How to Join Indian Army as an Officer After 12th Science

Last Updated on July 31, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar

Many 12th science passed students ask me this question- ‘How to join the Indian Army after passing 12th standard, as an Officer?’. Each and every time, I mail them explaining them the process. That was until I decided to write up a sweet and short blog post dealing with the topic here. And finally, after some work, here it is, the answer to many students’ question! I’ll explain the facts and process associated with it.

Army soldiers

Please note that it is about joining the Indian Army as a Commissioned Officer, that I’m talking about. I’m not talking about simple Jawan (Soldier entry scheme) or JCO (Junior Commissioned Officer) entry scheme here. It is all about joining the Army as an Officer.


Process of joining Indian Army as an Officer after 12th Science in 2022

If it is joining the Army right before graduation that you are looking for, then you must be certainly interested in NDA (National Defence Academy). It is the Premier Joint Services Academy in India.


It is where the cadets of 3 sections of the Armed Forces- Army, Navy and Air Force train together for 3 years! It is a very popular and reputed Institute.


For a candidate to join the Indian Army as an officer through NDA, he must be not between 16½- 19½ years of age, while the course commences at NDA (as on 1st day of that month). So, a science student should try and join it while appearing in 11th standard, while appearing in 12th standard or right after passing out of 12th standard. Note that you should be careful about the age limit of 19 years.


How to join the NDA after 12th science?

To join NDA, one must appear for NDA (National Defence Academy) written exam and the SSB (Services Selection Board) Interview and clear both of them! The notification regarding this exam is given on leading NEWS Papers and the official websites of the Armed Forces.


You may apply for the exam online. The first part will be the entrance test. It is a written exam, consisting of the OMR type questionnaire, which is all about MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions).


The subjects consists of General Knowledge, Mathematics, English, Physics etc. Once the written part is concluded and the results are declared, the successful candidates are supposed to appear for the SSB Interview.


The Interview is not a one day process. It is spread across many days. Various written tests and physical and psychological tests are taken during these days.


The SSB Officers will evaluate a candidate and assign marks based on the performance put in by him in that particular test. In this way, evaluation is made for each test in those series of test.


In the end, only the candidates who scored a ‘minimum qualifying marks’ in each test is ‘recommended’. Rest unsuccessful candidates are sent back. The recommended candidates are then sent for medical checkup.


Finally, based on the marks obtained in the written exam, tests in SSB and the medical checkup score, a final merit list is put out. Candidates who manage to get into this merit list are accepted into NDA and into the training for joining Indian Army (depends on the choice of the candidate).


In the Academy, the cadet has to complete 6 terms of training and studies. This lasts for 3 years, where they are taught B Sc courses (depending on their choice).


After completing 3 years at NDA and passing out, the cadets are sent to the respective training institutes of their division of the Armed Forces. Thus, Army candidates are sent to IMA (Indian Military Academy) for completing 1 year course. After IMA training, successful candidates are given the rank of Lieutenant and taken into the service as an Indian Army Officer!


10+2 TES (Technical Entry Scheme) after 12th science

Other than NDA entry, 12th Science (Mathematics Group) passed students may also join the Indian Army as an Officer through the TES Entry Scheme. This one is a Technical entry meant for intermediate level applicants. Let us check out the important details in the following section-


Notification and advertisements regarding TES 10+2 entry is put on prominent newspapers and other publications twice a year in May/June and October/November. Interested candidates should keep an eye for TES advertisement during the months mentioned above.


Like in case of NDA entry, TES 10+2 Entry also follows the online application system. Applicants have to apply online through website. Application process is more or less similar to that of NDA entry.


Let us run through eligibility criteria- applicant has to be between 16½ to 19½ years of age as on the first day of the month in which the training course starts at OTA. Applicant should be unmarried. Applicant must have completed 10+2 Science stream schooling with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics as main subjects. Minimum marks requirement is 70%.


After application, the SSB Interview of eligible candidates will be held. SSB Interview will be held in August- October or February- April, depending upon the time the candidate applied online. Successful candidates who manage to clear the Interview and Medical examination will stand a chance to feature in the merit list. Based on merit list, candidates will be selected for training and course. Note that there are 90 vacancies per course. Final selection from merit list will be based on this vacancy. Final selected candidates will be given 5 years training. Training is given at Institutes like OTA Gaya (1 year long pre- Commission training), CME Pune/MCTE Mhow/MCEME Secunderabad (3 years training and/or 1 year long post- Commission training).


If you want to become a medical officer in the Armed Forces, you may go for AFMC entry. For more details, check our this in-depth post – AFMC entry.


After that course, finally they are assigned the rank of a Lieutenant and taken into the service as an Officer in the Indian Army! Hope you liked this article!

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694 thoughts on “How to Join Indian Army as an Officer After 12th Science”

  1. Sir I’m khushi, I recently entered in eleventh ,so that I wonna join Indian army, as it is my aim also . So plz suggest me the way to continue my study and get a post in Indian army in future.

    • You may become an officer after completing Bachelor’s Degree. If you want to join directly after 12th, try AFMC entry.

  2. I am arjun. Me and my father has dream that i should go in nda and I have taken science subject but i have glasses of 2.75 and 3.0 myopia. Can i go in nda …??

  3. Sir.
    My name is kirtty Duggal
    Its my dream to became an Indian Army officer.
    I am still studying in 11th [Bio]
    Sir.Its is poosible me to join in Indian Army office After +2..
    Please..sir.Give me Information Abou my test.

  4. Hello sir,
    My name is Robin Louis
    I study in 12th in commerce
    Sir I would like to join Indian army
    Its my dream…..
    Sir commerce student have to join the Indian army….
    Please sir give me the information……
    How to apply….

  5. hello sir my name is shiva
    i completed my 12th in science
    the date of TCS10+2 applications date is completed
    Is there any way to join inthis programme
    please tell me

  6. Hello sir,
    Name -Rutuja Bharat Chougule.
    Education -12 paased from Science
    Sir i would like to join Indian Army its my dream….please sir give me information how apply…

    • If you want to become an Officer, you may try after Graduation or while in the final year of Bachelor’s Degree program.

  7. Sir I am a 12th pass student from commerce stream & Sir I would like to join Indian Army. Sir is it possible me to join Indian Army.

  8. Sir, I am a 12th passed student and have given NDA once but I was unable to qualify on my 1st attempt but I am determined to join the INDIAN MILITARY but I have exceeded my age so is there any alternative way to join THE INDIAN MILITARY

  9. Sir,
    I got 68% marks in +2 .I gave NDA paper in 2017 but i not qualified.Sir, can I join army with the help of technical entry?

  10. Sir, i want to join the army as an officer….Right now i’m in the 11 std. having PCM as my stream…Can u pls guide which field would be best for me in the college,and being a girl when am i supposed to answer NDA and all the exams essential for joining the army?

  11. Hello sir, I’m in 12th (pcb) and I also want to become an army officer and I don’t want to go in AFMC. What can I do sir.

