B.Sc. Hardware & Networking

Last Updated on August 3, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar

In this article, we will have an in-depth analysis of B.Sc. Hardware and Networking course. It is a job oriented Bachelor of Science Degree course. This article covers topics such as – eligibility, course details, colleges, admission, syllabus, PG courses, careers and salary.

B.Sc. Hardware and Networking is an undergraduate level program. To be precise, it is a Bachelor of Science course.   The academic program is 3 years long. Students who have completed 10+2 from a recognized board are eligible to pursue this course.   Here’s an overview of B.Sc. Hardware and Networking course –

  • Name of the course: B.Sc. in Hardware and Networking
  • Type of course: Bachelor of Science Degree
  • Duration: 3 years
  • Eligibility: 10+2 passed (Arts, Commerce or Science) from a recognized board

What’s this course all about? What’s the course content like? What’s the scope associated with this course? You will find answers to these questions in the next section.

B.Sc. Hardware and Networking: Basic Details

As the name suggests, this academic program focuses on IT hardware and networking.   Before heading to terms like hardware and networking, we must first understand what IT is! IT stands for Information Technology.   IT is all about creating, storing, securing, retrieving and converting information. In order to perform these tasks, we need IT systems.   IT systems mainly comprise of software, hardware, networks and databases.   It is evident that hardware and networking plays an important role in creating, maintaining and operating information systems.   In simple terms, networking means interconnecting two computers for facilitating transfer of information between them. The medium used for connection could be physical (for example using wires) or wireless.   B.Sc. Hardware and Networking course trains students in the following areas –

  • Networking protocols
  • Installing networks
  • Configuring networks
  • Operating networks
  • Maintaining networks
  • Network security

Let us take a closer look at the course details. Here they are –

Course Details

Type of course

It is a Bachelor of Science Degree course.


The academic program is 3 years long.


10+2 pass from a recognized board.


There exists many Government and Private colleges across India offering this course. Government colleges charge relatively lower fees than their private counterparts.


Reputed institutes rely on merit based admission process. Such institutes make use of relevant entrance test to select deserving candidates. Some institutes are also known to conduct their own qualifying test in order to select deserving candidates.

Also read: Complete list of professional courses after 12th

IT Courses after 12th

Hardware and Networking courses

B.Sc. courses after 12th

B.Sc. Computer Science

B.Sc. IT

  Some other institutes are also known to conduct direct as well as donation based admission process.


Fees charged for the academic program may vary from one institute to another. Course fees depends upon the following factors –

  • Type of institute (Government, Private, Aided etc)
  • Location of the college
  • Status and rating of the college
  • Scholarship status (of student, if applicable)

Government colleges are known to charge low fees. Average fees in private colleges could be anywhere between 60-100K INR per semester.


Here are some of the important subjects present in B.Sc. Hardware and Networking curriculum –

  • Networking protocols
  • Installing networks
  • Configuring networks
  • Operating networks
  • Maintaining networks
  • Network security
  • Basics of Information Technology

PG courses and higher studies

After completing the academic program, graduates may take up a job or go for higher studies. Notable PG courses are –

  • M.Sc. Hardware and Networking
  • M.Sc. Networking Security
  • Other relevant M.Sc. programs
  • MBA programs

Career prospects

IT firms and/or firms reliant on IT systems are the prime recruiters. In such firms, hardware and networking professionals may don the following roles –

  • Network Engineer
  • Network Technician
  • IT Engineer
  • System Security Specialist
  • IT Administrator
  • System Manager


Starting salary of an IT hardware and networking professional depends upon a number of factors. Some of the prominent factors are –

  • Institute from which the candidate completed the course
  • Level of education (UG, PG etc)
  • His/her specialization
  • The domain he/she has chosen
  • Job location

On an average, starting salary could be anywhere between 20-50K INR per month. In case of a Government job, the salary will be as per the pay scale and grade.

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