Are You Struggling to Find the Right Niche After 12th? Read This!

Last Updated on July 24, 2023 by

Hi readers! Are you struggling to choose the right niche after 12th? If yes, this guide will be of help to you. Here, I’ve provided some useful tips and links to some useful articles.

Choosing the right niche and path after 12th is an important task. The path you choose after 12th will play an important role in determining the trajectory of your career.   Choosing the right course after 12th is not an easy task! To begin with, there are so many professional courses out there! Choosing a good course from among them is very confusing.   Here are some common factors that add to the confusion of students –

  • Lack of planning among students
  • Lack of information about courses among students
  • Peer pressure
  • Parental pressure
  • Lack of quality career guidance at schools

  First of all, most of the students are not serious about their career from an early stage. They have this laid-back attitude and ‘follow the herd’ mentality. Our education system also is partly responsible for this!   The present education system is not very stimulating. It doesn’t help majority of the students find and pursue their ‘passion’!   Second thing is that students are not very informative about the list of professional courses available in front of them. Most of them are just knowledgeable about commonly pursued courses such as Engineering, Medicine, B.Com., BA etc.   If they know more details about various courses, it will help you make an informed choice.   Then comes things such as peer and parental pressure. Majority of students cave in to pressure from friends and parents. They choose a professional course that their friends or parents ask them to pursue!   Last but not the least, the career guidance scene in Indian Schools is not very good! Most of the schools don’t have adequate career-guidance facilities! Teachers are focuses on teaching only. They are not adept at career counseling!   I’ve assembled a group of guides useful to 12th passed students on Apnahangout. Here they are –

  Using the above mentioned guides, students may get to know details about more and more professional courses. This will help them make a better and more informed choice!   Other than that, students may take aptitude tests and find out disciplines ideal for him/her! Seeking career guidance from qualified experts will also be very beneficial!

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