  12. Hello sir , I’m in 11the standard PCB. I become an army officer . sir , what’s the stream in army officer. To related my sub. Pcb I want to become officer. So, sir tell me which type preparation I’ll do after just 12th.guid me sir about pls.

  13. Sir, I want to become indian army officer i am servicing in indian army as a sepoy right now .so how should i become officer

  14. Sir…
    My Self Swapnil Vasant Gotad
    I Currently living in Virar, Mumbai
    I Complete 10th N 12th ( Science )
    I Also Pass Diploma in Pharmacy
    I’m Register Pharmacist in Mumbai
    Date of birth :- 28 – 08-1995
    Hight :- 5.9
    Weight :- 68Kg
    Then Can I join My Dream INDIAN ARMY

  15. Sir, I am in 11…I have joined ncc now next year after passing 12 I will get ncc ‘b’ certificate so what will be benefits of ncc ‘b’ certificate in nda

  16. Sir..i am Dnyaneshwar Thorwat .i completed my puc in 2017 in pcmb with 72% marks in karnata board. I want to join Indian defence in the post of officer.but i not have information about plz suggest DOB is 11 09 1999

  17. Sir myself jagjeet I m studying in 7th sacred heart conevent school and it is my dream I will be an army officer I will do everything for indi how I join army

  18. Sir, I have secured 82.6% in 12th board exam in science stream (PCM). I wand to do after 12th, which stream of will help me in future as I want to Indian Army at Officer’s level…

  19. sir i want be an army officer in present i am studing in 12th sci(pcm)…what is the procedure to be an army officer after 12th pls tell me..?

  20. I have scored 93.2 % in cbse and dropped for jee but couldn’t make it out. I want to join defence technical as my D. O. B IS 6/8/1995 please give me suggestion??

  21. I am studying in 12th science.I am a citizen of Nepal .What is the process to join NDA for ?please guide me sir

  22. Sir, i am astudent of BSc-1from vbspu,iwant to join indian army,I am thinking about CDS but my problem is that iwill qualify written test but thmoere is ssuspence in iinterview. please guide me how can i prepair for iinterview. please give me sources of matter for this .Indian army is my aim of life .please help me sir
    I am from jaunpur utterpradesh

  23. gud afternon sir:-) me vishu few day later:-)12th exam in (pcm) i am join the indian army force as officer please guided me sr

  24. Sir i got 80%in 12 and i want to join indian army but
    Sir i dont want to appear in entrance exam in nda sir is it possible without appearing i got part in indian army

  25. Sir i have appeared in my class 12 examination 1 month before i want to go to nda through tes can you tell me how to prepare for ssb or suggest any coaching

  26. hello sir i am now 21 yrs old completed my 12th class exams and i wasted mY 3 yrs in btech sir my parents forced me to do btech and now i got detained and now i want to join in indian army as a commando sir what i should do sir plz help me

  27. Hello sir am in class 11 and am intrested to join defence
    I opted for PCMBE (Physics,Chemistry,Mathematics,Biology,English)
    Could u suggest me exam and the procedure for it

    • Akhil, you may make use of NDA and join any wing of Indian Armed Forces. The examination is held by UPSC. Registration process is online and can be done through official site of UPSC. Over there, you will find notifications regarding the exam too!

    • Ashwin, right now, you may try NDA entry. It will help you become an Officer in the Indian Army. After joining, gradually, you may rise through ranks and become a Lt.Col.

  28. sir \,
    i had completed my +2 in 2015 & now am in B-tech 1st year with computer science branch. Iam interested to join indian airforce or indian army or navy jobs. i had also appeared for NDA NA-1 last year but not qualified. sir what i will do to get selected in defence jobs after +2.

  29. Sir,i am Amit Sahu.. and i want to knw what to do to get a good post of officer and other ranking officer of army…
    sir i have given my hs2nd year exam (science) this time…. sir please show me the way other than NDA

  30. sir, i m student of class 10th and i can do this exam for after 12th class.but girls cannot appeared this examination .why sir? and what can i do ?

  31. Hello sir..I’ve recently appeared for my 12th board examination..and The result will come in May probably….I decided few days back only to be into this field..and did not appear for NDA.but really wana do this! Can u please help me with the procedure of continuing it ??

    • Bhumika, only male candidates are eligible to make use of NDA entry. If you have had Biology subject in 12th, you may make use of the AFMC (Armed Forces Medical College) entry though.

  32. sir, i am interested in nda but sir it is neccessary to get 70% minimum marks in chem,physics,math to apply for nda exam.

  33. sir
    i have completed my intermediate…. now i want to join in indian airforce but my age is 18/1997 how can i apply to NDA

  34. Sir I am passed in 12th …..and I’m go to indian army so I apply the NDA but I can’t apply them because my age 1997 please give me….how join the Indian army

  35. Sir ,
    i have just finished my 12th HSC exam with Science PCMB Group . My 10th percentage is 81.80 % . Unfortunately, i have missed NDA form this time .
    Won’t i try something more early , besides waiting for oct. NDA form which will help me to join INDIAN ARMY / INDIAN NAVY / BSF as soon as possible . My 2 -11- 1998.

  36. sir, presently i am a b.e final year student.for some reasons i was unable to complete my b.e degree.kindly suggest me job in indian army as it is only field that i want to be joined in.looking for your reply. thank you sir.

    • Balaji, if you are in the final year, why not just complete the course? Only 1 more year could help you get a Degree! After that, you may make use of the CDSE entry and join the Indian Army.

  37. hello sir, i wanted to join indian nay as an officer
    how many marks are required in 12th science for nda eligibility
    i am a obc candidate
    plz sir i need your help.

  38. Sir but for NDA exam there was limit of 11th or12th sci percentage. I am in 11th sci now at that time .I have 82.40% in 10th

  39. Sir
    My name is Rajendra jha
    I want to join army and I have taken science.. I will complete my 12 in this year.. I have filled the NDA form online and my exam is on 14/4 /16 .
    But sir I have not taken maths subject but my subject of 12 is English, physics, chemistry, Biology, IT, and psychology…….
    So sir please tell me that can I get Indian Army
    Please sir please guide me….

  40. Sir, I have qualified NDA 136 written,ssb at 12th April at Allahabad but my next NDA written exam is 17th April and my absentee date is 20th April for ssb.can I go for ssb at 20th April ? Reason will be vailed or not ? Pl guide.

  41. Sir, I am student belongs to TBSE board. I am apparing 10+2 exam. I want to join indian air force. This is my dream from childhood.

  42. sir, i completed 10+2 in 2011 with 50%(with Maths) ….and currently studing in engeering institute…..i want to join indian army right now……how can i enter in indian army….i am crazy about army…and any how i want to join it….plz do help me

  43. Hello sir …now i m 12th after this i want to join indian army ..i have biology so pllzz guide me…what is way to join indian army other than AFMC.

    • Mansi, you may join the Armed Forces using the AFMC entry. For that you must have had Biology subject in 12th. Other than that, you may join Indian Army as Officer after Graduation.

