Marine Engineering Diploma course to do after Mechanical Engineering

Last Updated on July 31, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar

Mechanical Engineering is a Core branch of Engineering. It being a core branch, Mechanical Engineering graduates may later select other areas of specialization. Marine Engineering is one such area in which Mechanical Engineering graduates may specialize. Graduates may pursue a Post Graduate Diploma course and become Marine Engineer. In this article, I will provide all the necessary details that a Mechanical Engineering graduate/student will ever need (if he or she is interested in becoming a Marine Engineer). I will provide basic course details, eligibility criteria, educational qualifications required, career prospects etc.


First of all, let us check out reasons why you should go for this PG Diploma course after graduation.

Advantages of pursuing the PG Diploma course

First of all, Shipping Industry is a thriving sector. Marine Engineers are in huge demand. Though Mechanical Engineering is a core branch, it is getting heavily saturated with each passing year. Job opportunities are available for Mechanical graduates, but many job openings are not well rewarding.


After pursuing this Maritime PG Diploma course, graduates may go on and become Marine Engineers on Merchant Navy ships. Marine Engineers are in huge demand and are well paid! So, landing a decent job not only becomes easy, but a good salary package is also ensured after pursuing this PG course.


Apart from the great start, there exists scope for fast growth, when it comes to the career ladder! With time, after gaining more and more sea service duration, one may rise up the ranks and even become a Chief Engineer on a Merchant Navy ship!


Now, let us check out the basic details about this PG Diploma Maritime course-


Basic course details

This is a pre sea training program for Graduates. At the end of the course and after going through 6 months of mandatory sea service, successful candidates are provided Class 4 Marine Engineer Officer Certificate of Competency. Once a candidate gains this certificate, which is issued by the Ministry of Shipping, he/she may work as a Marine Engineer on Merchant Navy ships in any part of the World.


Course duration

This PG Diploma course is 1 year long. It is a residential program, where equal importance is given to theoretical and practical knowledge.


Educational Qualifications required

  • Since this is a Post Graduate Diploma program, only graduates are eligible to apply. Candidates must have passed Mechanical Engineering program from a Recognized Institute.
  • Candidate must also have scored at least 50% marks in the final year of Engineering.
  • Minimum marks required in case of English subject is 50% (in 12th standard).

Age limit

The maximum age limit is 28 years (at the time when the course starts).


Medical standards

Candidate should not be suffering from color blindness. Unaided vision in each eye should be 6/12.


Job opportunities and salary details

After finishing the course and completing 6 months sea service, candidates may join Merchant Navy ships across the World as Marine Engineers! With time, after clearing further tests and gaining more sea service experience, one may even become Chief Engineer on a Merchant Navy ship!


Also read-

B.E./B.Tech. Marine Engineering details

Merchant Navy courses in India

GME course

GP Rating course


Salary specs overview
Starting salary may differ, depending upon number of factors such as- profile of the employer, quality of the Institute from which the course has been pursued, Grades attained in training program etc. Generally, the starting salary is between 40-60k Rupees per year.


The most common job post available is that of Marine Engineer (base class at first). After gaining more sea sevice period and clearing further aptitude exams, one may rise through classes and gain rank promotion.


After retiring, one may even take up the job of a teacher/instructor at training Maritime training Institutes! One may also start consultancy service!

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