8 simple tips to live a happy life

Last Updated on July 24, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar

How to live a happy and prosperous life? Many people ask me this question. Well, we get what we ask for. We reap what we sow. Living a happy and good life is an art. I’m not saying that I’m a lifestyle guru! But I know some basic things which will enable you to live a fulfilling life. Follow these basic steps and you are on your way to a happy life which you have always dreamed of.

First we need to change ourselves, our bad attitude, our negative habits etc. Change will follow soon. I can guarantee you that you will obtain great results if you follow these rules and tips sincerely. S let us read this article and start living a better life!

1 Self Esteem

Self Esteem

Self esteem is very important. If we have self esteem, it boosts our confidence. We shouldn’t feel that we are unwanted and have no importance. If you want to increase your self esteem, go out and help someone without expecting a reward, go out and feed a hungry man. You will feel better about yourself.

2 Avoid these negative traits:

Avoid them

Avoid negative traits like ego, jealousy, envy, dishonesty etc. Life becomes much better and simple if you manage to get rid of these negative traits.

3 Think Before you speak

Arguing people

Words have hurt more men than any weapons ever have. We should choose our words carefully before speaking. Wrong words can end relations and start a war between two countries. Think before you speak.

4 Indulge in Hobbies

Hobbies Magazine

Is your life boring? Do you feel so? Why don’t you start indulging in your favorite hobby? Indulging in hobby helps us stay engaged and stay motivated.

5 Exercise at least 20 minutes a day


Many times we feel low and uncomfortable due to problems within our body. If we care for our body, the quality of our life will increase by many folds. Exercise for just 20 minutes a day and see the difference after a few months!

6 Learn to forgive

Forgive and get Forgiven

Sometimes it happens that we are mistreated by others. Many of us keep that event in our mind, plotting for revenge. Learn to forgive instead. We will end up winning many more friends by doing so.

7 Inculcate the following qualities:Right!

Discipline, persistence, patience, humility, courtesy and honesty- These qualities will help you achieve success and lead a great life!

8 Help the Poor

Feeding the hungry and poor

I’ve mentioned this before, by helping out anyone without expecting any returns, you develop self esteem. It feels great when you feed a hungry and poor man. Don’t expect any returns, just help someone.


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