  44. Hello Sir Ur article has helped me a lot but still I’m confused a bit…
    Now I’m studying in std 12th pcm grp n I’ve completed my NCC A cert examination. And my aim is to b an Army Officer but I’m not getting the details related to tht. So I wish u could help me, what exactly to do after 12th.. Is thr any entrance exam or I’ll hv to complete my graduation first?

    I’ll b very faithful to Ur regards….

  45. Jai hind sir …,…B.Sc Nursing dgree complete sir in 2015 l want sir join the army hospital sir please sir my father doing service in army and my big brother doing service in Border security force 146 BN sir please sir

  46. hello sir , my name is CHEYENE.DSOUZA.and i am interested in joining Indian army . i am in the 11th std in science stream . and(PCB ) are my subjects . i want a job in medical stream only . and i have passed out my 10th with 77% . what kind of jobs in indian army will i get .sir its my dream to be an indian army . can you plz advise me regarding my issue . thanking you

  47. Sir, i have completed engineering in ece and now i appeared for technical post in army. Since the eligibility for the post is +2 science , do my graduation will help me for any future promotions?

    • Shiju, once you join any wing of the Armed Forces, what you did in Graduation course won’t matter. Promotion will be based on performance only.

  48. Sir, I’m Adarsh Naik, now in studying in 11th science. My D.O.B is 4th October 1999.Sir I want to join Indian army officer . So plzz sir tell me what to do next

  49. hlo sir.i m in inter 2nd year with PCM and my D.O.B is 13.03.1997 can i join indian army or indian air force.if yes then how plz tell me sir

  50. I’ve heard of students getting recruited by army to become it true? What age should my daughter be and how do i apply

  51. Sir
    I am GurJit singh. i have completed my 12th in Non-medical with 81% and PCM( 85%) in 2014. i want to join indian army. plzz tell me … ?

  52. Sir,
    I am appearing for 12th Board Examination this year. I am quite determined to get into Indian Army. As a women I am quite confused about the procedure to get through. Can you please tell me what are the procedures for a women to get into Indian Armed Force.

    • Debi, you are not eligible to join Indian Army as an Officer right after 12th, through the NDA entry. You may go for CDSE exam after Graduation.

  53. sir i am in class 12 PCM [appearing] and i join indian army ………i know about NDA exam but without NDA exam any other exam to join indian army, airforce, or navy

  54. Sir, my name is trupesh i am in std-11 science and i want to join indian army after 12 to join indian army plz give me information.

  55. sir
    i failed in math in 12 th with science.means my subject was PCB .now i am pharmacy graduate b.pharm that is . am i eligible for pharmacy afcat and cds exam??
    please do reply…

  56. hai sir need to join indian army as a major im 18 now studying in 12 class in science group what all should i do to get it


  58. ARUN SIR, i am(girl) plus two science(bio-maths)student.I am very much dedicated towards indian army ornavy or air force.sayudha sena is only my

    njan sayudhasenayil cheran enhanu chevyandath?
    NDA GIRLS nu pattumo?

  59. Sir is any way to join army for 12th (Bio) group except NDA .
    I am just complete my 12(Bio) with 83℅ with Bio, Chemistry , and Physics.
    Please, suggest me……….

  60. sir I am in class 12th appearing this year…sir I have taken PCB in 12th..and I have a good personity and I am also physically fit and I want to join INDIAN army or any defence academy…sir plss give me some suggestion

  61. sir i am reading +3 1st year sc(pcm) with physics honours.I want to indian navy officer.can any one help me to acchive my success.

  62. Sir I’m in 10th standard now,want to join NDA after 12,I’ll be taking science but sir can you plz tell the physical tests which are taken after the written examination. plz sir!!!
    Thank you!

  63. Sir I will be completing diploma from computer engineering in2016 and I am interested in army and want to join it as technical officer or major so suggest pls

  64. sir,
    I m a student of PCB 12th class….n i m very much familiar from AFMC entry but sir I want to join army as a commissioned officer but except AFMC…..

    can I go through NDA or not ?

  65. Hello sir me mehboob Mustafa .I want to join the army .I just now passed 11th class with 80% with sub non medical I am studying in 12 th class.plz give some tips to join army.And I am from kargil.

  66. Hello sir i am shyam singh and i have passed 12th science and my parsentege is 76.6 my date of bairth is 12-12-1996
    i am intrested join to Nda

  67. Hello sir,
    I’m doing my 12th now (MPCC) I would like to join NDA and further proceed into Indian Air Force. What should I do to proceed sir? Kindly guide me through. Thanks in advance.
    Warm regards,

    • Abishua, registration process is online. You may check out UPSC and UPSCONLINE official sites. Fill up the form and make online payment. You will be called to appear for NDA written examination. After clearing it, there will be SSB Interview and other tests like PABT, Medical examination etc. If you clear it all and make it to the final merit list, you will be selected for training in NDA.

  68. Respected sir,
    I want to join INDIAN ARMY as an officer and now I’m in class 11science(PCMB).Can I take any guidence for the NDA written exam before the exam of NDA from any coaching center????

  69. sir,I’ve completed 12(pcm) with 68% but i cant apply for ihave decided to complete graducation to appear for AFCAT or CDS .which course should i choose B.Tech or B.Sc to join army or navy as officer.please help me

  70. Sir,
    My son is born 1st June 2004 – please let me know whether he can sit for any sainik or military school for class 9th -he has already given first attempt for RIMC and second would be in July 2016 for class 8th -but if not cleared ,please suggest – at time of admission my son age will be 14yr 1month –
    please advice –

    • Meraj, you may apply for NDA examination after crossing 17 years of age. Application process is online. Visit upsconline or upsc website to register.

  71. I have been completed my 12th in 2015 and my d.o.b 11/03/1998
    and my subject’s are(M.P.C) Mathematics ,chemistry and physics.
    I got 79.2/- marks percent in all subjects,
    so may may I join army in any entry?

  72. sir i am studying 12 (pcmc) for what should i apply and how will apply for Indian army , and how many days or years it may take to get selected for Indian army and what will be use of choosing this career, can we do both computer engineering and NDA together.. ????
    please help me out am totally confused

  73. sir …sir i’m going to attend the 12 exam on 2016…my dob is 23/12/1997…
    can i join indian army as a officer?..if i can…
    then how to apply!

  74. dear sir ,
    i comlete my non medical study 12th class 70.4 percent and i will sutdy in bcom 1sem . but i am interested to indian army so plz help me.

  75. #respected sir,
    I have been completed my 12th in 2013 and my d.o.b 28/02/1995
    and my subject’s are(bi.p.c) biological,chemistry and physics.
    I got 66/- marks percent in all subjects,
    so may may I join army in any entry?

  76. Sir , i am in 12 non med ……. i have a type of insect in me of indian army ….. i just want to join indian army ( my aim)… i m a cricket player of district level …… please give info. about different forms of army , air force or navy …. i could not only depend upon NDA …. please tell me something about different forms or entrance tests .

