Indian Navy UES recruitment details (Official)

Last Updated on July 31, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar

In this article, you will be reading about Indian Navy’s University Entry Scheme (UES). This entry scheme has been made keeping final year Engineering students in mind. Using Indian Navy’s UES, eligible candidates may join Executive/Technical/Submarine (Technical) branch of the Organization. Depending upon the post, there are two types of job commissions- PC (Permanent Commission) and Short Service Commission). Here, you will be reading important details about UES entry such as- Job post available, eligibility criteria- age and educational, application process and selection procedure.

UES Entry: Branches and posts to apply for-

As part of UES entry, eligible candidates may apply for three branches of Indian Navy-

  1. Executive Branch
  2. Technical Branch
  3. Submarine Branch (Technical)


Job posts falling under Executive Branch are- PC/SSC General Service , SSC Pilot, SSC Observer and SSC IT.

Job posts falling under Technical Branch are- SSC Engineering, SSC Electrical and SSC Naval Architecture.

Job posts falling under Submarine Branch are- SSC Engineering and SSC Electrical.


UES Entry Eligibility Criteria-



  • Organization- Indian Navy
  • Entry Scheme- UES
  • Nationality of applicant- Indian
  • Gender- Only male candidates are eligible (except SSC Naval Architecture, where both male and female aspirants may apply)
  • Marital status of applicant- Unmarried


Age limit

Applicant should be between 19-24 years of age (with respect to the dates mentioned in the advertisement).


Educational Qualifications required-

Applicant should be studying in Final year (4th year) of Engineering (B.E./B.Tech.) program or 5th year (in case of Integrated program). Applicant should have minimum 60% aggregate marks up to the 6th semester (8th semester in case of Integrated program).


# Executive Branch

  • PC/SSC General Service- B.E./ B.Tech. in any of the following streams- Mechanical/ Marine/ Aeronautical/ Production/ Computer Science Engineering/ Information Technology/ Control/ Electrical/ Electronics/ Telecommunication Engineering
  • SSC Pilot – Any stream of B.E./ B.Tech. (Physics & Maths at 10+2 level)
  • SSC Observer – Any stream of B.E./B.Tech. (Physics & Maths at 10+2 level)
  • SSC IT- B.E./ B.Tech. in any of the following streams- Information Technology/ Computer Science Engineering/ Computer Engineering


# Technical Branch

  • SSC Engineering- B.E./ B.Tech. in any of the following streams- Mechanical/ Marine/ Automobile/ Mechtronics/ Instrumentation/ Production Engineering/ Metallurgy/ Aeronautical/ Aerospace/ Automation & Robotics/ Industrial Engineering & Management
  • SSC Electrical – B.E./ B.Tech. in any of the following streams- Electrical/ Electronics/ Tele Communications/ Electronics and Instrumentation/ Electronics and Communication/ Power Engineering/ Control System Engineering/ Power Electronics/ Instrumentation and Control/ Avionics
  • SSC Naval Architecture- B.E./ B.Tech. in any of the following streams- Mechanical/ Civil/ Aeronautical/ Aero Space/ Metallurgy/ Naval Architecture


# Submarine (Technical) Branch

  • SSC Engineering- B.E./ B.Tech. in any of the following streams- Mechanical/ Marine/ Automobile/ Mechtronics/ Instrumentation/ Production Engineering/ Metallurgy/ Aeronautical/ Aerospace/ Automation & Robotics/ Industrial Engineering & Management
  • SSC Electrical- B.E./ B.Tech. in any of the following streams- Electrical/ Electronics/ Control/ Tele Communications/ Instrumentation/ Power Electronics/ Electronics & Communication/ Instrumentation and Control


Application and Selection process-

Advertisement for UES Entry is put by Indian Navy on its website- as well as other leading newspapers and employment publications. Applicant may register online. After applying, eligible candidates will be called up for Campus Interview. Those who manage to clear the Campus Interview are then invited to appear for SSB Interview. To get more details about SSB Interview, go though these articles-


Also read:

SSB Interview information

SSB Interview tips

Indian Navy AA recruitment

Indian Navy SSR recruitment


After clearing SSB Interview and other examinations like Medical, PABT (in case of Pilot post), successful candidates will make it to the merit list. It is based on this list that final selection will be made!

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