Digital Marketing Courses After Graduation

Last Updated on July 28, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar

Do you want to pursue a good Digital Marketing course after graduation? If yes, this article will be of help to you. Here, I’ve listed down some of the best Digital Marketing courses available in front of graduates. I’ve also discussed advantages and prospects of pursuing DM after graduation.

Digital Marketing is gaining pace in India. Slowly, young graduates are realizing the true potential of this sector. It is not uncommon to see graduates enrolling for certificate and diploma programs (Digital Marketing) soon after completing their Bachelor’s Degree program.

The surge of Digital Marketing

What has resulted in this surge in Digital Marketing’s reputation? Well, a lot of factors contributed to this tremendous growth of DM sector. Some of these factors are –

  • Increased internet penetration in India
  • Boom in the smartphone market
  • The rise of Social Media
  • Decline of traditional media (and marketing)

Thanks to the above mentioned factors, Digital Marketing came under the limelight. The corporate sector stood up and took a good look at this field (of marketing) and realized its true potential and reach.

How the jobs started rolling out

Since then, businesses – big, small and medium – have invested heavily (and smartly) in Digital Marketing. They’ve all built brand reputation, improved customer service and improved customer interaction through DM.   This investment in Digital Marketing has resulted in numerous jobs, projects and campaigns. It even played a crucial role in election campaigns as well!

Types of Digital Marketing courses in India

In India, there are two main types of DM courses. They are –

  1. Diploma courses
  2. Certificate courses

Numerous IT training institutes, computer education institutes and websites are offering Digital Marketing training to graduates. Such institutes and websites offer online as well as offline (regular classroom) learning programs.   Let us take a closer look at these courses –

Digital Marketing courses after graduation

1 Certificate courses

Some of the well known certificate courses are –

  • Certified Digital Marketing Master course
  • Certification Program in Digital Marketing
  • Online Marketing and Certification Training
  • Certification Program in Individual Modules (like SEO, SEM, Data Mining, Analytics, SMM, E Mail Marketing etc)

2 Diploma courses

Some of the well known Diploma courses are –

  • Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing
  • Professional Diploma in SEM (Search Engine Marketing
  • Professional Diploma in SMM (Social Media Marketing)

My opinion

I think graduates should choose online learning mode. This way, they may find a job and carry on Digital Marketing training on a part-time basis! Online learning is very convenient and the timings could be very flexible.

Also read:

Best Digital Marketing courses in India

Digital Marketing careers in India

Digital Marketing after MBA

Online courses in India

Career prospects

Common job profiles available in front of Digital Marketing professionals include –

  • SEO Manager/Professional
  • Project Manager
  • Digital Business Marketer
  • Content Marketer/Manager
  • Digital Marketing Strategist
  • Digital Marketing Consultant
  • Social Media Manager
  • Data Analytics Professional
  • Web Designer
  • Customer Care Executive
  • Freelancer
  • Entrepreneur

Digital Marketing professionals may find a job in the following work setups –

  • Digital Marketing Agencies
  • Digital Marketing Department of MNCs and Companies
  • Startups
  • Data Analytics Agencies
  • Internet Technology Businesses
  • Social Media Marketing Agencies
  • Online News Portals, Magazines and Similar Publications
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