  77. Sir,i am going to give 12th exam and my age is 17year,9month.I want to join army line in officer rank .l have given NDA-2 2015.please give me suitable idea

  78. sir i am a student in WBBSE board, i passed 12th in science with 87% marks in pcm . how can i join in navy/nda/airforce as a officer

  79. Hello sir,i am 12th class student. And my stream is i join to indian army officer .my dob is 23 march 1999

  80. Sir,as i tell u that i have passed 12th(Biology Science) with 96% in 2010 then completed Polytechnic diploma(computer science) in 2015.
    My d.o.b is 15May1995.
    Can i join indian army in any post, if yes then how?

  81. 11th science pass sir full details and join nevy ………….plazzz full details nevy join and 11th science pass after nevy join full details plaZzzzzzzz

  82. Sir I am studyng now in 12 th science in kolhapur.After or B.E. I can aply for cds but during this gap my age will be 22, During this Can I apply for any other post in army or air force.Pleae suggest me some post of officer.

  83. Sir , I have passed my dip engg (electrical) with 61% marks and I want to join Indian army as officer rank but my d.o.b is 21/07/1993 so what can I do to join Indian army.

  84. Sir I am going to pass 12th in 2016 .I have taken computer science as optional subject and I want to become a white hat hacker in army
    So what I must do .

  85. I’m 20yrs old & I’m a soldier. My qualification is +2 with science. I want to become a officer in a Indian army. Pls sir guide me.

  86. sir, i have passed my 12 by pcb in march 2015 nd i got 66% and now i want to join indian army as an officer so wht can i do now my d.o.b. is 17/02/1997

  87. Sir i m in 11th standard i got 63% in HSLC n i want to join NDA but one of my leg in angle is can i get change in NDA or i will not get change?

    • Leonard, usually a candidate has to be fit when the course starts at NDA. If you think that your injury will heal by then, you may go on and apply.

  88. Sir…I’m perusing my 12th as I said above..u said I need to attend CDS exam…is there any need of joining ncc or any pre training required..I want to know about the marks…to enter into the army..can I take any course after my 12th…???

  89. sir i am passed 12th medical nd 21 year old….
    what i do for join officer job in army

    plz help me in full detail….

  90. sir theres something posting for army engeenieer for which you need 70% in p&m and 70%in the whole
    can you tell me more…
    i am in 12th sci

  91. sir i am doing plus two this year. i want to write NDA exam but i have missed test that held on Sep 27, 2015. Is there any opportunity for me to take up NDA exam. I will sitting for plus two board exam in MARCH 2016. KINDLY REPLY

  92. iam 18 years old and iam studing 11 in computer science group
    ..after 12 th what to study to become as a captain in indian navy

  93. I am on first year engineering computer science I have an interest in working for Indian military . sir , what do u suggest ??

    • Deepak, if you are within the age limit of 19 years, you may use NDA entry. Otherwise you may appear for CDS exam while in final year of Engineering course or after completing it.

    • Pritam, you may appear for NDA examination right now. Else, you may also appear for CDS examination while you are in final year of B.Sc. program or after finishing the course.

    • Vivek, take Science stream with Physics and Mathematics subjects after 10th. After you cross age limit of 16.5 years, you may appear for NDA examination. Remember to set Indian Navy as your first choice.

  94. Sir,thanks fr replying fr my previous question.i have few more much Mark is required for joining army and will I have to join ncc training or anything else ?

  95. Sir,i am in class 12 right now PCM. I have given NDA exam but i think won’t be able to clear that exam.Sir what should i do now to get selected in indian army.

    • Sunil, if you don’t clear it this time, you may reappear, as long as you are within the age limit of 1 years (at the time when the course starts). Otherwise you may go for Graduation course and then apply for CDS examination after finishing that course or while appearing in final year of that program.

  96. Sir thank u fr commenting my above question sir and i would also like to ask few more questions much marks is needed for entering this army and will I have to join any ncc like that…or any pre physical training is required..???

  97. Sir, I want to join the army. I am studying in 12 th science. And 18 years old.There’s some guidance from you, I want to be an officer ………

    • Amrender, take up any Graduation course and complete it. After that, appear for CDS examination. This will help you join Indian Army as a Commissioned Officer.

  98. sir,
    i want to join indian army but i’m a girl of age 16. My aspiration is to serve india in some i suggested to join indian army ..i want to know the way and what are all the exams and training needed to be attende and the proper age for joining army..plzzzzzzzzzz irequest yoy to answer my question.

    • Supraja, you will have to pursue a 3 or 4 years long Graduation course after your schooling. After Graduation, you will have to appear for CDS examination. This will help you join Indian Army as an Officer. You may prepare for CDS written exam as well as SSB Interview.

  99. si,good evening.iam hanan kh.i have completed my plus two last age is 18.iam a qualification subject is biology to appear in nda exam.where is the following exam notification link in the website?do iam eligible for having any course?

  100. my brother is doing 12 in pcm..he fill the form of nda as an we dont know about the date of application form..plz tell us when application form come out..

  101. Sir iam a girl iam studing class 9th now after 12th i want to join in army job and I need the producer and qualifications about the job please sir. ..

  102. sir,i am smitanjeeb from orrisa…..i am secure 46% in 2 science &want to join indian army in a post that attend various entrance after join it &become an officer in futer

  103. Sir,
    Iam 18 Years old .now am studyind 12(Biology science )
    I WANT TO JION INDIAN ARMY because FIGHT Or DIE for ma country .
    But my parents are not Intrested ..but I want to join Army ….
    What I do after 12 th For join Army??


  104. Hello
    respected sir/madem
    i m a girl of 12th class nd my stream is medical nd my age is 18+ ,i want to b a part of indian navy nd want to get training also….!!nd by heart i want to serve my nation…!! 🙂
    can uh pls evaluate pls what i really need to do for all this..
    thank you.
    your’s thankfully
    shradha koul.

    • Shradha, pursue a graduation course after 12th. On its completion, you may appear for CDS exam and join Indian Navy.

  105. sir, I pass my 12th with 63% in arts i wants to join indian army but i also wants to do any course so please suggest me some courses related with my aim (ARMY).I am very confuse plzz help mee

  106. respected sir,
    i have completed class 12 , with ISC board by securing 90%. sir i want to join indian army .. sir will you please suggest me the steps , how to join INDIAN ARMY, INDIAN NAVY, or INDIAN AIR FORCE… sir plzz send me the link .
    Thanking you..

  107. Sir I have passed 10 The last year by97present and I like to join Indian army but I have a dought that I can not clear The physical test so what should I do

  108. Sir I have passed 10 by 98.09present but I have a drought that I must not be clear The fisical test so what should I do and my height is 5’9″ sir

  109. Sir What is the highest post in Great Indian Army . Sir I am in 10th class . Sir what subjects I take to becom the join Indian army Please tell me sir I am verry confused

  110. sir i want join armed force,i have done 12non med and as well as diploma in computer engg 2015 ,so i want join pls give me details so that i can work according to them ……
    thank you

  111. Arun sir , m frm gujarat . I completed my 12th sci. In 2011 after that i took long break frm study .. Now i want to join army . Is it possible ? If yes then how ?

