B.Voc. Robotics & Automation

Last Updated on July 30, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar

Hi readers! In this post, we will deal with a vocational training program that is related to automation and robotics. Here, we will have an in-depth analysis of B.Voc. Robotics and Automation course.

B.Voc. stands for Bachelor of Vocation. It is a job oriented vocational training course. It is an undergraduate level Bachelor’s Degree course.   Here is a quick overview of the academic program –

Name of the course B.Voc. Robotics and Automation
Type of course Bachelor of Vocation
Field Robotics and Automation
Duration 3 years
Eligibility 12th pass (Science with PCM subjects) or equivalent qualification

In this post, you will find all the details that you need to know about this training program. Here, I’ve provided details such as – duration, eligibility, colleges, scope, admission, fees and career prospects.   If you want to build a decent career in robotics and automation sector, this academic program will be of help to you. Students who have passed 12th class are eligible to pursue this course.   What’s robotics and automation all about? What’s it like to specialize in this field? What’s the scope and potential associated with this domain? Will I get a good job after completing this course?   You will find answers to these questions in the next section. Let us start –

B.Voc. Robotics and Automation: An Introduction

As the name suggests, this academic program deals with two main domains – automation and robotics. Both these domains are developing at a rapid pace across the world. They play a crucial role in different sectors such as – manufacturing, healthcare, computing, defence etc.   What is automation, you may ask. In simple terms, automation deals with control systems that enable us to operate tools/machinery/systems with no or minimal human intervention. Thanks to automation, processes can be performed with minimal or no human assistance.   For example – bottling/canning of food products was done manually in the past. A worker manually collected the food product and put it inside the can/bottle. But automation has made the process simpler! Thanks to automation, advanced systems carry out processes such as canning and bottling! There’s no or minimal human intervention required!   Automation has made our lives simpler! Automation plays a huge role on different sectors such as – manufacturing, healthcare, office administration etc. Manufacturing is a sector that has benefited particularly well from automation.   State-of-the-art assembly lines and automation systems have made the process of manufacturing relatively simple, cost effective and productive. Yes, automation brings with it certain advantages such as – improved work safety, cost saving, improved productivity – these are some of its main advantages.   In order to automate a process, we need relevant tools/equipment/systems such as – control systems and software. These control systems can be used to control machinery, vehicles, home appliances, assembly lines, factory processes and more. From humble home appliances to complex telephone networks, automation can be applied in these areas.   What is robotics, you may ask. In simple terms, it is a discipline that deals with the design, construction, operation and use of robots. It is a multidisciplinary field and employs different branches of engineering and science. Mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, electronic engineering, computer science – these are some of the prominent engineering branches involved in robotics.   Emergence of AI (Artificial Intelligence) has given a push to robotics industry. Soon, we will see the arrival of super-smart robots. Robots can be used as substitute for human beings (in many situations). Particularly in dangerous circumstances, services of robots can come handy!   For example – diffusing a bomb is a very dangerous task. One mistake and it could cost us many lives! But if we substitute robots for human beings, the risk of loss of life can be eliminated. Similarly, human beings can’t survive in outer space for long (without support systems). But robots can perform this task easily! Robots can be used to perform tasks in hazardous surroundings.   Robots can take different forms. As I mentioned before, they can be used for different purposes. Commercial, domestic and military – robots can be used in these purposes.   B.Voc. Robotics and Automation course will train you in relevant branches of engineering, science and technology. This is a vocational training program. Students who have passed 12th class (science stream) are eligible to pursue this course. Technically, it is an undergraduate level Bachelor’s Degree course.   The academic program is 3 years long. It also offers multiple exit options. Here are the exit options –

  1. Diploma certificate after completing one year
  2. Advanced Diploma after completing two years
  3. Bachelor’s Degree certificate after completing three years

Let us take a closer look at the course details. In the next section, you will find details such as – duration, eligibility, colleges, syllabus and more.

Course Details

Type of course

It is a Bachelor of Vocation course.


The academic program is 3 years long. It has various exit options too (Diploma after 1st year, Advanced Diploma after 2 years and Bachelor’s Degree after 3 years).

Eligibility Criteria

Minimum educational qualification required is – completed 12th Science (with PCM subjects).


Here are some of the core subjects present in B.Voc. Robotics and Automation curriculum –

  • Process control
  • Basics of automation
  • Basics of robotics
  • Parts and components
  • Wiring in robotics
  • Fixture and control panels
  • Programming
  • Sensors
  • Pneumatics
  • Welding
  • Computer application
  • Microcontrollers
  • Electronics
  • Project work


Here are some of the popular colleges offering this course in India –

  • HVSU
  • DEI

Admission Process

Admission Process may vary from one institute to another. Some institutes are known to conduct merit based admission process. Some other institutes are known to conduct direct admission process.

PG Courses and Higher Studies

After completing B.Voc. course, graduates may go for M.Voc. course. M.Voc. course provides advanced technical knowledge related to the specific domain.

Career Prospects

After completing this course, you will get access to different types of job opportunities and profiles. Automation industry, robotics industry and manufacturing sectors are the prime recruiters.

You may also check –

IC course

EC course

  In the above mentioned establishments, one may don roles such as – technician, supervisor, manager, assistant manager, trainee etc.


Starting salary depends upon different factors. Some such notable factors are –

  • Job location
  • Profile of the employer
  • His/her academic performance
  • His/her skills and aptitude
  • Job profile

On an average, starting salary could be anywhere between 20-40K INR per month. In case of Government job, the salary will be based on designated pay scale and grade.

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