Used/Second hand GTU Engineering books buying guide

Last Updated on April 10, 2022 by

Engineering students these days believe in buying used/second hand books. It is actually a brilliant idea. Doing so, students can save money. And most of the times, the content on the latest edition of the book and the older versions are more or less the same! In such cases, buying books at half the price from a senior is much beneficial than buying brand new books from a store! Here, I’ll share with you some very handy tips regarding purchasing used Engineering books. These tips are especially meant for GTU (Gujarat Technological University) students.



Buying second hand/used Engineering text books: Guide for GTU students-


#1 Check whether the book in question is excessively outdated or not

In the opening paragraph, I mentioned that the latest edition books and the older versions have less difference between them. But if the book is too old, say more than 3 years old, then expect it to have some significant changes from the latest version.

If the book you are planning to buy from a senior is overly outdated, then abandon that plan. Studying from outdated sources is not the best of ideas to score well in GTU exams.


#2 Make use of the best source of used books

Gone are the days when you could obtain good quality used books from the seniors of your College only. In those days, they had the upper hand in the dealings and could charge more for the books. An unfair advantage for them!

But things have changed now. Many stationery store operators and book store owners have also opened up to the idea of dealing in the field of used books too.

So, there are many sources from which you may get used GTU Engineering books! For example- book stores, from seniors, from online portals like OLX and Quikr etc!

Before buying a book, go through all these sources, compare the price at which the books are offered on each platform, check the version and edition of the book and come to a conclusion according to the stats considered by you.


#3 Give attention to the resale value of the book

When you buy a text book, it is not there to stay with you forever. Unless you are going to prepare for some competitive exams or are going to fail in exams, you will most probably sell off that book after the semester ends!

One should keep that fact in mind while purchasing used books. ‘Resale value’ is something that should be given much attention! Based on the reviews and popularity of a book, its resale value can be estimated.

Buying a book with good resale value will ensure that you have a good time selling the same books to other students and earn decent money from the deal!


#4 Condition of the book

Obviously, the physical condition of the book should be given much importance to! A torn and worn out book will make life difficult for you. You’ll have a hard time reading those books, thanks to pulled out papers! Further, in case of deformed books, resale value often takes a nosedive!

Unless you are interested in wasting money mending and repairing books, don’t consider buying used Engineering books that are in bad condition. Yes, if the book in question is too difficult to obtain, then proceed and buy it, whatever its physical condition be like!


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#5 Buying in bulk is better!

The main advantage of buying Engineering books in bulk is that it helps you avail extra discounts and advantages! While buying used books from a source, try to buy all the books pertaining to that particular semester, instead of buying just a couple of books.

Also, referring your friends to that source will help you earn a commission or extra discount!

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