    • Milan, if you are within the age limit of 19 years, you may try the NDA entry. Otherwise go for 3 or 4 years long Graduation course and then appear for CDS examination. This way too you may join Indian Army (as Commissioned Officer).

    • Meghana, CDS written exam has got a format. You may check out previous years’ papers or sample papers available online.

  112. sir,without going for a long graduation course can i join into army??or defence or any armed forces to serve country??

  113. sir,i am a female candidate aspired to join armed forces.i have completed my 12 in science with 92.4% in the year my age is 19 yrs 5 months.can i join as an army officer?if yes please leave a reply!

    • Meghana, go for any 3 or 4 year long Graduation course. After completing it, you may appear for CDS exam and join Indian Army as an Officer!

  114. Sir, I just passed out my 12th from PCB , so may I apply for any medical field in NDA and sir one more thing my maths is weak so can it will create any problm ???? I’m 17 & 6years……

  115. Sir, i want to join army but some problems are there loke i had a 50 % in10+2 and finicial crsisis are also be there.
    So can i join army.

  116. Sir I will appear for class 12 in April and results are scheduled till May ..but I am confident that I will clear the test ..
    So if I clear it in September could I join for ssb?

  117. sir i have cleared my class 12 science on 2014 and my age is 20 years and i want to join to an indian army so how can i join it sir..

  118. hello sir,
    I have to pass 12th in 2012 and I am interested to joining Indian army so please tell me how can I join Indian army.

    • Varun, the best way to join IAF is by appearing for NDA exam.Otherwise go for Graduation course. After it, you may appear for exams like CDS/AFCAT and join IAF.

  119. I am Steve.
    From Gujrat.
    I also want to be an Indian Army’s officer.
    I am studing in 11th science(Bio).And i wish that i could be the part of it.

  120. sir I am 22 year old and I m in 2nd year of graduation I want to join army but I does not know anything about the army joining system what ibdo first……

    • Santosh, while you are in final year of Graduation or after finishing it, you may appear for CDS entrance examination.

    • Pulkit, then you will have to wait until you finish Graduation or you reach final year of it. In that case you have CDS exam.

  121. sir
    I have got 53% Marks in 12th in pcm…i want to join indian army..what is the process…tell me know…and can i appaly for NDA examination.???

  122. sir
    I have got 53%marks in 12th in pcm
    ..I want to join Indian army . what is
    the process ..tell me know. ..and can i apply for nda examination.???

  123. sir i want to join army now i am studying in college 2nd yr after i finish i like to join what are the steps to follow

    • Shilpa, while in the final year of College or after finishing the course, you may appear for CDS examination.

  124. Sir, I want to join the army ,.I am studying in 11 th science. There’s some guidance from you, I want to be an officer ……… please tell me

  125. Ma bhe indian army ma ana chahti hu, abhe meri +2 hue blte nda ka tst graduation krke he de skte bt esa ni ho skta graduation na krke bhe ho jaye

  126. Sir I want to join indian army I am In class 10 and my real d.o.b is 28/9/1999 and in certificates is 28/10/2001 and I want to know that before 3 yearback I have got a leg fracture in my right leg but now I am physically fit from leg I can run jump and walk properly without any problem or pain in leg so sir I am eligible nda after class 12 sir plz plz reply and. Sir my height is 157cms from uttar pardesh

  127. Sir,
    I am join to indian army i sent you to my dob and percentage

    Date of birth 15/07/1997 and Percent= 74%

    I am computer enginer of DCA course

  128. Dear Sir
    My Daughter is in class 12 with Bio scheme, she is interested in doing MBBS in Armed forces medical college, Please tell me what she have to do for getting admission

    • Vijayan, she will have to appear for AFMC entrance examination and clear it in order to join and pursue MBBS program there.

  129. sir ,i have just cleared my +2 with 82% and now i am preparing for NDA,sir my question is that what to do in graduation with which subject?

    • Tusshar, you may appear for NDA examination right after 12th. In the mean time, you may go for any graduation course.

  130. hello sir…
    I have passed 12th (pcm) in this year 2015. I got 65% in pcm. I m 19 y old. sir I want to make a career in defence…

    • Piyush, you may go for Graduation Degree. While in its final year or after Graduation, you may appear for CDS examination and join Indian Army.

  131. sir iam a 12th biology science studying girl.I am craze to join our can I join our armed forces?Give me more details sir.

    • Tejkaran, go for Science stream. While in 12th or immediately after it, you may appear for NDA examination. Set Indian Army as your first choice.

  132. Hi,sir..I am in class 10 now and i want to join the indian army as an army officer.What should i proceed with.?.Pls reply.

  133. Hi sir ! I want to join BSF after 12th science . Now i am in 12 th science . after i pass 12th what will be process to give nda exam. Please help me !!!!

    • Akash, you may appear for NDA exam right after 12th Science or while in 12th. Just make sure that you are within the age limit of 19 years. While filling up the application form online, set Indian Navy as your first choice.

  134. Sir I am want to join navy and now I am in eleventh and I do my study with non medical so what I can do after twelth

  135. Can u tell me , my sister wants to join army. But he doesn’t like maths. So, can u tell me what she can do taking medical, what she can do , what are the choices for her. Please I shall be highly obliged if u can tell me.
    Further , if she does diploma , after that can she enroll in army and how. waiting eagerly for a reply.
    Thanks & regards

  136. Sir …i have completed my 12th in 2014 .and my age was 11 October 1995..that means i have completed 19 year 8 it is possible that .i am able to give NDA exam of 2015 for army officer?

  137. Sir …i have completed my 12th in 2014 .and my age was 11 October 1995..that means i have completed 19 year 8 it is possible that .i am able to give NDA exam of 2015 ?

  138. Sir…I have completed my 12th science with 93 persantage marks…..I want to be an indian army officer……what can I do for that

    • Niyas, go for any graduation course. On its completion, appear for CDS examination. Crack the exam and SSB Interview and you may join Indian Army as an Officer. If you are well within the age limit of 19 years, you may appear for the NDA examination right now and crack the exam and join the Indian Army as an Officer.

  139. Hello sir my name abhishek jha, i have 11th pass student and apparing form 12th my dream is join indian army so what can i do to slect indian army.My hight 05feet 08 eanch and my age 16 year so what can i do to slect indian army

  140. How many percentage for 12th exame to elegibilty for NDA admission ..
    What is procedure and elegibilty requirments..
    Jai hind..

  141. Sir at 1 thnxz….I am in 10th std. now and want 2 b an officer….my marks r very gud but I don’t want 2 enter in doctor or engineer rather serving my motherland…can I sit on JEE…aye mere pyare watan tujhpe dil qurbaan…

  142. Sir, I am passed class 12(h.s). I love India and Indian army. Me since student. Number is 409,81.8%. I join army officer any dipermant. Please sir I need to big help.

