Improve English speaking skills for SSB Interview

Last Updated on August 7, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar

Cracking SSB (Services Selection Board) Interview is not an impossible task. But at the same time, I must admit that it is a difficult one! With the right preparation and attitude, one can crack SSB Interview on the very first attempt too! ‘Confidence’ is one such thing that plays an important role, when it comes to performance of candidates in the interview. And confidence can be boosted, if adequate attention is given towards improving oratory skills, especially in English language. This article will help you hone your English speaking skills, keeping SSB Interview in mind.

SSB Interview and English language

One can’t be a fluent and confident speaker in a day or two. The process of honing your linguistic skills takes some time. I urge readers to take English language seriously quite some time before the date of the interview.

The methods involved in this article are direct and effective. All it takes to reap benefits is by constant practice.


Improving English language for excelling in SSB Interview


#1 Reading books

This is the best way to get in grip with the language. Reading books, novels and other literary materials will ensure that you come across new words, structure of sentences etc. This will obviously improve your vocabulary.

It is recommended to keep a dictionary handy, while going through such reading sessions. When you come across a new word, jot it down and find out what the word means, in your local language.

If you go on learning new words, their meaning and their use, your speaking and writing skills in English language will see a boost!


#2 Grab NEWS and Current affairs in English

Are you still reading NEWS from local language papers? Well, in order to improve English speaking skills, it is recommended to read English NEWS Papers. Papers like The Hindu, Times Of India are good ones.

Make sure that you read such papers, which are published in English. Also, watching NEWS channels that use English language is also a good strategy.

This method also improves your vocabulary and sentence formation skills. At the same time, you will be able to keep up with the latest NEWS, happenings and Current Affairs, which is vital while appearing for SSB Interview!


#3 Try to speak in English with friends and family

This is a way to speed up your progress. Why do kids born in western countries speak English fluently right from young age? It is because English is their mother tongue. They speak English each day.

To master the language quickly, there is no better way than to speak it, daily. Make it a point to converse with family members and friends in English.

At first, it may sound awkward. But believe me, it is the best way to progress quickly.


#4 Use the ‘Mirror strategy’

Suppose you have no one to talk to, in English. In such cases, you may always stand in front of the mirror, and start a conversation/discussion with your reflection in the mirror! Make sure that the conversation is in English!

You may also grab a NEWS paper, sit in front of the mirror and narrate the main headlines and NEWS to your reflection, in your own words.


#5 Make use of spoken English classes

If you want results quickly, then going for professional help is also a good solution. In such cases, do take help of reliable Spoken English classes.

Before joining a class, make sure that you give adequate attention to their study material, quality of staff, experience of existing students etc.


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#6 Making use of online tools

There are number of free sources and sites out there, that share free tools and study material, which will help you hone your English language skills. There are premium services too available, online.

Also, mobile apps like come handy, for mastering English language. Such resources are handy to those, who are constantly on the move. Especially working men, who plan to crack SSB Interview, may make good use of such tools.

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