help to you. The course duration is two years.

What is M.Voc. Medical Laboratory Technology course all about? What is it like to pursue this course? What is the course content like? Will I get a good job after completing this course?

M.Voc. Medical Laboratory Technology: Basic Details

Let us have an in-depth analysis of the course format. What is M.Voc. course all about, some of you may ask.

In simple terms, it is a vocational training program. A vocational training program is aimed at developing relevant skills among candidates.

M.Voc. stands for Master of Vocation. It is a Master’s Degree course. In other words, this program belongs to PG academic level. PG stands for postgraduate level.

M.Voc. program is two years long. Since it is a PG level course, one must be a Graduate or B.Voc. Degree holder, if he/she wants to pursue this course.

A vocational training program usually revolves around a particular industry/domain/sector. In this case, M.Voc. MLT program revolves around the medical laboratory technology sector. This sector belongs to the allied healthcare domain.

The allied healthcare sector forms an integral part of the healthcare industry. Allied healthcare professionals play a huge role in healthcare institutes such as – hospitals, clinics, medical labs, blood banks, rehabilitation clinics, nursing homes, etc.

Medical lab technicians are allied healthcare workers. They usually work at medical labs and diagnostic centers. They are trained in different areas of medical lab technology.

What is medical lab technology all about, you may ask. A medical lab is a place where a patient’s bodily samples (such as blood, stool, urine, saliva etc) are collected and tested. The main purpose of a medical lab is to test samples (blood, urine, stool, saliva, etc) and diagnose the disease/condition that the patient is suffering from.

Let us consider an example – malaria. A person suffering from malaria exhibits symptoms such as fever, shivering, weakness, etc. When this patient visits a Doctor, the Doctor will examine his/her condition and symptoms. But without relevant tests, a Doctor won’t be able to arrive at a conclusion. Mere symptoms alone won’t help him/her identify the disease/condition with accuracy (100%).

This is why Doctors ask patients to undergo relevant tests (blood, urine, stool etc). Medical lab diagnoses and reports can pinpoint the exact cause of the disease!

A medical laboratory is managed by a trained pathologist. He/she is usually a Doctor who has specialized in the discipline of clinical pathology.

Medical laboratory technicians work under a pathologist at medical labs. These allied healthcare workers are commonly known as MLT (Medical Laboratory Technician) and MLA (Medical Laboratory Assistant).

Their main task is to assist the pathologist in examining clinical specimens and arriving at a conclusion. MLT professionals are capable of performing tasks such as –

  • Collecting clinical specimens of patients.
  • Labeling clinical specimens.
  • Safely storing the specimens.
  • Examining the specimen by subjecting it to specific tests.
  • Writing down the findings.
  • Passing down his/her observations to the main pathologist.

M.Voc. MLT course will train you in the above-mentioned areas. This program is an advanced version of the B.Voc. Medical Lab Technology course.

Let us take a closer look at the course details. In the next section, you will find the following details – duration, eligibility criteria, colleges, syllabus, fees, career prospects, and admission process.


Here are some of the core subjects present in the curriculum –

  • Human physiology and anatomy.
  • Medical Microbiology.
  • Medical Biochemistry.
  • Computer Application.
  • Histopathology.
  • Bacteriology.
  • Hematology.
  • Immunology.
  • Mycology.
  • Virology.


Here are some of the popular colleges offering M.Voc. Medical Lab Technology courses in India –

  • University of Pune.
  • The University of Lucknow.
  • Andhra Loyola College.
  • Tezpur University.
  • St. Albert’s College, Kochi.
  • MGCGV, Chitrakoot.

Admission process

Here is everything you need to know about M.Voc. Medical Lab Technology admission process –

Admission Process may vary from one institute to another. Some institutes are known to conduct merit-based admission processes. Some other institutes are known to conduct a direct admission process.


Here is everything you need to know about M.Voc. Medical Lab Technology fees structure –

Tuition fees depend upon the following factors – a type of college (Government or self-financing), scholarship status of the student, rating of the college, etc. On average, tuition fees could be anywhere between 50-80K INR per year.

Career prospects

Medical lab professionals are usually hired by healthcare institutes such as –

  • Hospitals (pathology lab).
  • Clinics (pathology lab).
  • Medical labs.
  • Medical labs.
  • Nursing homes.
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