  143. sir,
    i did my diploma in instrumentation
    my age is 23 now born on july 1992
    can i join army please tell me whether i am eligible for any technical post..
    i am also open to be a field officer
    can u please recommend the entrwnce exams and the websites i shd look for
    i am eager to join the defense..

  144. Sir,i have passed 12th in 2012,then now i am 20 y old.
    Now i want to join any defence post,can i iligibal if any

    • Dushyant, you must complete graduation first. Then you may appear for exams like CDS, AFCAT and join Indian Armed Forces as an Officer!

  145. Sir, i finished my 12std this year and i got 65.5 % and I am 17year 7months old . can I eligible to join indian army and how can i apply for this

    • Iyyappan, you may appear for NDA entrance examination. Just set Indian Army as your first choice while filling up the form. After clearing the entrance exam’s written part, you will be called to appear for SSB Interview. On clearing the Interview and Medical tests, a final merit list will be created. If your name features on that list, you will be called up for training at NDA, followed by training at IMA. The, you will be inducted in the Indian Army as a Commissioned Officer.

  146. sir i have passed hsc scI with 55% which is very less…but i want to become army officer..I should go for plane bsc or honers in any subject ? which one is better ? to apply for army

  147. sir, i ve completed 11th(science) (intermediate) with 80% and i want to join indian army after the completion of 12th i just read the process but i just want to enter indian army directly is it possible?

    • Lakshmi, female candidates can’t join Army as Officer right after 12th (as Commissioned Officers). You will have to complete 12th schooling, take up a 3 or 4 years long graduation program and complete it. After that, you may join the Indian Army.

  148. Sir now am in class 12th with science stream( physics chemistry biology but not maths ) instead of maths I have Hindi . I want to know how to hold n indian army after class 12

  149. sir
    I hav completed my 12 this year.
    I am a science student vth PCB ..
    I scored 85% in 12 board
    I should go for plane bsc or honers in any subject ? which one is better ? to apply for army

  150. Sir,
    I hv pased 12th stn (sci) with 75% and m doing bsc wth major subjct am in now 3rd yr did i elegible for army
    Sir m vry much intrsded on army wil u plz tell me how cn i apply for army captain

  151. Sir,
    I hv pased 12th stn (sci) with 75% and m doing bsc wth major subjct am in now 3rd yr did i elegible for army
    Sir m vry much intrsded on army wil u plz tell me sir

  152. I want to join indian army because I want to become an Indian warriar to save my mother land. Sir am I eligible to be selected in Indian army officer post ?? I am 18yr old 12th class is on run so sir can I join ???

    • Yes, Vijay. I hope it is 12th Science stream that you are in. Just apply for NDA entrance examination and set Indian Army as your first choice.


  154. sir I passed 12in2015 with 65.6% marks in pcm
    can I get b tech degree after joining Indian armed forces,…?.????9

    • Tushar, you’ll have to apply for NDA exam while in 12th. Set Indian Navy as your first choice while filling up the form online. You will be called to appear for the NDA written exam. If you manage to clear the written part, you will be called to attend the SSB Interview, which is a collection of tests. If you manage to clear the Interview, Medical tests and manage to make it to the merit list, you will be selected to train at the NDA for 3 years. Then for 1 year, you will be given training at the Naval Academy and then inducted into the Indian Navy a a Commissioned Officer.

  155. My name is Sandeep Hembram I m 18 years old I just passed 2 this year in science stream I want to know is there any post after graduation in Indian army and I belong from ST caste is there any relaxation for me plz reply soon ….

  156. Sir i got 83.4% in 12th class.
    And i want to do nautical engenering there is any chances to get addmission in nautical engenering .

    • Saket, look for Institutes offering Maritime courses. In such Institutes, usually they offer courses like Marine Engineering and Nautical Science.

  157. sir i want to become an ARMY OFFICER . plz guide me i scored vry less in hsc 49.53% .
    Is der any chance of becoming an army officer . my DOB is 22/10/1997.
    i have given NDA exam also on 19th april 2015
    sir wanna ask wheTher my 12th marks affect NDA exam

    • Vivek, if you had Maths group in 12th, you may appear for NDA entrance exam. In case of Biology group, you may go for AFMC Entrance examination. Using any of the above mentioned exam, you may try joining the Indian Army.

  158. Arun sir..pls do reply to my question…. i really need your opinion because i shall be applying for the upcoming TES..

  159. Arun sir…pls reply to my question also…i really need your opinion on my question..because i want to apply for the upcoming TES.

  160. Hi sir I’m a girl and I want to joint Indian army I’m in 12 th std with sub PCB I m 17 year 5 month old but I can’t understand what to do

    • Kranti, since you are from PCB group, I suggest you to appear AFMC (Armed Forces Medical College) entrance examination. You’ll be trained to become a Medical Officer in the Indian Army!

  161. Sir, I would like to ask about my age limit
    My date of birth is 18-07-1996 can I give the upcoming NDA exam?

  162. sir, i had english, physics, chemistry, biology as my main subjects in class 12th but moreover i had maths and physical education as my additional subjects..and sir i want to apply for TES in army nd i got more marks in physical education then in maths,so in my overall class 12 percentage can i include the marks of physical education instead of maths?

  163. sir i am complete 10th and my height 179 cm and i have sight 1.5 both eyes when i should completed 12th can i eligible for INDIAN NAAVY

  164. Sir, If I am doing an course of engineering & after completing it can I apply to air force or army..???

  165. Hello sir,
    my dream eat is to be a part of India defence ,
    I have passed my 12th this year with 83% in PCM , so can you please notify and let me know Wat are the opportunities for me?

    • Sonu Kumar, you may join the Indian Army/Navy/Air Force. All you have to do is appear for NDA examination.

    • Sai, you may join the IAF after completing B Sc. You may appear for AFCAT examination after Graduation or while in final year of the program. If you think that you will be able to appear for exam and will not be more than 19 years of age when the course starts at National Defence Academy, then you may appear for NDA exam right now.

  166. sir,i have passed 12th exam in year 2015 with 87% (PCM) .sir t want to join indian army as a officer so how can i join indian army.

    • Anubhav, you may appear for NDA entrance examination. After clearing the written exam, SSB Interview and Medical tests, you will be able to get admission in National Defence Academy.

    • Arpit, NDA is for 12th based entry. CDS is for Graduates and students in final year of Graduation program.

  167. Dear Sir,
    I(female) have just appeared for class 12th exam, Want to pursue a career in defence as an officer. Can you please tell what options I have. What exams I have to appear and also about eligibility?

    • Smriti, you must graduate first. Pursue a Graduation course (3 years or 4 years long). While in the final year or after graduation, you may appear for entrance examinations like CDS/AFCAT and join Indian Army/IAF.

  168. Sir,what can I do for army officer plz plz sir tell me…. My education qualification – I have appear10th std.. this year

    • Khushi, I since you are female, you are not eligible for NDA entry. So, you can’t become an Officer in the Indian Army right after 12th. You may go for 11th and 12th schooling and follow it up with Graduation. After graduation, you may appear for CDS entrance examination and join the Indian Army.

