Top 10 websites (job portals) to find good jobs in India

Last Updated on August 7, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar

Finding a decent job after graduation has become a very tough task these days. Not only fresh graduates, even working professionals are finding it difficult to find new and better jobs despite having working experience! A number of reasons like recession, job market saturation etc have been responsible for this trend. Whatever the reason is, freshers have been the worst hit of the lot! Job portals have been of much help to people, when it comes to finding jobs. Not all job portals are good. Some of them have been filled up with bogus job listings and are littered with fraudsters! In this article, I’ve listed some of the best job portals, which will help graduates and working professionals from India in finding a decent/better job!


Before we head to the main article, let us take a look at the main factors that have made job hunting a difficult task. Here we go-


Why finding a decent job has become difficult?

First of all, we can blame it on the recession. The big bad recession’s after effects are still lingering on. Many business sectors were hit badly by the recession. They had to resort to cost cutting measures so that they could survive. Thanks to such measures, many professionals lost their jobs. And still, while recruiting people, businesses tend to be more choosy and careful. Many firms have also cut down on their recruiting activities. This has resulted in a steep decrease in the number of job openings. Naturally, this has made job hunting pretty difficult for graduates and working professionals alike!


Then comes job market saturation. There are so many graduates passing out from Colleges each year that it more than the actual demand. I mean, the supply of graduates is more than the demand for them! As a result, many graduates are unable to land good jobs. Many of them are forced to take up not so well rewarding jobs!


Why fresh graduates have been the worst hit?

Recruiters these days refrain from signing up freshers. Freshers have little to no working experience. Companies are unwilling to invest towards the development of such freshers. They look for experienced professionals who could fit right into their system. As a result of this trend, it has become quite difficult for freshers to land decent paying jobs! In other words, they have been the worst hit section!


Now, let us head to the list of websites that are well known in India for providing excellent job listings and other job hunting related services. Please note that the list has not been ranked in ascending or descending order.


Top job portals for landing good jobs in India-












Those were the top 10 job portals that I was talking about. They are popular and trusted by people from around India. These sites will be of help to fresh graduates as well as working professionals. Freshers will be able to get in touch with recruiters and thus land a decent job right after graduation. Working professionals will get an opportunity to showcase their skills and thus land a better job post using these sites.


Also read: High salary jobs in India

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One may land both Private sector as well as Government sector jobs using these sites. To make use of the above mentioned job portals, one need to register on the site and complete ones profile. It is very important to fill the profile completely and correctly. Make sure that you enter your key skills and educational qualifications while filling up the profile. It is based on this collection of data that these sites provide you with relevant job lists!

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