M.Voc. Dairy Technology

Last Updated on August 10, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar

Hi readers! In this post, we will deal with a PG-level dairy technology course. Here, we will have an in-depth analysis of the M.Voc. Dairy Technology course. You will find all the important details about this vocational training program here.

Here is a quick overview of the M.Voc. Dairy Technology course –

Name of the course M.Voc. Dairy Processing
Type of course Master of Vocation
Field Dairy processing and technology
Duration 2 years
Eligibility Completed relevant B.Voc. or Bachelor’s Degree course


As I mentioned before, M.Voc. Dairy Technology is a vocational training program. M.Voc. stands for Master of Vocation. The name of the course suggests that it is a Master’s Degree course.

If you want to build a decent career in the dairy technology sector, this course will be of help to you. This program will train you in different areas of dairy technology.

What is M.Voc. Dairy Technology course all about? What is it like to pursue this course? What is the course content like? Will I get a good job after completing this course?

M.Voc. Dairy Technology: Basic Details

M.Voc. is a vocational training program. It stands for Master of Vocation. Let us find out more about this course format now.

The name of the course suggests that it is a Master’s Degree vocational training program. In other words, this course belongs to PG academic level. PG stands for postgraduate level.

M.Voc. is a vocational training program. Vocational training programs are designed to develop relevant skills (related to a particular industry) among candidates.

Candidates who have completed relevant Bachelor’s Degree courses or B.Voc. courses are eligible to pursue M.Voc. Dairy Technology course. It is an advanced academic program related to the field of dairy technology and its allied areas.

This vocational training program revolves around dairy technology and its allied areas. What is dairy technology all about, you may ask. Here is everything you need to know about this domain.

Dairy Technology combines branches of science such as technology, biochemistry, and animal husbandry to improve milk productivity, shelf life, and quality. It also consists of elements of management, quality control, and HR management.

The academic program will train you in areas such as – dairy processes, dairy plant design, operation and maintenance of relevant equipment, dairy business management, marketing management, storage and transportation techniques, and biochemistry.

Let us consider an example – a dairy processing plant. A large dairy plant consists of different sections, machinery, and trained personnel and carries out daily operations/processes. The plant usually processes hundreds of thousands of liters of milk and dairy products each day!

The following main activities take place in such a plant – acquisition of raw material (milk) from dairy farms, processing of milk, production of dairy products (curd, milk, buttermilk, ghee, etc), packaging, storage, preservation, quality control, operations management, etc.

A dairy plant usually uses high-tech equipment and automated systems for dairy processing. It also employs different types of workers for taking care of activities such as – quality control, process control, materials management, supervision, operating equipment, etc.

M.Voc. Dairy Processing program will train you in the above-mentioned areas (operations, equipment, storage, chemistry, food safety, etc). After completing this course, you will be able to find a decent job in the dairy processing sector.

Let us take a closer look at the course details. In the next section, you will find the following details – duration, eligibility criteria, colleges, scope, fees, admission process, career prospects, syllabus, and more.


Here are some of the core subjects present in the curriculum –

  • Biochemistry.
  • Dairy Technology.
  • Dairy Plant Design.
  • Dairy Plant Processes.
  • Safety and Quality Control.
  • Dairy Plant Operation and Maintenance.
  • Milk Products.
  • Milk Products Manufacturing.
  • Dairy Business Management.
  • Marketing.
  • Packaging and Distribution.


Here are some of the popular colleges offering M.Voc. Dairy Processing courses in India –

  • DEI, Agra.

Admission process

Here is everything you need to know about M.Voc. Dairy Processing admission process –

Admission Process may vary from one institute to another. Some institutes are known to conduct merit-based admission processes. Some other institutes are known to conduct a direct admission process.


Here is everything you need to know about M.Voc. Dairy Processing fees structure –

Tuition fees depend upon the following factors – the type of college (Government or self-financing), scholarship status of the student, rating of the college, etc. On average, tuition fees could be anywhere between 50-80K INR per year.

Career prospects

Dairy technology professionals are usually hired by –

  • Dairy Farms.
  • Dairy Product Manufacturers.
  • Food Processing Firms.
  • MNCs (food production and marketing firms).
  • Milk Cooperatives.
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