  169. sir! i want to join Indian Army.. i hv appear for 12 std..this could i join Indian Army suggest me plz sir. And Sir my father is ex Army there any relation Bharti?

    • Gaurav, you may join the NDA after clearing NDA entrance exam and SSB Interview. In this way, you may become an Officer in the Indian Army.

  170. sir,i am bikram sarkar from kolkata. and i am in class 11…and taken science. sir since childhood i wanted to be a ary officer or a secret agency like RAW or DIA…but i dont know how can i be .? so sir please tell me how can i join indian armed force after 12. and what post is the highest in this age in army ??? my father is an ex army. so i wanna be also.. sir please tell me what i have to do to gain my aim ? plz sir reply me…. 🙂

    • Bikram, after 12th Science or while going through it, you may join the Armed Forces using the NDA entry mode. All you need to do is appear for the NDA entrance examination. You may also appear for entrance tests like CDS, AFCAT etc after Graduation, to join Indian Army or IAF as a Commissioned Officer.

  171. I had studied many comments posts n got wonderful awesome answers….

    sir i m Sushmita basumatary of 15+ in 10 std.. I HV a great dream of being army officer since I was in 5th std. I got to know everything from u.. BT sir I hd left a question.. dt is to join in army as an officer is running is compulsory. ..????
    actually I m not too good at sports.
    sir plzz rply me. I’ll b waiting

    • Sushmita, Army Officers need to be fit physically. Running will play a part during selection process also. I suggest you to improve your fitness levels.

  172. Sir, I Want to Join Indian army I have passed 10th class but l want to know what percentage require in 12thfor NDA entrance exam

  173. Hello sir, i have pass out my 12th by 45% i am 18y-6m old, sir i want to join indian army, sir plz guide me

  174. sir , i want to join in army .i completed my 12th after that i ‘ll try to complete my graduation too
    but after that i need best post in Indian army im commerce student

    • Poonam, first complete Graduation. Then you may make use of CDS examination to join Indian Army as an Officer.

  175. sir,now the army selection is going to start on June 3 in tamilnadu exam are based on 10th syllabus sir…but there is not about NDA exam sir …… please tell the difference between these exams??????

    • Aravind, making use of that recruitment mode, you can’t become a Commissioned Officer in the Indian Army. When it comes to NDA examination, after clearing the exam, you will be trained to become a Commissioned Officer in the Indian Army!

    • Rishi, finish graduation and then appear for CDS (Combined Defence Services) examination. You may also appear for this exam while you are in final or pre final year of graduation as well!

  176. I am going to study Phd after finishing that can I apply for CDS exam sir?????whether phd course is eligible for army or not????

  177. sir I am studying 2 year. plz tell me when was the NDA exam. where we have apply this exam. My no 9********6. I want join in Indian army

    • Aravind, after selection, you will have to undergo training at the National Defence Academy as well as the Indian Military Academy. After that you will be inducted as a Commissioned Officer.

  178. I’m in 12 sci ….I want to know that if I pass out from NDA did I need to appear entrance exam again in IMA..

    • Aravind, after NDA written exam, candidates who have cleared it are then called to attend SSB (Services Selection Board) Interview.

    • Bhavin, you want to become a Commissioned Officer in the Indian Army or are you interested in other non commissioned posts?

  179. tanx sir,then now recently NDA(1) exam got compeleted when is the next exam sir NDA (2) ???? and the questions are ask from which books sir????

    • Aravind, the 2nd exam’s written part is held on around August-September. Based on that you should look out for notification 2 months before the mentioned months.

  180. Sir i want to join army . my 12 % is 69.58 ,if there any chance to study medical courses throgh army. or give me some sugestions.

  181. sir,plz reply for my msg I’m Completed 12th with science in the yr 2014-2015 and waiting for my result dob is20/09/1997 sir,can I apply for NDA exam?????plz tell sir ,I love army…….

  182. sir,gud mrg,I have completed 12th in 2014-2015 and I’m waiting for my result and my dob is 20/09/1997 can I apply for NDA exam?????tell me plzzz…..

  183. Sir i have passed 12 th std with science stream in 2013{54%} and after that i have joined BSc in IT and in that field i have successfully passed first year but now i want to join indian army as an officer my dob is 04/01/1997 sir please show me the way.
    And please tell me the difference between commissioned and non commissioned officers and also i want to know wht is jco

  184. Sir I am 18 years old . I was born on 10 february 1997 .i have finished with my 12th exams a month ago and i am dropping one year for the preparation of iit . I want to do engineering after iit.will i be eligible for indian military academy as a soldier after this.

    • Satyam, after Engineering, you may join the Indian Military Academy after clearing the CDS (Combined Defence Services) examination.

  185. sir i am in 3rd yr in b.e in etc branch and my dob is 15/01/1993 how can i join indian army and what the criteria (marks) for it?

  186. thnk uh mam/sir..
    ur article helped me a lot.. but i want to ask one more ques.. i.e m in 12th science rgt now.. nd m little confused till now.. so can uh plz tl me that how mch % in 12th is necessary to apply for an army enterance exam..nd secondly m from dlhi.. nd i realy dont have any idea dat in dlhi where is the army institute .. i mean where us the army training inatitute .

  187. Sir,i wanted to join indian army i have completed my SSC and my diploma in engineering.Sir tell me how should i join and tell me about the process

  188. sir i live in nepal and want to join indian army officer as GORKHALI . I am appearing 12 final examination in science pcm within a month . If i am eligible, how shall i apply. dob 1997-10-9

  189. sir, i want to be a army officer plz help me sir what i will do i have over my +2 science now i want to be a army officer plz help me sir now what i will do to be a army officer i have no idea plz help me

  190. sir I am pcm student and this year exam completed of 12th in English medium……n how to join in Indian navy all the detail give sir……plz

  191. Sir,
    I am a 10th standard student, My aim is to join the Army and become a Brigadier.
    So, how can I be trained from the present to achieve my dream.
    Please tell me about all the necessary habits, behaviour, etc. To do so..

  192. sir,i’m studying B.Tech. 2 year…i’m intrested in INDIAN ARMY……how can i apply for it….but i’m not intrested in technical…can you plz give me a suggestion

    • Henry, appear for entrance examinations like- NDA, CDS etc, based on your qualifications and make your way into the Army as a Commissioned Officer!

  193. JAI HIND SIR..
    Sir,is there eny other procedure to koin INDIAN ARMY as an officer after 12th science except NDA??
    If yes then please inform me in detail…

  194. by coming april i will get 20 and also i have spectacle with 1.75 eyesight, iz any chance to become an indian officer.. if possible plz help me

  195. sir,
    i completed my 12th (with phy,che,maths) with at present i am pursuing 2nd yr (ece).but my aim to become an indian officer , so please help me

    • Harshit, if you are within 19 years of age, you may appear for NDA entrance exam and make it to the Army! But if you are over that age limit, you may go for graduation and upon its completion, appear for exams like CDS and make it to the Army!

