Which Doctor Pros and Cons

Last Updated on August 5, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar

Do you want to become a Doctor? If yes, this article will be of help to you. Here, I’ve covered various pros and cons that are related to this career and most job security. You’ll be able to make an informed choice (regarding your career) after reading this article and best labor statistics.

doctor pros and cons

Many Indian students nourish the dream of becoming a Doctor. To become a Doctor, one must complete MBBS course. This course can be pursued by students who have completed 12th Science Biology group.

Every job brings with it a set of pros and cons. If you want to build your career around a particular niche/sector/area, it would be a good idea to dig up details about the work conditions, salary, work timings etc for a medical school.

Benefits of being a doctor in a medical school

The medical profession offers numerous advantages Listen to what makes MDs great in this profession. 2. Working in Medicine I am highly satisfied and when it comes to learning medicine it is a very rewarding field. Medical schools are just a starting point for your career. Doctors who practice for years often find new treatment options and new technology. “You have the best opportunity of doing something challenging and fulfilling,” she explains. She isn’t the only person with that feeling for medical college.

What are the disadvantages of being a doctor?

Before you choose to pursue a career, many things can arise involving physical health, stress and financial issues. Interest is a matter, but achieving it in its entirety is completely different. Do note some disadvantages as an doc. It is all worth having.

Tell me the advantage of being a doctor for medical students

The medical field has many benefits, as does the sport, engineering, and the arts. Doctors must study biology in order to be successful. Only after gaining extensive knowledge can you reap benefits from becoming a medical practitioner in a medical school.

Emotional Stress is one of the major disadvantages of being a doctor for a family life

Some who feel emotionally stronger aren’t coping well with the difficulties doctors face. The fight with patients for examination, care, monitoring, and treatment can be a distressing situation for doctors. Many medical professionals consider meeting patients’ families the most challenging challenge to break bad news. While some think the doctors do what is needed it is a more painful situation for the doctors themselves.


A doctor can try and treat patients and prevent disease, but some medical malpractice cases involve treating for profit by many patients and causing more harm to patients than preventing the patient from obtaining the medical care. And patients’ lives will be a risk to them. During such malpractice, the doctor faces lawsuits for not saving someone.

Long education period

Medical courses last between three to seven years and this is more than most other courses. You are required to work for internships at any university after graduating to gain a doctorate and enhance your career. This will take many decades to become qualified as a surgeon and medical assistant and your learning will continue throughout your life in a medical college.

Hectic schedule

The task can be difficult because of the longer and unpredictable working hours, particularly among surgeons. The shortage in doctor resources means that a doctor must consult more patients and this causes delays to appointments. Seasonal diseases usually come into hospitals and clinics and doctors must still work on helping more patients.


In the USA, medical institutions have reserved 25 percent of the seats for overseas candidates. Because demand in the local market cannot be satisfied and doctors need shortages, the choice to become a physician can be a useful career move in the case of people who want to move abroad. However, automation cannot provide medical services to the worldwide medical shortages and is just able to assist these individuals in a medical career. You have the right to study medicine from anywhere in America. You have legal status as an adult after completing this course, an important advantage of being a doctor.

Less physical labor

Doctor work is largely non-physical, and therefore doctors will be able to work effectively later on. Unlike white collar jobs for medical school, doctors enjoy a high reputation amongst people. There are no physical requirements required for medical training except for practice medicine.

High Salary

Generally speaking the median wage for doctor’s job varies from $190 to $9000. It depends on your expertise in orthopedic surgery, dentistry, cardiology, gynaecology or neurology. Neurologists generally get much more money than general physicians or family physicians and practicing medicine.

Job Security is one of the unique advantages of being a most doctors

Generally doctors do not get out of work but they can open their own clinics for patients. As a doctor, you can do almost any activity from any place you want. Even in remote or rural locations, you may have little experience in medical care.

Personal satisfaction

43% of doctors in America are satisfied with their service. Although it is a challenging profession treating sick people is satisfying for medical license. As a Doctor you will continue to gain knowledge and learn to serve our community.

Let us check out the pros first. Here we go –

doctor pros and cons



The main duty of a Doctor is to examine patients and treat them. Thanks to the nature of their work, Doctors are capable of helping people directly (through treatment) in labor statistics.

Helping people this way (directly) is very gratifying!


Doctors are revered and treated with respect in the society. It is not uncommon to see Doctors earn a special status and place in the society.


This career also provides monetary benefits along with work satisfaction and special status in the society. It is not uncommon to see Doctors earning huge salary at work setups like – government hospitals, private hospitals and own clinics.


Doctors have diverse job opportunities available in front of them. They may join work setups such as – government hospitals, private hospitals, clinics as well as NGOs. Self employment is another opportunity available in front of them in medical school.


Using their knowledge, Doctors may work for the benefit of needy and backward areas/communities. They have the power and knowledge to uplift the society.

Let us check out the cons now.



Becoming a Doctor is not an easy task. MBBS in the minimum qualification required to practice medicine in India. MBBS course is 5.5 years long. After MBBS comes advanced courses like MD, MS and super specialty courses.


Completing the above set of courses can take a long time (7-8 years).


Private Medical Colleges are very expensive. Government Medical Colleges don’t charge hefty fees. But thanks to fierce competition, it is very difficult to get into Government Medical Colleges for most doctors.


In the above point, I mentioned that it usually takes 7-8 years to finish MBBS and MD/MS. Technically, a Doctor is a student for life! He/she has to keep oneself up-to-date with the latest developments taking place in the healthcare sector.


Each passing day brings with it an advanced medical technology. In short, one must continue education (learning) even after completing the academic program.


It is not uncommon to see Doctors working for long hours. Many Doctors go through extremely busy and hectic schedules. Marathon surgery sessions, midnight emergency calls, community work – such activities keep Doctors busy for long hours in a many doctors.

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Patients’ life and safety rests in Doctors hands! It is a huge responsibility. Eye for detail and concentration are things a Doctor should have for many doctors. There is no room for error, when it comes to this profession (depending upon the specialty/specialization).



Points 3 and 4 combine to create lot of stress in Doctors’ lives. This often leads to burnout and tiredness. It is not uncommon to see Doctors having bad social and family life (due to their stressful work schedule).

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