Indian Coast Guard Female entry modes and posts

Last Updated on July 31, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar

Even after writing excellent guides about Indian Coast Guard’s Officer Entry recruitment and Sailor Entry recruitment, I often get bombarded by questions from aspirants who want to join the Indian Coast Guard! Especially female aspirants approach me, asking about Entry modes and posts available in the Indian Coast Guard for female candidates. To an extent, they are right. Compared to male candidates, the entry modes and posts available for female candidates is less. In this article, I have listed those posts and entry modes, which female candidates may use to realize their dream!


Posts and Entry modes available for female candidates to join Indian Coast Guard

I’ve just listed the names of the posts and the entry mode here. If you want to grab all the details such as educational qualifications, medical standards, age limit, selection procedure etc, do check the link to the detailed guides that I’ve given next to the names of the job posts.


Also read: Indian Navy Women entry schemes


Here’s the list-


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