  196. Sir,I am studying now in 10th. I wish to join in the army as an engineer after my 12th. How can I apply for it? Can i join by studying in 11th. If please send me the process. Which Engineering courses are there? What is the eyesight required. I corrected my eyesight by using spectacles can i join?

    • Samuel, you may join the NDA, because you are well within the age limit of 19 years. Do pursue 10+1 science stream and at the same time appear for NDA examination. But if you get selected into NDA, you’ll be taught B Sc course there. If it is Engineering that you are interested in, go for Army Engineering College.

  197. Sir, I’ve completed my 12 in 2012 with 72% nd was doing Btech from IIIT college.but last yr I left my graduation nd have dropped out from college and now I want to join indian army.Sir please suggest me….

    • Jatin, to become Commissioned Officer, graduation is a must! I suggest you to resume your B Tech Graduation and finish it first.

  198. sir,the information was very helpful but i have a doubt how to join indian army or any other armed forces as a computer asst,clerk etc after 12th standard.kindly answer my question thank u.

  199. sir, i am a student of class 11th pcb and i want to join indian army as an officer,so sir please give me some guidelines about it.

  200. Sir, i want to be a part of indian army as a officer i am in class 11th (pcm) my dob is 23 march 1999 should i fill a form to join NDA this

  201. sir i am very intersted in army and i have read ur i am in 11 th pcmb student in karnataka.dvg .
    sir plz send your personal phone number


  203. Good evening sir .I am a student of class 11 studying in army school i wish to inquire that if can do engineering(b.TECH) through NDA or is there any other option i can look for for doing engg in ARMY,NAVY or AIR FORCE i will be would be thank if do me this favor 🙂

  204. Good Morning Sir,
    Sir I am a class XII student appearing for Board exams in Feb. I am quite good in Academics ( 10th score: 94%; 11th score: 87%). And preparing for a good result in XIIth.
    Already cleared NDA 2 2014 written exam and waiting for SSB. My concern is that does Defence provides enough for a Commissioned Officer educationally? As in, if I am interested in further education after becoming an Officer, can I study? I aspire to be a highly educated man and at the same time I have immense passion for the Defence services.
    Waiting for your reply.

  205. sir i am studying in 11th std… i want to join air force in technical area just after 12th exam how can i join …except nda

  206. Sir,
    I am studying in 11th std. In kendriya Vidyalaya.
    I have PCB group..
    Sir should I change my Group to PCBM to become a Navy Officer. ?

  207. sir,i am 10 class passed (47%) and diploma (ECE) passedn this year of2014 , age 19.9 so eligialble join indian army

    • Pavithra, try NDA examination, if your age is within 19 years limit. Otherwise finish graduation and appear for CDS examination.

  208. my age 22 (gen)male I am stadying and e.e.e branch I am join Indian air force please notify me sir my address is the a.p stete s.P.s.r nellore distik manegumtapadu vil. 524366 pin number.

    • Krunal, in that case you may try NDA entry. The age limit is 19 years. Otherwise go for graduation (not necessarily Engineering) and appear for CDS entrance examination. In that way, you could get into Indian Army.

  209. sir i am in 2nd year in computer engineering
    sir i want to join army
    sir and i detained from clg this year
    can i drop the engineering and join indian army its possible

    • Krunal, it is better to finish graduation and appear for CDS examination. That way, you may join Indian Army as an Officer.

  210. Sir.. i read you was satisfactory
    useful infact
    my name is Sheikh Abid.. i am from Kashmir… i study in 12Th class and our exams are postphoned from november to march due to floods as u must be aware of that…
    i turned 18 this April and as per your blog i am eligible to appear untill April 2015
    i am having Science Medical stream but not Mathematics
    when are the exams??
    URl of any useful website sir?
    i need a elobrated answer
    i’ll be waiting sir … you have taken a great initiative…thank you

    • Sheikh Abid, since you are pursuing science medical stream, you may appear for AFMC (Armed Forces Medical College) examination. Upsconline site contains more information about it.

  211. Sir,, now i am reading + 1 science with physic and maths . so please tell me about i can join nda to next year. can i eligible to this test

  212. Sir my name is virendra mishra I am 18:10m old I am 12 pass 60% currently studying at Bca 1st year and I am interested in Indian army so what can I do?


  214. Arun sir, i am in 11th science but i hate maths so i decided that i will change my subject . i will that geography in against of maths . so what i do?

  215. Thank you so much sir.

    I wrote CDS last time and the GK asked was really tough.I will be wrtting CDS1 on feb-15.Apart from reading newspaper what should I read??

  216. Sir, I am very much dedicated towards INDIAN ARMY..ARMY is only my ambition, but willing to work in a call centre for about 2 months because I want to improve my language skills.Should I go for it.Does it makes any black mark on my carrier??

  217. Sir
    I have passed 10th with 78.77% in 2012/2013.I am studying 12th science (general group). My Dob is 20/08/1996
    I want to join in Indian army. How can I join plz give me some idea.

  218. Sir,
    I have got 76.44 marks in 10th. I want to join NDA. Right now i am doing 12th with arts subjects. what is the process ..tell me know. ..

    • Vijay Kumar, art stream students are not eligible to appear for NDA examination. You may appear for CDS examination after graduation.

    • Hemant, NDA entry is available. But there’s an age limit to it (19 years). Do try that if you are eligible. Otherwise try CDS entry, which you’ll become eligible for, after graduation.

    • Mahesh, I think it is 19, not 119! In that case, you may finish graduation and appear for CDS (Combined Defence Services) examination and this join Indian Army.

  219. sir. i am student of ( geology) at m.s university baroda and i want to join indian army at any way….soo plz give me tha right way to join indian army.

  220. Sir, I want to join the army. I am studying in 11 th science. There’s some guidance from you, I want to be an officer ………
    I really liked the Page

    • Raj, since you are in 11th, I suggest you to appear for NDA examination. Else, you may write CDS exam after completing any graduation course.

  221. sir ‘ i want to join indian army. i am studing in B Sc 1year(pcm) There ‘ s some guidance from you. i want to be an officers…………….

  222. sir,
    I am in 12 th std. (science) with subject (PCMB) and i am 17 year 6 month i want to join indian army but i cant understand what can i do ?

  223. Sir, I want to join the army. I am studying in 11 th science. There’s some guidance from you, I want to be an officer ………
      I really liked the Page

  224. Sir,as i tell u that i have passed 12th(PCM) with 64.8% in 2011 then completed Polytechnic diploma(computer science) in 2014.
    My d.o.b is 01Apr1993.
    Can i join indian army in any post, if yes then how?

    • Pinku, yes, you are eligible for posts of NCO Non Commissioned Officers, for sure. Watch out for job alerts that Armed Forces puts on their sites, on UPSC portal and on prominent NEWS Papers and employment related papers.

  225. Sir,i have passed 12th in 2011,then i have completed polytechnic diploma(computer science) and now i am 21y-6m old.
    Now i want to join any defence post,can i iligibal if any

    • Pinku, you may not be eligible to join the Air Force as a flying officer. However, there are other posts within Air Force, Army and Navy, which you are eligible to apply for.


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