Law course+Management; Law course after MBA/BBA/BMS

Last Updated on August 5, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar

Law and order plays an important role in our day to day life. The reason why our society functions properly is due to the presence of a good law and order system. This sector has been providing employment opportunities to many people since a long time. In this article, I will write about Law course that one may do after Management courses. Management and law are two such fields, which when combined, will help one build a rewarding career. Let’s go check out all the necessary details-


Why combination of management course and law course is good?

Independently, Management and Law are two good fields. Looking from career prospects’ point of view, both sectors are promising. With the right set of skills, one may land well paying job and scale up career ladder pretty fast! Management field traditionally offers ample amount of job opportunities in the Private sector. On the other hand, LL.B. course provides good amounts of Private as well as Government job opportunities. Now, let us check out what the combination of both these courses can bring about.


By doing LL.B. after any Management course, one is merging two very important skill sets! One course helps instill management related skills in a student. The other course helps him/her become knowledgeable about the Law Education, Legal System, Constitution etc of India!


These two skill sets, when combined, makes a candidate much more valuable to corporate houses and businesses. Yes, after completing LL.B. course after management course, one may take up a Government sector job. But, private sector job opportunities are much more appealing and rewarding.


You see, most Corporate houses have a dedicated Legal team. Such Legal teams consists of senior law professionals as well as freshers. Having both management skills and LL.B. Degree will make one a valuable addition to any such team!


Some corporate houses and business firms don’t have a dedicated Legal team to aid them. They usually hire Lawyers or take help of Legal Consultation groups. After completing the above mentioned courses, one also may take up job in a Consultation firm or become a Private practicing Lawyer!


Now, let us check out some course combinations that one may try out, if one wants to follow up management degree with a Degree in Law.


#1 BBA+LL.B.

You see, LL.B. course can’t be pursued right after 12th! To pursue LL.B., one must be a graduate. One may also go for Integrated Law course. I’ve already written an article about Integrated Law course. Please do check it out to find more details about that course.


Also read: Integrated Law courses after 12th (Detailed Guide)


BBA is a 3 years long management course. It stands for Bachelor of Business Administration. It is an Undergraduate program. So, on completion of BBA, one is eligible to pursue LL.B.! So, after completing 3 years long BBA Management program, one may go for 3 years long Law (LL.B.) course. So that will take up a total of 6 years to complete both these courses. If one want to save time, then one may go for BBA LL.B. Integrated course, which lasts for a period of 5 years! Also check – courses after 12th arts.


#2 BMS+LL.B.

Like BBA, BMS is also a 3 years long management course. BMS stands for Bachelor of Management Studies and it is an Undergraduate program. On its completion, one becomes eligible to apply for and pursue LL.B.


#3 MBA+LL.B.

MBA stands for Master of Business Administration. It is a 2 years long management course. Unlike the above mentioned course, it is a Post Graduate program. So, to get an MBA Degree in the first place, you must be a Graduate! So, naturally, after MBA, you become eligible to pursue LL.B.!


Why go through the pain of pursuing MBA, which is a PG course, you might ask. It is because of the fact that an MBA Degree is much more valuable than BBA or BMS! Especially MBA specializations like Taxation and Business Analytics, when combined with an LL.B. Degree, will make one a very valuable asset that any Corporate giant would like to have!


Another interesting combination is the Integrated MBA LL.M. course. But LL.M. (Master of Laws) course can only be pursued after one completes LL.B. course. So, to go for MBA LL.M. Integrated course, one must be a Law Graduate in the first place. But this Degree combination holds much more value than any of the course combination mentioned above.


Also read: Top LL.M. specialization



MBLA stands for Masters Degree in Business Laws and Administration. It is a 2 years long course. So, before one could pursue it, one needs to be a Graduate in any Discipline. This course covers Business Law topics as well as Administration topics well.


MBLA is a fantastic course. It involves various concepts of business and management like taxation, foreign trade, property law, corporate law, banking law etc!


Also read: Law courses after 12th and after Graduation (Detailed Guide)

Law entrance exams


Some other courses that covers topics of Law, Management, Administration and Business are- 1 MBL (Master of Business Laws). It is a 2 years long program. Both online and regular academic programs are offered by Institutes around India. Graduates from any Discipline (from a Recognized University) are eligible to pursue this course. 2 Post Graduate Diploma in Corporate and Business Laws. It is a one year long program. Graduates from any Discipline (from a Recognized University) are eligible to pursue this course. Apart from the above mentioned Degree and Diploma courses, Certificate courses in Business Management are also available for Lawyers. Such courses are tailor made for Law professionals and the duration is generally around 12 months.


Career scope, salary and types of jobs

After completing management course as well as Law course, job opportunities awaiting graduates are many! They may venture out into Public sector as well as Private sector, for jobs are available in both these sectors.


Corporate houses and Big Business firms are the prime recruiters. One may take up a job in their Legal team and steadily scale up the career ladder.


Starting salary is generally around 20-30k Rupees. This figure, to a large extent, depends upon the profile of the Employer.


Some common job posts available after completing any of the above course combinations are-

  • Corporate Lawyer
  • Taxation Specialist
  • Law Consultant
  • International Business Law Specialist
  • Property Lawyer
  • Business Facilitator
  • Merger and Acquisition Specialist
  • Industrial Law Specialist


One may also start up a consultation firm that especially caters to Businesses and Corporate entities. Apart from the above mentioned jobs, one may also try out the classic Lawyer’s job too, practicing under someone else or starting private practice!

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4 thoughts on “Law course+Management; Law course after MBA/BBA/BMS”

  1. hi,thanks for your advice i have recently completed my 1 and i m confused which option to take bms from du or bba llb from nlu as i m nt able to identify my particular in either of the cource since time is running out fast i would like to get a reply as early as possible

    • Nikita, I’m not knowledgeable about the Universities and the quality of their academic programs. You’ll have to do some research and arrive at a conclusion by yourself.


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