Top B.Voc. Colleges in Delhi: Seats, Admission & Rating

Last Updated on August 18, 2023 by Sidharth PS

Are you interested in B.Voc. admission process? If yes, this post will be of help to you. Here, I’ve listed down some of the best B.Voc. colleges in Delhi. Students from Delhi and neighboring states may use this guide to find the right college.

In this post, you will find the names of prominent B.Voc. colleges in Delhi. Apart from names of institutes, you will also find other details such as – B.Voc. courses, duration, eligibility, scope, admission process, and more.

The main aim of this post is to educate and inform you about the status of B.Voc. education in Delhi. This guide will simplify your B.Voc. admission process and help you choose the right college.

Choosing the right college is an important task. The college you choose will play an important role in determining the path of your career. A good college can be identified by looking at factors such as – infrastructure, faculty, amenities, fees, rating, and reputation of the college.

What’s B.Voc. program all about?

B.Voc. stands for Bachelor of Vocation. It is a vocational training program. Technically speaking, it is a Bachelor’s Degree program.   B.Voc. course has been designed and developed by the UGC. This course has been created with the aim of improving the vocational education sector in India.

The Government of India understands the importance of vocational education. It knows very well that vocational training can help reduce the rate of unemployment in our country. Lack of skills among youth is a matter of grave concern.

Lack of meaningful skills has resulted in youth being unable to find jobs at all. Or they end up settling for jobs that don’t pay well!

Keeping this factor in mind, UGC decided to develop an advanced vocational training program. As a result, B.Voc. course was born! This course is available in different trades/disciplines such as – automobile, greenhouse technology, sugar technology, software development, web design, and more.

Course Details

Please check the table to find basic details about B.Voc. program –

Name of the course B.Voc. (Bachelor of Vocation)
Type of course Vocational training course
Field Skill enhancement/training
Duration 3 years
Eligibility 12th pass or equivalent qualification

It is an undergraduate level Bachelor’s Degree course. Students who have passed 12th class are eligible to pursue this course.   The academic program is three years long. Each academic year is divided into two semesters. Each semester is six months long.   Here’s an interesting fact about B.Voc. course – it offers multiple entry and exit options. For ITI holders, technicians and candidates with relevant work experience, the program offers flexible entry options. Similarly, it offers the following exit options for candidates –

  1. Diploma certificate after completing one year: A student may choose to quit the program after one year and walk away with a Diploma certificate.
  2. Advanced Diploma certificate: A student may choose to quit the program after two years and walk away with an Advanced Diploma certificate.

List of B.Voc. courses

Here are some of the popular B.Voc. courses available in Delhi –

  • B.Voc. Apparel Design.
  • B.Voc. Automobile.
  • B.Voc. Food Processing.
  • B.Voc. Dairy Technology.
  • B.Voc. Renewable Energy.
  • B.Voc. Healthcare Management.
  • B.Voc. Fashion Design.
  • B.Voc. Digital Media & Animation.
  • B.Voc. Textile Design.
  • B.Voc. Interior Design.
  • B.Voc. Travel & Tourism.
  • B.Voc. Software Development.
  • B.Voc. Agriculture.
  • B.Voc. Visual Media & Filmmaking.
  • B.Voc. Rubber Technology.
  • B.Voc. Retail Management.
  • B.Voc. Product Design.
  • B.Voc. Jewellery Design.
  • B.Voc. Beauty Therapy & Aesthetics.
  • B.Voc. Hotel Management.
  • B.Voc. Banking & Finance.
  • B.Voc. Medical Lab Technology.
  • B.Voc. Journalism & Mass Communication.
  • B.Voc. Photography.
  • B.Voc. Patient Care Management..
  • B.Voc. Medical Imaging Technology.
  • B.Voc. Hardware & Networking.
  • B.Voc. Information Technology.
  • B.Voc. Modern Office Practice.
  • B.Voc. Import & Export Management.
  • B.Voc. E-Commerce & Digital Marketing.
  • B.Voc. Radio Production.
  • B.Voc. Sales & Marketing.

List of B.Voc. colleges in Delhi

Here are some of the popular B.Voc. colleges in Delhi –

  • Jesus and Mary College, New Delhi.
  • Kalindi College, East Patel Nagar, Delhi.
  • GGSIU, Delhi.
  • MAII, Delhi.
  • USIT, Delhi.
  • IBS, Delhi.
  • AICMT, Delhi.

PG courses

After completing B.Voc., graduates may go for a relevant M.Voc. program. Apart from that, they also have access to advanced diploma and certification programs.

Admission process

The admission process may vary from one institute to another. Most colleges prefer a merit-based admission process. Under this system, a candidate’s performance in the board exam and/or relevant selection exam is taken into consideration. Some other colleges are known to conduct direct as well as donation-based admission processes.

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