Fake TATA Motors Interview Call Letter details

Last Updated on August 7, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar

Earlier, we published an article about how impostors posed as officials from Hyundai motors and sent out fake Interview call letters to job seekers. They managed to grab the contact details of job seekers through online portals like Nauri.com and sent them call letters demanding a refundable deposit before they are allowed to attend the interview. Sadly, more such impostors are active these days. Impostors posing as officials of Tata Motors were recently spotted sending out similar Interview call letters to the mail addresses of job seekers. I managed to get a sample of the mail and some other basic details regarding them. I thought of sharing it with my readers right here.

Just like the Hyundai Motors fake call letter, this one also demands the candidate to pay up a ‘Deposit amount’ (9,550 Rupees in this case) before they may attend the interview. Of course, this is a scam and once the payment is made, you will never hear from them again! Phone number of an HR Manager (Impostor of course!), Mr Shatish Yuvraj has also been provided in the mail. The last date of making the money deposit is 11th August (today!).

It is obvious that the impostors obtained the contact details of job seekers through Naukri.com. A reader of this blog sent me the details of the call letter, which he received after registering up on Naukri.com.

TATA Motors fake interview call letter sample
Click on the image to enlarge it

The scam doers have made much efforts to make this mail look as professional and legit-looking as possible. They have put up a nice little ‘TATA’ Logo on the mail sheet. A stamp has also been stamped just where the signature of the HR Manager is present. All this gives the letter an authentic look.

But if you read through the content, you’ll come across some spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. These errors show that this is not a professional call letter. Because, corporate houses make sure that the call letters are flawless and professional!

Then there is the deposit part. No MNC (Multi National Company) asks for a pre-Interview Safety Deposit to be deposited in their bank account.

And they also sent a ‘URL’ of their site along with the message. I happened to visit the url and couldn’t stop laughing since then! Their site was so pathetically and comically designed that no sane man can stop laughing at them!

Screenshot of fake interview site


First of all, the site has been scrambled up as recent as some 3-4 days before! It is hosted on Blogger. The site isn’t even self-hosted! It doesn’t even has a custom domain name. The impostors are unwilling to make any extra investment it seems!

You may check out the site that ‘TATA Motors’ maintains! Phew, seems like TATA Motors are so bankrupt that they can’t even afford to have a proper website!


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All these things indicate one thing- this call letter is made up, duplicate and is a defrauding one! If you ever happen to get such a mail or message, ignore it. And please do spread and share this piece of information, for it will be handy to many other job seekers.


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