7 Genuine Ways to Make Money Online

Last Updated on August 3, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar

The concept of making money online is very lucrative. Most people visualize online money making to be very easy and effortless. They want to earn more money but are willing to put in minimum effort. Let me make it clear that making money online is not easy as it seems. Actually, a good amount of skill and knowledge is required if you want to make a decent income by working online.

genuine make money online tips

The attitude of most people towards online jobs needs to change. People look for an easy source of money online. It is safe to say that most of them are a bit ‘greedy’. There are many crooks waiting to take advantage of such ignorant people.

What I’m trying to say is that before you read this article/ any other article related to making money online, you must realize that earning money online is not easy. It requires hard-work, skill and knowledge to do so. Making money online is not impossible, but it is not as easy as you imagine.

If you are more interested in ‘easy money’, then I guarantee that sooner or later you will become a victim of one of the thousand scams going on in the name of easy online jobs. Before you take up any job online, make sure that it is legit. There are tons of scam sites waiting for new scape-goats.

So, if you are still interested in my article, then I will introduce to you some genuine and best ways to make money online. What you need to do is hard-work. And always remember this line- there are no free meals!

#1 Make money on Vimeo

Vimeo, like YouTube, is a video, is a video sharing website. Users can view and upload videos on Vimeo. Like YouTube, Vimeo gives its users and opportunity to make money from their videos.

Vimeo allows users to make money from their videos in three ways- Vimeo on Demand, Tip Jar and Licencing videos.

Vimeo on demand is available only for PRO users of the site. According to this plan, the creator of the video can sell their video with the help of various Vimeo tools. Creator of the video gets 90% of the revenue generated from the sale.

Vimeo has partnership with Getty Images, the popular media company. Getty Images wants good quality media for its clients. Vimeo basically acts as a platform where its users and Getty Images can work out a deal. So, if Getty Images is interested in your video footage, you can earn money by selling it or by other different means.

The third method of earning money using Vimeo is by using Tip Jar feature. This feature is available to Vimeo Plus and Vimeo PRO users. The Tip Jar enables the video creator to receive small tips and contributions from viewers.

#2 Make money from Fiverr

Fiverr is like a freelancing site. You can get and offer various services on Fiverr. The minimum cost of any job is 5$. To earn money from Fiverr, you got to have some skills. There are many categories and sub-categories of works available on Fiverr.

All you have to do is visit Fiverr.com, register (registration is compulsory), and look for jobs in categories where you are skilled enough.

Don’t think that the payment always low (5$). The money earned depends on the type of work. Earning may increase as high as 200-300$ depending upon the nature and type of work needed to be done.

#3 Make money by selling domain names

Registering a domain name is not very hard. All you have to do is visit a good registrar site and check for the availability of the desired domain name. If available, register it!

Later, you can earn a profit by selling the domain to someone else. All the domain names that you buy can’t be sold. To get sold and earn a profit, the domain name must have some value. The domain name must be of interest to brands and businesses.

Not everyone can expect to excel in this job. Those who have the ability to identify domain names whose demand would increase in future can make good money in this field.

#4 Open an E-Store

Opening an E-store/shop is not that difficult nowadays. There are many online services dedicated towards creating and maintain E-stores. Buildabazaar.com is one such service.

By opening an E-Store, you can merchandise local products. I’ve read about some interesting E-store ventures. Some of them are- an online store selling Indian pickles, an E-store that supplies fish from Kerala to as far as Delhi!

These are all success stories. So, if you have any unique local product/delicacy to sell, it is not a bad idea to start up an E-store. Setting one up is not difficult. Leave it for the professionals to do. Good amount of money can be generated if E-stores are managed properly. The above mentioned success stories are proof of this statement.

#5 Genuine data-entry and writing jobs

I normally don’t recommend this online job. The reason is that there are so many fraudsters operating in this field. Usually, they demand an initial investment before you can start working.

Most of the times, the ones who demand an initial payment are frauds. But there are some genuine companies out there who hire people for typing and data entry jobs.

This job is particularly suitable for housewives. The only requirement is basic computer skills like typing and editing documents. But before you take up any data entry job, make sure that it is a legit company. A little Google research of the company will do the trick and let you know about the company’s reputation.

#6 Sell E Books and exclusive study material

If you are a student (a pretty good one academically), you can make a digital version of your notes and study material like class notes, entrance exam preparation notes etc.

With the increased competition in exams and studies, such resources are in much demand. So, converting your notes into a digital format like E book is a good idea.

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E books can be sold online. Another good way to sell your exclusive content is to make it available for download at a certain price. In this way, your studies will go well and earn you some money too!

#7 Take part in competitions online

There are so many competitions being organized online each say. Competitions are organized by big companies, small businesses, blog, sites etc. Recently, one blog organized a logo design competition. The prize was 10,000 Rupees. So, it is obvious that online competitions involves cold hard cash! You may also check – Part time jobs for students.

You spend hours online each day. So, why not look for various competitions on various blogs and social networking sites like Facebook? Taking part is not at all harmful to your health!

These are some legit ways to make money online. Also go through this list of trusted sites to make money. Try the one that suits you best. If you are good at programming and coding, then there would be no dearth of work and money for you on Fiverr. If you are good at marketing and selling, then an E-store could earn you lots of money! It all depends on your skill and the hard-work you put in. Leave your valuable feedback in comments.

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1 thought on “7 Genuine Ways to Make Money Online”

  1. Yes quite a good and very easy ways to make money online will try a few any tell whether i made any money from these methods


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